< Radiation astronomy < Courses < Principles
Messier 83 is shown in the image. Credit: David Malin, Anglo-Australian Observatory.

Principles of radiation astronomy is a course of forty-eight lectures, sixteen mini-lectures for quiz sections, three hourly quizzes that are timed at an hour, a mid-term that covers the first half of the course, and a final which covers everything in the course. This is the final quiz. It covers the entire course as described and listed in the syllabus.

You are free to take this quiz based on these at any time.

To improve your score, read and study the lectures and the rest, the links contained within, listed under See also, External links, and in the {{principles of radiation astronomy}} template. This should give you adequate background to get 100 %.

As a "learning by doing" resource, this quiz helps you to assess your knowledge and understanding of the information, and it is a quiz you may take over and over as a learning resource to improve your knowledge, understanding, test-taking skills, and your score.

Suggestion: Have the lectures and other resources available in a separate window.

To master the information and use only your memory while taking the quiz, try rewriting the information from more familiar points of view, or be creative with association.

Enjoy learning by doing!



1 Complete the text:

Match up the item letter with each of the detectors or satellites below:
Bonner Ball Neutron Detector - A
Multi Mirror Telescope - B
MAGIC telescope - C
Explorer 11 - D
HEAO 3 - E
Helios - F
Pioneer 10 - G
Voyager 1 - H



Pioneer 10 on its kickmotor.jpg

Helios - testing.png

Multi Mirror Telescope in 1981.jpg


Explorer 11 ground.gif


2 The heavier element lines that occur in the spectrum of Vega are

lanthanum (La)
calcium (Ca)
uranium (U)
titanium (Ti)
silicon (Si)
iron (Fe)

3 Which of the following are phenomena usually associated with a heliostat?

geographic coordinates
a mirror which turns so as to keep reflecting sunlight toward a predetermined target
the target is usually stationary
computer control
a two-axis motorized system

4 Main sequence variable stars of late spectral types, usually K or M, exhibiting variations in luminosity due to rotation, starspots and other chromospheric activity are called.

5 When faculae are present, what characteristics are readily observed?

bright spots
bright patches
magnetic poles
arising in the photosphere
neon clouds

6 Which of the following are associated with the McMath-Pierce Solar Telescope?

a launch location
Kitt Peak National Observatory
a heliostat
a distinctive diagonal shaft that continues underground
a theoretical resolution of 0.07"
NOAA designations

7 Yes or No, Distance measurement by parallax is a special case of the principle of triangulation.


8 Complete the text:

Match up the object with its approximate asec from V645 Cen:
Proxima Centauri - A
TYC 9010-4949-1 - B
HD 126625 - C
HD 126550 - D
PN G313.8-01.7 - E
PN G314.0-02.1 - F
2E 1427.0-6214 - G
TGU H1952 - H









9 The equation for the ion current is likely to include which of the following?

the mass of the electron
the number of electrons
e to the grain capacitance factor
the dust grain radius
a 4πr factor

10 Complete the text:

Match up the astronomical entity with each of the possibilities below:
Agrippa - A
Hill sphere - B
a horoscope - C
Centaurus A - D
Rahu - E
dominant group - F
a relativistic jet

a body dominates the attraction of satellites

astronomical entities of importance

lunar nodes

God of the Ascending / North lunar node

the occultation of a part of the Pleiades


11 True or False, From only its X-ray properties, Vega is a Sirius-like X-ray source.


12 Which of the following is not a spectral class A star?

Sirius A

13 Which of the following are associated with classical Cepheids as a standard candle?

characteristic mottling
young, disk objects
recent star formation
incipient resolution
pulsation phenomenon
easy to recognize
correction for absorption

14 Complete the text:

Match up the standard candle with a representative image:
Tully-Fisher relation - A
surface brightness fluctuations - B
absolute magnitude - C
globular clusters - D
active galactic nuclei - E
Type Ia supernova - F
classical Cepheid variable - G
novae - H
planetary nebula - I

Maximum magnitude-rate of decline for novae.gif

B-, R-, I-, and H-band Tully-Fisher relations.gif

Blackbody spectral density.gif

SN2005ke labels.jpg

A further away schematic galaxy.gif


Planetary nebulae H-R.gif

Luminosity function for globular clusters.gif


15 Which of the following are associated with red clump stars as a standard candle?

many examples within reach of parallax measurements
internal extinction
star forming regions
sufficiently bright
local group galaxies
almost as luminous as the brightest red supergiants

