< Page:History of Australia, Rusden 1897.djvu
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Sydney and at Newcastle. The establishment at Sydney,

like the brewery, was, far greater economy, leased after aj time* Like his predecessors King paid attention to agricultnri^J but he in reported to have eaid, like Phillips that he could not make farmers ont of pickpockets. In IBOl he made, and in 1804 he repeated, an Order! that— '*No pei-son wliatever ig to set lire to any stubljlc without giviug hi«l neiffhbours sntfitsient notice ; ami not thini until every person ia prepared! by liavijig their wbeat 8tacke<l and secureiL Shoiib! any person negleelJi this neceHsary regulation, they will, on conviction, be obliged to nioike good all lo8ae« anatained by such neglect. No persons whate^^er are to smoke pii>es or light firea near any wheat -st^ickB, public or private. From a statement:

  • ' muster in 1806 King compiled the following

Land held by— Bowa. Puture. Follow. ' TotU. 1 The Ciown », S2 Civil Offieei^.., 29Miiitarj^ and Xav^al Officers 329 holding various allotments up to and inclnding 30 acres each 56 from 30 to 50 acres ... 1 43 from 50 to 1 00 acres S2 from 1 ( M> to m > ac res 23 from 2(.MJ to 300 wcits 1 3 from 3CKJ acr^a upwards . . , 336 839 15o 3,233 839 2,321 2,496 998 474 80,915 12,431 19,439 1,522 1,099 7,817 7.664 3,622 10,296 854 2,35t> 1,103 903 331> i,o:i8 1,023 645 1,138 82,105 15,620 20,e97 5,660 2,26H 1M7H 11,183 5,285 ll,1»S 11,691 144,805 9,386 165,882 About '20,000 acres had been "cleared of timber/' Of the acres in cultivation, about 6000 were m wdieat, nearly 4000 in maize, 1000 in barley, only 80 acres in oats, 4I:S3 in orchard and garden, 185 in potatoes, and less than 40 in, pease and beans. The average yield was 16 bushels or wheat per acre; of maize, 25 to 80 bushels. There werei large reserves of land for public uses. Beserved for government allotments there were — At Baidkbam Hills, about At Caatle Hill, about », A t Pr ospoc t » about . . . For the orphans there was an appropriation— At Cabrainatta of about .,, At Pete re ham more than ., Acres. 6.000 , 35.000 I 30,000 12,000 m

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