< Cosmogony
This is an optical image of U Camelopardalis from the Hubble Space Telescope. Credit: ESA/Hubble, NASA and H. Olofsson (Onsala Space Observatory).

Cosmogony is a lecture and an article studying the origin or initial construction of the universe or any portion. It is a mini-lecture for a quiz-section as part of the astronomy course on the principles of radiation astronomy.

You are free to take this quiz based on cosmogony at any time.

To improve your score, read and study the lecture, the links contained within, listed under See also, External links, and in the {{principles of radiation astronomy}} template. This should give you adequate background to get 100 %.

As a "learning by doing" resource, this quiz helps you to assess your knowledge and understanding of the information, and it is a quiz you may take over and over as a learning resource to improve your knowledge, understanding, test-taking skills, and your score.

Suggestion: Have the lecture available in a separate window.

To master the information and use only your memory while taking the quiz, try rewriting the information from more familiar points of view, or be creative with association.

Enjoy learning by doing!



1 True or False, Cosmogony is any scientific theory concerning the coming into existence, or origin, of the cosmos or universe, or about how what sentient beings perceive as "reality" came to be.


2 Which of the following are cosmogonical phenomenon associated with the Sun, or solar system?

watery abyss
cold dark matter
unseen mass
Silver age

3 True or False, Steiner’s cosmogony takes the basic form of the gnostic myth.


4 Complete the text:

Match up the type of Sun system astrogony with each of the possibilities below:
Babylonian epic story of creation - A
a primordial or first Greek god - B
the primeval chaos - C
creation of heaven and earth - D
Greek god personifying the sky - E
Cronus (Saturn) castrating his father - F
separation of the waters by a firmament

Chaos magno


watery abyss


Enuma Elish


5 True or False, Democritus and Anaxagoras taught that there was a time when the Earth was without the Moon.


6 Aphrodite is linked to the Moon through her epithet

7 True or False, According to Hesiod's Theogony, Uranus was conceived by Gaia alone, but other sources cite Aether as his father.


8 Complete the text:

The moon was formed independently of the earth and later

, presumably by a


9 True or False, Hippolytus refers to a legend that Arcadia brought forth Pelasgus, of greater antiquity than the moon.


10 The following phenomena are associated with the Golden Age?

An, the oldest and highest of the Sumero-Babylonian gods
There is one God, greatest among gods and men
Nabu or Nebo
Hermes invented one language for one people, another for another

11 True or False, Mercury may have once been a satellite of Jupiter, or possibly of Saturn.


12 Which of the following phenomena are associated with Venus?

separate stars, Phosphorus, the morning star, and Hesperus, the evening star
locally available carving tools
the ionosphere was observed to become elongated downstream, rather like a long-tailed comet, during a rare period of very low density solar outflow
Lucifer, literally "Light-Bringer", and Vesper
currently dormant volcanoes only on the Sun-facing side
a breathable atmosphere

13 Yes or No, The formation of exponential disks is an outstanding problem in cosmogony.


14 Which of the following refer to an aspect of current cosmogonic models?

fragmentation of asteroids
transformation by accretion
kilometer-size objects
hyperbolic comets
asteroid belt
bodies comparable in size to the Earth

15 True or False, The 9M CMD of the LMC is assembled from MACHO.


16 It is important to study the stellar populations of nearby galaxies in order to understand the processes of galaxy


17 True or False, A new cosmogony predicts that all particles in one stream have the same mineral composition.


18 Which of the following are characteristic of theoretical cosmogony?

definitions of cosmogony
creations of the universe
a decay product of uranium
metaphysical study
cultural or religious views
origin and fate of the physical universe

19 True or False, A universe may be dominated by neutrinos and cold dark matter.


20 Which phenomenon are associated with cold dark matter?

unseen mass
a bubble in space
range of masses of galaxies
hot neutrinos
Einstein-de-Sitter 'flat' universe
the cosmological density parameter Ω

21 True or False, In cosmogonic schemes involving cold dark matter, there is an equally obvious process that might inhibit galaxy formation in the incipient voids.


22 Complete the text:

Match up the entity, source, or object with the cosmogony:
popular contemporary writings - A
a source spectrum peaking sharply at photon energies of 100 eV - B
a lucky entity - C
an entity of evolution - D
most of the initial baryons - E
a cloud of 105–107 M - F
natural selection

the laws of physics

one or a few SMOs


a population of stars

a blackbody spectrum with temperature of 106 K


23 True or False, The overdense regions having turned into dark population III objects.


24 The strong force is involved in which of the following phenomena?

the sum of the spins
Pauli's exclusion principle
radio waves

25 True or False, The first systematic attempt to base a theory of the origin of the solar system on electromagnetic or hydromagnetic effects was made by Alfvén in 1942.