16 Mathematics phenomena associated with radiation astronomy are

orbital theory
flux of annihilation gamma rays
the Rydberg formula
the local Jeans length
Planck's equation

17 Complete the text:

Match up the likely type of star fission with each of the possibilities below:
a triple-component stellar multiple - A
massive star fission - B
semidetached binary - C
a separating close contact binary - D
ZAMS system - E
tight, circular orbit, impossible to tell eclipses - F
lobate star - G
coronal mass ejection - H
BH Centauri

Plaskett's Star (HR 2422)


W Ursae Majoris

Beta Lyrae

V1010 Ophiuchi

object is confirmed to be co-moving



18 True or False, T Tauri stars are likely to have large areas of starspot coverage.


19 Which of the following is not a spectral class O star?

Alpha Camelopardalis
Tau Canis Majoris
Plaskett's star
Sirius A
Pistol Star
Zeta Puppis

20 Complete the text:

Match up the stellar image with the radiation astronomy:
meteor astronomy - A
neutrino astronomy - B
gamma-ray astronomy - C
X-ray astronomy - D
ultraviolet astronomy - E
visual astronomy - F
violet astronomy - G
blue astronomy - H
yellow astronomy - I
red astronomy - J
orange astronomy - K
infrared astronomy - L
radio astronomy - M
280557main oblate purplesun HI.jpg


Coronal Mass Ejection.gif

Sun image through solar telescope.jpg

Sun in X-rays Recovered.png



Neusun1 superk1.jpg

Orange Sun in Boracay, Philippines.jpg


Latest nsoHe.gif

Blueberrysun friedman 1296.jpg

Gamma sun1.jpg


21 True or False, When solving an equation for a numerical value arrange the coefficients together, the exponentials together, and the dimensions together, to reduce each as needed.


22 Which stars of the alpha Centauri system are known to have stellar active regions?

Proxima Centauri
Alpha Centauri B
Barnard's star
Alpha Centauri A
Rigel Kent
Alpha Centauri C
Alpha Centauri D

23 True or False, The Ca XV emission line is a yellow coronal line at 569.4 nm.


24 Column density is associated with which of the following?

an amount per unit area
the sum of amounts per unit area along a column length
a column length
a column perimeter
a number per area
a cross section
a current density
the hydrogen 21 cm line

25 Complete the text:

Match up the astronomical entity with the image:
Osiris - A
Rahu - B
Amun - C
Vishnu - D
Huitzilopochtli - E
Bhagwan Ayodhyapati Siyavara Shri Ramachandra - F
Munneswaram Vishnu.jpg


Lord Rama with arrows.jpg

Amun post Amarna.svg

Huitzilopochtli V.png

Rahu graha.JPG


26 True or False, Submillimeter radiation ranges from 100 µm to 1 mm.


27 Complete the text:

Match up the type of star with each of the characteristics below:
solar twin - A
solar analog - B
solar type - C
double star - D
binary - E
visual binary - F
astrometric binary - G
spectroscopic binary - H
eclipsing binary - I
detached binary - J
semidetached binary - K
contact binary - L
common-envelope binary - M
area of gravitational pull exceeds the other component

same line of sight

wobbling around a point

no close companion with an orbital period of ten days or less

resolved binary using visual astronomy

periodic variation in radial velocity

each component fills the other's area of gravitational pull

F8V through K2V

unstable mass transfer from one to the other

mutual eclipses

two orbiting around each other

no stellar companion

one component does not exceed the gravitational pull area


28 Which of the following is associated with the first superluminal motion phenomenon in our galaxy?

the Spring of 1994
4,000 light-years away
VLT observations
GRS 1915
Jodrell Bank

29 Complete the text:

Match up the type of mathematics with each of the possibilities below:
numbers - A
dimensional analysis - B
arithmetic - C
algebra - D
exponentials - E
probability - F
x2 + y2 = z2


α 1/σ

ex + ey

A(x) = A0 · e-bx



30 Which of the following is not a spectral class B star?

Tau Canis Majoris

31 Complete the text:

Solar-type stars are

stars with a B-V color between

and 0.80.

