Marsden was actuated by no vindictive feelings. The
defendant was discharged aa regarded the criminal aspect of the case, a civil trial was instituted in the Supreme Court for damages, and in spite of the influences brought to bear by Macquarie, Marsden obtained a verdict against Campbell for two hundred pounds. There was one institution which combined in its favour the kindly offices of those who disagreed upon other matters. Of the Female Orphan Institution, established with such care by King, Macquarie was patron. Mrs. Macquarie was one of the patronesses. Marsden was treasurer. Writing to Mrs. King (in 1811), Marsden said :
- The Orphan School still goes on. We have had some
trouble with the men in power, but I believe that every- thing now relative to the school is well. We have some very fine girls in the school, and some have been married and do well. This school will be yet the greatest blessing to this colony." A Male Orphan School was founded by Macquarie in 1819. With his aid the first bank in the colony (the Bank of New South Wales) was formed in 1816, With character- istic bias he strove to ensure the presence of the convict class in the directory. One of them, conditionally par- doned at the time, was associated with the committee for drawing up the rules. His original offence was felony. Judge Wylde was one of the promoters, and conscious that an infusion of felonious element in controilmg such an institution would be injurious, took an early opportunity of proposing a resolution that no person should be eligible as a director who should not be absolutely and unconditionally free. Macquarie was indignant at the adoption of such a resolution, and soothed the feelings of his friend by grant- ing him an absolute pardon, but it did not provide him with the coveted post of director. The Governor's Secretary became the President of the Board of Management, and D'Arcy Wentworth added a seat at the board to the numerous offices he had previously held. Wylde was a member, raaugre the opposition of Macquarie. In 1819, a Savings Bank was formed, ^vA ^ ^o*^"?!* ^^^>X» appear that Macgnarie ventured to pW^ eT[i?i*w^^^i'&^s!^*^^