< Radiation astronomy < Galaxy clusters
This is a composite image of the Whirlpool Galaxy (also known as M51). Credit: Joint Astronomy Centre, University of British Columbia and NASA/HST (STScI).

Galaxy cluster astronomy is a lecture for the radiation astronomy department course on the principles of radiation astronomy.

You are free to take this quiz based on Galaxy cluster astronomy at any time.

To improve your score, read and study the lecture, the links contained within, listed under See also, External links, and in the {{principles of radiation astronomy}} template. This should give you adequate background to get 100 %.

As a "learning by doing" resource, this quiz helps you to assess your knowledge and understanding of the information, and it is a quiz you may take over and over as a learning resource to improve your knowledge, understanding, test-taking skills, and your score.

Suggestion: Have the lecture available in a separate window.

To master the information and use only your memory while taking the quiz, try rewriting the information from more familiar points of view, or be creative with association.

Enjoy learning by doing!



1 Yes or No, Particle radiation consists of a stream of charged or neutral particles, from the size of subatomic elementary particles upwards of rocky, liquid, plasma, and gaseous objects to even larger more loosely bound entities such as galaxies, galaxy clusters and strings with measurable motion.


2 Which of the following are associated with globular clusters as a standard candle?

characteristic mottling
luminosity functions
turnover point
incipient resolution
dispersion of the distribution
easy to recognize
log-normal function

3 Yes or No, An intergalactic medium is a medium in between interplanetary and interstellar media.


4 Complete the text:

Match up the item letter with each of the possibilities below:
Intracluster medium - A
Mayall's object - B
M82 PAHs - C
Milky Way bubbles - D
Local Hot Bubble - E
Stephan's Quintet - F
UGC 8335 - G
Arp 272 - H
Hubble Interacting Galaxy UGC 8335 (2008-04-24).jpg

Outflow from M82 galaxy.jpg

Stephan's Quintet with annotation.jpg

Local bubble.jpg

800 nasa structure renderin2.jpg

A2199 Xray Optical2.jpg

Hubble Interacting Galaxy NGC 6050 (2008-04-24).jpg

Hubble Interacting Galaxy Arp 148 (2008-04-24).jpg


5 True or False, An intergalactic medium is a rarefied plasma rather than a gaseous medium.


6 Which of the following is not a characteristic of X-radiation in the IGM?

X-rays come from the IGM
an X-ray background
shock heating
secondary ionizations and excitations
far more likely to be absorbed by He I rather than H I

7 Do we know enough about the intergalactic medium to trust measurements of background sources seen through foreground


8 Complete the text:

Whether the thermal IGM is

or collisionless at scales smaller than the scale

scale depends on the effect of reduced

that is mediated by the plasma


9 True or False, Star clusters have been discovered to occur outside a galaxy.


10 Which of the following are phenomena associated with strong forces in the IGM?

stochastic acceleration
hottest clusters
scaling of the acceleration efficiency with IGM temperature
collisionless IGM
placid magnetic compressions
the smaller the mean free path
cold regions
least effective for inducing the instability

11 True or False, O VI is a lithium-like ion.


12 Which of the following are phenomena associated with electromagnetic cascades?

spectral and timing properties of astronomical sources
very high-energy γ-rays
the way from the source to the Earth
soft X-rays
ambient radiation fields inside the γ-ray source
source stability

13 True or False, The hierarchical clustering model has the gravitational effects of dark matter drive the evolution of structure from the near-uniform recombination epoch until the present day.