32 Which of the following are associated with AMANDA's search for monopoles?

its large volume
equivalent charge
amount of Cherenkov light
square of the charge
passing through the Earth
large monopole mass

33 True or False, From July 2010 to July 2013 the orbital inclination of Mercury increased from around 5° to around 7°.


34 Chemistry phenomena associated with the Lockman Hole are

neutral hydrogen
dust grains
X-ray sources

35 Which of the following are characteristics of a solar-like binary?

Teff ≤ 6000 K
break up of a triple-component stellar system
none of the captured bodies localize near the Sun
some captured bodies may localize near Jupiter
the Jupiter system may be a control group

36 The Lockman Hole is associated with?

a hole in spacetime
a hole through our galaxy
Ursa Minor
Ursa Major
the cosmic infrared background
minimum neutral hydrogen column density

37 True or False, Alshain may be the first yellow source in the constellation Aquila.


38 Which of the following is not a spectral class K star?

Alpha Centauri B
Epsilon Eridani
Tau Ceti
Algol B

39 True or False, Molecular lines for H2O in the spectra for Vega are likely from water vapor in the Earth's atmosphere or the accretion disk around Vega.


40 Which of the following are characteristic of the first true astrophysical gamma-ray source?

a strong 2.223 MeV emission line
a solar flare
the formation of deuterium
the electron neutrino

41 Complete the text:

Astronomers place the submillimetre waveband between the


wavebands, typically taken to be between a few hundred micrometres and a millimetre.

42 Which chemical species have an enhanced abundance at the north polar region of Jupiter relative to midlatitudes?


43 Phenomena associated with some meteorites?

have a gaseous surface
long nickel-iron crystals

44 Which of the following is not a spectral class G star?

Alpha Centauri A
Tau Ceti

45 Which of the following are radiation astronomy phenomena associated with Afghanistan?

the Ai Khanoum Sun dial
An orange sunset in the Mahim Bay
a black sky without stars
the zenith

46 Complete the text:

Neutrinos can be produced by energetic

accelerated in solar

fields. Such protons produce

, and therefore muons, hence also

as a decay product, in the solar atmosphere.

47 Which of the following is a lead (Pb) star?

V Arietis
LP 625-44

48 True or False, Neutrino flux increases noted in Homestake results coincide with major solar flares.


49 Complete the text:

Match up the observation with the phenomena:
B1828+487 - A
PKS0521-36 - B
Fanaroff-Riley (FR) type II radio source - C
prototypical type 2 Seyfert - D
Frank–Tamm formula - E
a type 1 Seyfert - F

3C 380 bent.jpg



Advanced Test Reactor.jpg

PKS0521-36 2 cm.gif


50 Meteorites found on Earth may be from which of the following?

the Moon
the asteroid belt

51 For some period before 2700 b2k calendars from around the world had a year of how many days?

52 True or False, A column density is the number of units of matter observed along a line of sight that has an area of observation.


53 When sea level is present, what characteristics are readily observed?

mean high tide
mean low tide
glacial periods
hydroisostatic rebound
temperatures above 103 K
salt flats

54 Complete the text:

Match up the superluminal detector with the image:
Hopkins Ultraviolet Telescope - A
International Ultraviolet Explorer - B
C. Donald Shane telescope - C
2.3m Bok Telescope - D
LHCb - F
AMS-02 - G
Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer - 02.jpg


Astro1 sts35 big.jpg



VLA larger.JPG

International Ultraviolet Explorer.gif


55 True or False, Cosmological redshift is seen due to the expansion of the universe, and sufficiently distant light sources (generally more than a few million light years away) show redshift corresponding to the rate of increase of their distance from Earth.


56 Which of the following elements have or appear to have lines occurring in the spectra of Vega?


57 True or False, Radio observations taken by the Bernese Multibeam Radiometer for KOSMA (BEMRAK) at submillimeter wavelengths show an impulsive component that starts simultaneously with high-energy proton acceleration and the production of pions.


