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arrived in H.M.S. HuidostaH, accompanied by another

Kinpf*s ship, the Dvonmlanfy with a strong detachment of h Macqiiarie's regiment, the Tlh'cL He hore the rleeision ofH Lord Castlereagh, couched in a despatch (15th May 1809), directed to Governor Bli.y;h, in reply to despatches of April, June, and An^^nst 180B. It announced that the mutinous outrage on Bligh had caused the strongest sensation, that Johnston was to be sent home in strict arrest, that the New Houth Wales Corps was to be relieved by the 78rd Begimeiit, that the Go vu rumen t was unwilling to Ijelieve that Bhgh*s conduct bad been sucb as justly to create discontent, but that bis coutiunance in ollice would not he advantageous, and that Colonial Macquarie had been ap- pointed Governor ; that ]hicijuarie was ordered to hberate Bligli from arrest, and replace him as Governor: that there- i upon Biigh was to recognize MacijuariB as his successor, and to return home ; tliat it was intended to bring John- ston to trial for liis conduct, and that to enable ]3hgh to imder stand the charges made against him, a copy of JohuKton's justificatory despatch was enclosed, which would enable Bligh to consider what evidence was necessary to substantiate the charge of mutinous proceodings against 1 Johnston. Colonel Foveaux met Macquarie within the Heads, and Paterson arrived in the evening from Parramatta, to pay him respect. Not findmg Biigh at Hydney, and not con-

  • !eiving it to be his duty, after he had Ihniself assumed the

Government, to vacate it, and reinstate Bhgb, Macquarie at once took the reins, and proclaimed his Instructions. His ' Majesty had ** felt the utmost regret ami displeasure on account of the late tumultuous proceedings and tbe nnitinous conduct towards his late representative." Bligh was to be reinstated for twenty-four hours, and then to receive Macquarie as his successor, and administer the I'ustomary oath* l^ligb's absence prevented compliance with these instructions, and Macquarie hoped that har- mony would be restored, the higher classes setting an example of subordination, morality, and decorum, the inferior distinguishing themselves by loyalty, sobriety, and industry. By another proclamation ^^hiCfjuariG annulled mU appointments and all t^iawts of land made after Bligh's

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