14 Complete the text:

Match up the item letter with each of the cosmogonic possibilities below:
interior models of the giant planets - A
high interest for cosmogony, geophysics and nuclear physics - B
hierarchical accumulation - C
clouds and globular clusters - D
cosmic helium abundance - E
deuterium fusion - F
a large deficiency of light elements - G
after galactic sized systems had collapsed - H
the motions of hydrogen

formation of luminous quasars

stars with an initial mass less than the solar mass

rotating liquid drops

primordial is less than 26 per cent

a solar mixture of elements dominated by hydrogen and helium gas

around 13 Jupiter masses

smaller rocky objects


15 True or False, As a galaxy is made up of millions or billions of stars, a solitary star does not exist in a galaxy.


16 Spiral galaxies have which of the following in common?

spiral arms
a spheroidal shape
may appear lenticular
is irregular
arms of younger stars
may contain star clusters
dust lanes

17 Phenomena associated with the Milky Way are?

spiral arms
a spheroidal shape
a standard to differentiate dwarf galaxies
often referred to as the Galaxy
arms of younger stars
contains star clusters
dust lanes
extended red emission (ERE)
a faint galaxy heavy with dark matter may orbit it
larger than the Andromeda galaxy

18 Complete the text:

Match up the standard candle with a representative image:
Tully-Fisher relation - A
surface brightness fluctuations - B
absolute magnitude - C
globular clusters - D
active galactic nuclei - E
Type Ia supernova - F
classical Cepheid variable - G
novae - H
planetary nebula - I

Maximum magnitude-rate of decline for novae.gif

B-, R-, I-, and H-band Tully-Fisher relations.gif

Blackbody spectral density.gif

SN2005ke labels.jpg

A further away schematic galaxy.gif


Planetary nebulae H-R.gif

Luminosity function for globular clusters.gif


19 Complete the text:

Match up the item letter with each of the possibilities below:
Einstein ring - A
stellar nebula - B
Andromeda galaxy - C
Triplet galaxies interacting - D
Hubble galaxies - E
Dark matter halo simulation - F
Fairall 9 (Seyfert galaxy in X-rays) - G
Tycho Brahe observatory, remotely controlled telescope, captured galaxy - H
Andromeda's Colorful Rings.jpg


A Horseshoe Einstein Ring from Hubble.JPG

SWIFT J0123.9-5846 Hard X-ray.jpg

Dark matter halo.png

AmCyc Nebula - Stellar Nebula.jpg

Dorian Gray.jpg

Cosmic Interactions.jpg


20 Complete the text:

Match up the item letter with each of the possibilities below:
Sa - A
Sb - B
Sc - C
SBa - D
SBb - E
SBc - F
Irr - G
S0 - H
M101 hires STScI-PRC2006-10a.jpg

Ngc5866 hst big.png

M104 - Sombrero.jpg

Starburst in NGC 4449 (captured by the Hubble Space Telescope).jpg

Caldwell 44.jpg


The VLT goes lion hunting.jpg

NGC 2859.jpg


21 True or False, 3C 295 is a galaxy cluster filled with a vast cloud of 50 MK gas and plasma.


22 Complete the text:

Match up the item letter with each of the possibilities below:
E0 - A
E1 - B
E2 - C
E3 - D
E4 - E
E5 - F
E6 - G
E7 - H

M32 Lanoue.png

Messier 105 2MASS.jpg

Ngc185 rgb combined.jpg

2MASS NGC 4125 JHK.jpg

NGC 1427 Hubble WikiSky.jpg

Messier 105.jpg

at left


23 Which of the following are associated with elliptical galaxies as a standard candle?

observations made through a narrow band 5007 filter
luminous galaxies
star forming regions
the Faber-Jackson relation
relationship between luminosity and central velocity dispersion
quantitative techniques based on Fourier or cross correlation methods
strongly clustered
single dominant young stellar population

24 Which of the following are characteristics of cosmogonic X-rays?

gravitationally unbound
an X-ray emitting gas that is roughly a homogeneous intercluster medium
ultra-hot hidden gas
gas can be hidden in intergalactic space
X-ray background
stellar coronal X-rays


  1. Meteors range in size from galaxy clusters to dust grains and molecular clusters.

See also

{{Radiation astronomy resources}}

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