58 Sources of bias in thin-section analysis of chondrule sizes in meteorites are?

large variation in actual diameters
rim characteristics
random sectioning produces less than or equal to true diameters
transparent matrix
viewing in reflected light

59 The point where the interstellar medium and solar wind pressures balance is called the

60 Which of the following are characteristic of a β+ decay?

a mu neutrino
a positron emission
a decay product of a neutron
weak interaction
an electron neutrino
comes in mutable varieties

61 True or False, The infrared spectra of olivine and enstatite are essentially unchanged after proton bombardment.


62 Submillimeter radiances can be matched by models which include ice particles of?

63 Which of the following is involved in planetary astronomy more so than planetary science?

the occurrence of blue rock types on the surface of rocky objects
the Earth and other rocky objects have a green mineral containing mantle
checking equations about complex systems
the advantages of a 559 nm band pass
digging holes in the surface of Mars
surface temperatures low enough to produce methane lakes

64 True or False, The Carina Nebula may be a first submillimeter source in the constellation Carina.


65 Which of the following are X-radiation astronomy phenomena associated with stellar surface fusion?

luminosities below ~3 x 1038 erg/s
a few SSS with luminosities ≥1039 erg/s
synchrotron radiation
a photosphere
a polar diameter that exceeds ever so slightly the equatorial diameter at solar cycle minimum
super soft X-rays
hot active regions with temperatures hot enough to fuse hydrogen
sunspots at the feet of coronal loops

66 Complete the text:

Match up the item letter with each of the possibilities below:
Einstein ring - A
stellar nebula - B
Andromeda galaxy - C
Triplet galaxies interacting - D
Hubble galaxies - E
Dark matter halo simulation - F
Fairall 9 (Seyfert galaxy in X-rays) - G
Tycho Brahe observatory, remotely controlled telescope, captured galaxy - H
Andromeda's Colorful Rings.jpg


A Horseshoe Einstein Ring from Hubble.JPG

SWIFT J0123.9-5846 Hard X-ray.jpg

Dark matter halo.png

AmCyc Nebula - Stellar Nebula.jpg

Dorian Gray.jpg

Cosmic Interactions.jpg


67 Which of the following are associated with muon astronomy?

high-energy cosmic rays
secondary and tertiary cosmic rays
nuclear interactions between neutrons and quartz
nuclear interactions between muons and calcite
production rates of a few atoms per gram of rock per year
build-up of cosmogenic nuclides through time

68 True or False, Carbon has an emission line in the blue.


69 Complete the text:

The nuclear processes that produce cosmogenic 36Cl in rocks are

, neutron

, and


70 Which of the following are or likely to be relatively common red minerals?


71 The MINOS experiment uses Fermilab's NuMI beam, which is an intense beam of neutrinos, that travels 455 miles (732 km) through the Earth to the?

72 True or False, "Some prominences break apart and give rise to coronal mass ejections."


73 The term astrogeography is often more restricted because of what?

the relationship between outer-space geography and geographic position
military space strategy
extensive meteorite cratering
a flattening out
evaluating strategy
military operations

74 Which of the following are associated with surface brightness fluctuations as a standard candle?

characteristic mottling
discreteness of the stars
measurable bumpiness in surface brightness
incipient resolution
easy to recognize

75 Complete the text:

Match up the description with each of the optical astronomy possibilities below:
Palomar's 5 m - L
adaptive optics poc - M
AO actuators - N
Mars Global Surveyor - O
star-forming region - P
Warner & Swasey - Q
protoplanetary nebula - R
SkyMapper - S
Mauna Kea - T
full-color of Mercury - U
Hubble Space Telescope of carbon star - V
supernova remnant - W
line of sight - Y

U Camelopardalis.jpeg

USNO Refractor 1904.jpg

Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope with moon.jpg


GTC Active Optics Acutators.jpg

Mercury in color - Prockter07 centered.jpg

Egg Nebula HST.jpg


Earth and Moon from Mars PIA04531.jpg

SkyMapper and 2.3m.jpg

Grand star-forming region R136 in NGC 2070 (visible and ultraviolet, captured by the Hubble Space Telescope).jpg

Supernova remnant IC 443.jpg

AO proof of concept.jpg


76 Which phenomena are associated with the heliosphere?

a region of space where the interstellar medium is blown away by the solar wind
a bubble in space
virtually all the material emanates from the Sun itself
Voyager 2
Voyager 1
the termination shock

77 Phenomena associated with the Milky Way are?

spiral arms
a spheroidal shape
a standard to differentiate dwarf galaxies
often referred to as the Galaxy
arms of younger stars
contains star clusters
dust lanes
extended red emission (ERE)
a faint galaxy heavy with dark matter may orbit it
larger than the Andromeda galaxy

78 Which of the following are characteristic of interstellar extinction?

redder color indices
closer stars more affected
color excess
observed color index minus intrinsic color index
red shift
blue shift

