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PrivatelVt King wrote to Baiidiii that all Van Diemen's

Land and the soiith-weBi coast of New South Wales were proclaimed part of the British Empire in 1788, and could not be occupied bj the French without breach of the friendly relations recently entered into between England and France. King was hound to oppose, with all tlit^ means at liis disposal, any such project as was imputed to the French. On the same day he sent full details to thej Secretary of State, announcing that he had lost no time ia | putting His Majesty's claims beyond dispute. He had ordered Bobbins to communicate with Baudin if he could fall in with him in Bass's Straits, "and whatever may l>e in contemplation, it cannot be performed by him. How far he may have recommended, it to the French (lovertimenfc I do not know. It seems by Colonel Paterson's information that they intend it» It ia my intention, a« »ooii Eis the Porpoise aiiives^ to despatch her with a small eatabliahment to the most eligible placio at 8torm Bay Passage, and one at Port Fliilljp or King's Isknd. Yonr Lord.ship'a inatructions on these points I shall be glad to receive as soon as possible*" Proud of his mission, Eobbins sailed in quest of and foiTiKl the French at Elephant Bay in King's Island, He had no sooner dehvered his despatches (inchiding some sent by King to Mr. Thomson, Staff Surgeon, who had been allowed to go as a passenger in the Natnndiste^'^ on his way tn England) than he landed, reared the English flag, Land with a rattle of mixsketry and loud cheers renewed the Fclaiin of Ins country to the invaded territory. Baudin, though offended, maintained a courteous demeanour. He wrote officially :^

    • L'arrivee du Cumberland m'aniutt surpris par le contenn do la 1

lettre que voua m'avex fait rhonaeur do m^ucrirOj si M. Robbins qui le commaiide, n'avoit par sa condiiite fait connoitre le vt^ritable motif pour lequel il a et<5 si precipitament expedie, mais pcut-etre il eat venu trop tard, ^ King to i^xord Hobart, 9th Nov. 1802 : " As I considered it netjeasary bto preclude Captain Flindera' present aurveya froni fcho moat distant possi* " lity of their falling into otber hands, I shall defer sending them . . . bat aa your Lordabip may expect some Rccoimt of liis progreaa, I shall prelate his verbal com muni cations to me." Thonison carrbtl thia doapatch* ' New 8outh Walea Correspondence, 20th Nov. liSQ3. VoL ii* [Dated * A IJord la Corvette la Giofjraphi'i Isle King, le 3rd Nivobg an lime, 23rd Dee. 1802. Le Commandtmt en chef 1 expedition de d^convertea a Monaieur le Gouverneur King au Port Jiickaon.'

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