26 Which of the following are associated with electromagnetics?

angular momentum transfer
solar wind
the baryon neutrino
charge neutralization

27 True or False, The temperature of the cores of stars may be determined by the balance between the gravitational attraction and the gas pressure.


28 Which of the following are involved in the weak force?

a core which emits neutrinos
Fermi's β-decay theory
undetectable with balloon-borne detectors
Gamow-Teller interactions
steady enough emission to be used as a standard for X-ray emission
observed with delta-rays in 1731
M. Fierz

29 True or False, The generalized weak force theory combines the Fermi and Gamow-Teller conditions into a unified theory.


30 The generalization to self-gravitating continua is outlined focused on the classification problem of singularities and metamorphoses arising in the


31 True or False, The prismoidal method provides a good approximation of the dust emission peak for cold sources.


32 Which of the following are characteristic of a binary formed via gravitational fragmentation?

the local Jeans length
the local speed of sound
the mean molecular weight
the electron neutrino
the mean particle density

33 True or False, The hierarchical clustering model has the gravitational effects of dark matter drive the evolution of structure from the near-uniform recombination epoch until the present day.


34 The extent of the Hα absorption trough along the major axes of quenched spirals is what?

more truncated than the distribution of the Hα emission line for H I deficient galaxies
contributed to by the new stellar population
less truncated than the distribution of the Hα emission line for H I deficient galaxies
due to the quenching
disks building up from the outside in

35 True or False, The hydromagnetic approach led to the discovery of two important observational regularities in the solar system.


36 Which of the following are likely phenomena associated with population III stars

not enough of them
individual masses must either be less than 0.1 M
in the range 103–106 Μ
too much background light
too much material
heavy elements

37 True or False, The ‘main Kuiper belt’ is populated by dynamically ‘hot’ and ‘cold’ subcomponents.


38 If the cosmic-ray energy remains concentrated around the sources, it is irrelevant in the present context of the cold


39 Which of the following are phenomena associated with cosmogonic neutrons?

primordial nucleosynthesis
an expansion timescale
a baryon density
neutron-proton ratio freezes out
a predicted 4He abundance
rather an insensitivity to matter density

40 Which of the following are related to the neutrino-dominated universe?

non-baryonic matter
a level of coincidence
nuggets of ordinary baryons
exotic matter
quark-hadron anti-phase transition
ordinary baryons
mv/mproton > 100*nb/nγ

41 Various gaps and density minima have been observed in the Saturnian


42 The charge on a planetary dust particle may change with?

43 Which of the following are involved in the various dark regions of Saturnian rings?

one-third fall-up mechanism
density minima
one-third fall-down mechanism
cosmogonic shadow effect
a state of partial antirotation
plasma contained in the magnetic dipole field
an outward centrifugal force
photo-emission charging

44 The electron and ion currents of the cosmogonic shadow effect are given by

et al., 1984.

45 Which of the following are associated with the big bang neutrinos?

a launch location
relic neutrinos
of order of the photon density
the thermal energy at which neutrinos decouple
neutrinos dynamically dominate baryons
a contracting universe

46 Which of the following are cold dark matter gamma rays?

expected signal comparable to background
annihilation radiation
a pronounced cosmic-ray halo
difficult to separate from a dark halo
dwarf spheroidals
weakly interacting massless particles

47 Which of the following are characteristics of cosmogonic X-rays?

gravitationally unbound
an X-ray emitting gas that is roughly a homogeneous intercluster medium
ultra-hot hidden gas
gas can be hidden in intergalactic space
X-ray background
stellar coronal X-rays

48 Complete the text:

Because of the huge spatiotemporal

of plasma objects in space, the basic accepted views about the theory of plasma

, which is now better suited for laboratory

, are already in need of


49 Complete the text:

Match up the item letter with each of the possibilities below:
superluminals - A
radios - B
radars - C
microwaves - D
submillimeters - E
infrareds - F
reds - G
oranges - H
deuterium enrichment of cometary water

interstellar-comet connection

a macroscopic superstring

force of life

rings of Saturn

volcanic activity throughout Vesta

a silicon composite bolometer fed by a Winston cone

present-day fluctuations an order of magnitude larger


50 Complete the text:

Match up the item letter with each of the cosmogonic possibilities below:
interior models of the giant planets - A
high interest for cosmogony, geophysics and nuclear physics - B
hierarchical accumulation - C
clouds and globular clusters - D
cosmic helium abundance - E
deuterium fusion - F
a large deficiency of light elements - G
after galactic sized systems had collapsed - H
the motions of hydrogen

formation of luminous quasars

stars with an initial mass less than the solar mass

rotating liquid drops

primordial is less than 26 per cent

a solar mixture of elements dominated by hydrogen and helium gas

around 13 Jupiter masses

smaller rocky objects



  1. Questions can concern the creation of the Solar System, the Sun, the Earth, or the Universe.

See also

{{Radiation astronomy resources}}

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