79 The Spitzer Space Telescope has the following phenomena usually associated with it?

85 cm diameter
lightweight boron
3 - 180 µm wavelength range
the Fraunhofer E line

80 Complete the text:

Match up the type of speed effect with each of the possibilities below:
superluminal - A
luminal - B
subluminal - C
transluminal - D
tachyons - E
tardyons - F
speeds which cross the speed of light

speed equal to that of light

particles moving at speeds slower than light

speed less than light

particles moving at speeds faster than light

speed greater than light


81 The standard condition for temperature and pressure is likely to be which of the following?

the Sun
1 atm
0 K
273.15 K
1 isobar

82 Anomalous dispersion is associated with which of the following?

refractive index
decrease in index
Scorpius X-1
group velocity can be boosted to beyond the velocity of its constituent waves
resonance of ionized hydrogen

83 True or False, Messier 31 is a likely first astronomical X-ray source in the constellation Andromeda.


84 Complete the text:

Match up the letter for the object name with the radio or radar image below:
Sun - A
Mercury - B
Venus - C
Earth - D
Moon (South Pole) - E
Moon (North Pole) - F
Moon (850 micron thermal emission) - G
Mars (North Pole cross section) - H
Toustatis - I
Jupiter - J
Saturn - K
Titan - L
Interstellar medium - M
Milky Way - N
3C 98 - O
3C 31 - P
3C 380 - Q
Moon (self radiation) - R
NGC 4151 - S
GRS 1915 - T
M87 - U
3C 279 - V
IRC+10216 - W
Boomerang nebula - X
R Sculptoris - Y
PIA10008 Seas and Lakes on Titan.jpg

3C 380 bent.jpg

The Moon's North Pole.jpg

Curious spiral spotted by ALMA around red giant star R Sculptoris (data visualisation).jpg

Bhexplode merlin big.gif


Permanently Shadowed Polar Craters.jpg

Ghostly 'Boomerang'.jpg


PIA13164 North Polar Cap Cross Section, Annotated Version.jpg

Moon 4panels2 col.jpg

M87 jet Hubble.gif


3c279 mosaic lo.jpg

PIA07872 Saturn's rings in radio.jpg

Radio galaxy 3C98.png


Jupiter radio image.jpg

Moon at 850 microns.gif

Radio galaxy 3C31.png


Venus globe.jpg


Moon South Pole.jpg



85 True or False, 3C 295 is a galaxy cluster filled with a vast cloud of 50 MK gas and plasma.


86 Which of the following are associated with lunar red glasses?

produced in a volcanic fire-fountain
composed of three chemical groups
lthe presence of crocoite
the most Mg-rich group (A) was produced by partial melting of Ti-rich cumulates at a depth of about 480 km
derived from a magma by fractional crystallization

87 True or False, Coronal loops project into the coronal cloud, through the transition region and the chromosphere.


88 Which of the following is not an astronomical superluminal source?

3C 345
3C 48
3C 263
3C 179
3C 245
3C 279

89 Complete the text:

Match up the object viewed in the ultraviolet with its image:
Sun's chromosphere- L
calcite - M
Venus - N
Jupiter's aurora - O
Jupiter - P
Io - Q
Saturn - R
Betelgeuse - S
Mira - T
LAB-1 - U
Messier 101 - V


Mira the star-by Nasa alt crop.jpg


Aurora Saturn.jpg


Lyman-alpha blob LAB-1.jpg

Betelgeuse star hubble-580x580.jpg

Hubble Space Telescope Image of Fragment BDGLNQ12R Impacts.jpg

Calcite LongWaveUV HAGAM.jpg

M101 UIT.gif


90 The type star that goes through fairly extreme changes of brightness: for instance, in 1952, its brightness increased by 75 times in only 20 seconds, is what star?

