< Volcanoes < Io
Five-image sequence of New Horizons images showing Io's volcano Tvashtar spewing material 330 km above its surface. Credit: NASA.

The volcanoes of Io is a lecture regarding a specific astronomical object (Io) and its volcanoes. It is an offering from the school of geology and the radiation astronomy department of the school of physics and astronomy.

You are free to take this quiz based on the volcanoes of Io at any time.

To improve your score, read and study the lecture, the links contained within, listed under See also, External links, and in the {{radiation astronomy resources}} and the {{geology resources}} templates at the bottom of the page. This should give you adequate background to get 100 %.

As a "learning by doing" resource, this quiz helps you to assess your knowledge and understanding of the information, and it is a quiz you may take over and over as a learning resource to improve your knowledge, understanding, test-taking skills, and your score.

Suggestion: Have the lecture available in a separate window.

To master the information and use only your memory while taking the quiz, try rewriting the information from more familiar points of view, or be creative with association.

Enjoy learning by doing!



1 Which geological phenomena are associated with Io?

lava-spewing volcanoes
sulfur volcanoes
plate tectonics
water oceans
liquid methane oceans
silicate minerals

2 Yes or No, The proximity of hominins and their space probes and other sentient life forms to volcanoes on Io occasionally leads to loss of life.


3 Which of the following is a phenomenon associated with yellow astronomy?

sodium line emission
sunspots on the Sun
an emission with a wavelength of 420 nm

4 True or False, Volcanoes occur in almost every 10° of longitude on Io.


5 The surface of Io appears to be composed primarily of?

6 True or False, There are yellow or yellow mineral containing natural moons.


7 Observations of Io have benefited greatly from what phenomenon?

a dense, opaque atmosphere
extensive meteorite cratering
a flattening out
liquid hydrocarbon lakes
the reflected light of allotropes and compounds of sulfur

8 True or False, Vulcanology is a variant spelling of volcanology.


9 Complete the text:

Match up the violet or violet containing image with the object letter:
Sun - A
Venus - B
Earth - C
Moon - D
Mars - E
Jupiter - F
Ganymede - G
Io - H
Saturn - I
Dione - J
Titan - K
Uranus - L
Ariel - M
Miranda - N
Triton - O
Eta Carinae - P
NGC 5584 - Q

Titan's Halo PIA07774.jpg

Triton's Cryovulcan.jpg

Dione color.jpg

Voyager 2 - Saturn - 3115 7854 2.png

Mars violet sky.jpg


Vg1 1567237.tiff

Eta Carinae.jpg

PIA00072 Venus Cloud Patterns - colorized and filtered.jpg

Iosurface gal.jpg

Uranus rings.png

Moon1 gal big.gif


Clements Mountain NPS.jpg

Blueberrysun friedman 1296.jpg

Ariel color PIA00041.jpg


10 True or False, The rocky surface of the moon Io can be detected when Io is observed using yellow astronomy.


11 Which of the following are radiation astronomy phenomena associated with the rocky-object Io?

surface regions reflecting or emitting violet or purple
an excess brightness at or near the edge
red regions that may be phosphorus
neutron emission
polar coronal holes
meteor emission

12 Complete the text:

Match up the radiation object with the likely source:
Crmo volcanic bomb 20070516123632.jpg
- L
Circinus X-1.jpg
- M
Moon egret.jpg
- N
Neusun1 superk1.jpg
- O
Earth in ultraviolet from the Moon (S72-40821).jpg
- P
PIA00072 Venus Cloud Patterns - colorized and filtered.jpg
- Q
Io Color Eclipse Movie - PIA03450.gif
- R
NGC 7048.jpg
- S
HST NGC 5728 -O III- emission-line image.jpg
- T
a Craters of the Moon volcano

violet image of Venus

active galactic nuclear region of NGC 5728

cosmic-ray bombardment of the Moon's surface

blue lights from Io

neutrino profile of the solar octant

planetary nebula NGC 7048

ultraviolet image of the Earth

a neutron star in a binary system


13 Phenomena associated with the green vapor above Io are?

collisions with energetic charged particles
Jupiter's magnetic field
aurora-like behavior
dense plumes of volcanic vapor
Galileo spacecraft
Io is in eclipse

14 Complete the text:

Match up the item letter with each of the possibilities below:
Moon - A
Eros - B
Io - C
Ganymede - D
Europa - E
Titan - F
X-ray producing electric arc, current spots

reflecting solar X-rays

soft X-ray emission

possible soft X-ray emission

synchrotron X-ray diffraction of methane hydrate up to 10GPa

ordinary chondrite composition



  1. The volcanoes of Io and of Earth have the same origin.

See also

{{Radiation astronomy resources}}

This article is issued from Wikiversity. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.