< Radiation astronomy < Neutrals
This image is an all-sky map of neutral atoms streaming in from the interstellar boundary. Credit: NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Scientific Visualization Studio.

Radiation astronomy/Neutrals is a lecture from the radiation astronomy department. It is under development for possible inclusion in the course on the principles of radiation astronomy.

You are free to take this quiz based on neutrals astronomy at any time.

To improve your score, read and study the lecture, the links contained within, listed under See also, External links, and in the {{principles of radiation astronomy}} template. This should give you adequate background to get 100 %.

As a "learning by doing" resource, this quiz helps you to assess your knowledge and understanding of the information, and it is a quiz you may take over and over as a learning resource to improve your knowledge, understanding, test-taking skills, and your score.

Suggestion: Have the lecture available in a separate window.

To master the information and use only your memory while taking the quiz, try rewriting the information from more familiar points of view, or be creative with association.

Enjoy learning by doing!



1 Yes or No, Although electrically neutral atoms from the interstellar volume can penetrate the heliosphere, virtually all of the material in the heliosphere emanates from the Sun itself.


2 Complete the text:

Charged-current charged pion production is a process in which a

interacts with an atomic

and produces a

, a charged

and recoiling nuclear fragments.

3 True or False, An neutral antimuon is a neutral muon spinning backward in time.


4 Which of the following are associated with the IceCube Neutrino Observatory?

under ice
the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station
Digital Optical Modules
the counting house is on the surface above the array
the baryon neutrino
the electron neutrino

5 True or False, Like all elementary particles, the neutral meson has a corresponding antiparticle of opposite spin but equal mass and charge.


6 Which of the following are associated with electromagnetics?

angular momentum transfer
solar wind
the baryon neutrino
charge neutralization

7 True or False, Van Allen radiation belt electrons are constantly removed by collisions with atmospheric neutrals, losses to the magnetopause, and outward radial diffusion.


8 Which of the following is not characteristic of a neutrino?

neutrinos are affected by the weak nuclear force
produced by a positron annihilating an electron
a decay product of a neutron
produced by the near surface fusion on the Sun
may have a mass
comes in mutable varieties

9 Yes or No, T]he boundary at the edge of our heliosphere where material streaming out from the sun interacts with the galactic material emits no light and no conventional telescope can see it.


10 Complete the text:

Match up the item letter with each of the possibilities below:
Meteors - A
Cosmic rays - B
Neutrons - C
Protons - D
Electrons - E
Positrons - F
Gamma rays - G
Superluminals - H
X-ray jets

the index of refraction is often greater than 1 just below a resonance frequency

iron, nickel, cobalt, and traces of iridium

Sagittarius X-1

escape from a typical hard low-mass X-ray binary

collisions with argon atoms

X-rays are emitted as they slow down

Henry Moseley using X-ray spectra



  1. In the absence of gravity high-density baryonic matter is bound by purely strong forces.

See also

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