91 True or False, Nitrogen has an emission line in the blue.


92 Which of the following are phenomena associated with grid systems?

geographic coordinates
the Royal Observatory in Greenwich
French Institut Géographique National (IGN) maps
a longitude meridian passing through Paris
a local center of civilization

93 Complete the text:

Match up the altitude with its concept:
altitude - A
meters above sea level - B
indicated altitude - C
absolute altitude - D
true altitude - E
height - F
pressure altitude - G
density altitude - H
altitude in terms of distance above a certain point


usually a vertical distance measurement

altitude in terms of the density of the air

the altimeter reading

altitude in terms of air pressure

altitude in elevation above sea level

distance above the ground directly


94 Which of the following is a shell star?

Gamma Cassiopeiae
Beta Canis Minoris
Tau Ceti

95 Complete the text:

Match up the imaging system letter with the image possibilities below:
Compton Gamma Ray Observatory (EGRET) - A
XMM Newton - B
Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope - C
Lunar Orbiter Gamma-Ray Spectrometer - D
Mars Odyssey GRS - F
Swift (X-ray/Gamma-ray mission) - H
PIA04256 Map of Martian Silicon at Mid-Latitudes.jpg


Moon egret.jpg

GRB 080319B.jpg


267641main allsky labeled HI.jpg




96 True or False, Oxygen has an emission line in the blue.


97 Complete the text:

Match up the letter of the spherical object with each of the possibilities below:
Sun - A
Mercury - B
Venus - C
Earth - D
Moon - E
Mars - F
Ceres - G
Jupiter - H
Callisto - I
Europa - J
Ganymede - K
Io - L
Enceladus - M
Titan - N
Uranus - O
Titania - P
Neptune - Q
Triton - R
Pluto - S
Enceladus in the Visual.jpg

Triton moon mosaic Voyager 2 (large).jpg

Io highest resolution true color.jpg

Vg1 1567237.tiff

Ceres optimized.jpg


Titania (moon) color, cropped.jpg

Pluto animiert.gif

The Earth seen from Apollo 17.jpg


Moon Farside LRO.jpg


Moon Ganymede by NOAA.jpg


Two Halves of Titan.png

HI6563 fulldisk.jpg


Venus-real color.jpg

Mercury in color - Prockter07 centered.jpg


98 A super flare on the evening of August 28, 1859, was recorded by

99 True or False, Fluorine has an emission line in the blue.


100 Which of the following are phenomena associated with electromagnetic cascades?

spectral and timing properties of astronomical sources
very high-energy γ-rays
the way from the source to the Earth
soft X-rays
ambient radiation fields inside the γ-ray source
source stability

101 Complete the text:

Match up the radiation letter with each of the detector possibilities below:
Meteors - A
Cosmic rays - B
Neutrons - C
Protons - D
Electrons - E
Positrons - F
Neutrinos - G
Muons - H
Gamma rays - I
X-rays - J
Ultraviolet rays - K
Optical rays - L
Visual rays - M
Violet rays - N
Blue rays - O
Cyan rays - P
Green rays - Q
Yellow rays - R
Orange rays - S
Red rays - T
Infrared rays - U
Submillimeter rays - V
Radio rays - W
Superluminal rays - X
multialkali (Na-K-Sb-Cs) photocathode materials


511 keV gamma-ray peak


broad-band filter centered at 404 nm

a cloud chamber

ring-imaging Cherenkov


effective area is larger by 104



a blemish about 8,000 km long

a metal-mesh achromatic half-wave plate

coated with lithium fluoride over aluminum

thallium bromide (TlBr) crystals


aluminum nitride

heavy water

18 micrometers FWHM at 490 nm

wide-gap II-VI semiconductor ZnO doped with Co2+ (Zn1-xCoxO)

a recoiling nucleus

high-purity germanium

magnetic deflection to separate out incoming ions

2.2-kilogauss magnet used to sweep out electrons


102 True or False, Neon has an emission line in the blue.


103 Which of the following are associated with sounding rockets?

a launch location
Woomera Test Range
White Sands Proving Grounds
Natal, Brazil
the Skylark

104 True or False, The Galactic plane passes through the constellation of Caelum.


105 Red-giant stars have (or theoretically may have) these in common:

potential 22Ne
helium-burning shells
non-standard neutrino losses
Lithium red line
N stars display F abundances up to 30 times the solar system value
RGB and AGB stars
a radius between 200 and 800 times that of the Sun

106 True or False, If you have a severe headache after about 35 Grays of exposure to ionizing radiation, you may be in an immediate phase radiation poisoning.


107 WNM is an acronym for what?

108 Which of the following is a spectral class S star?

BD Camelopardalis
S Ursae Majoris
Chi Cygni

109 True or False, Radio rays have wavelengths of one millimeter or more.


110 Which of the following is not an astronomical entity?


111 Soon after the invention of radar astronomy, what classical planet was detected

112 Complete the text:

Match up the item letter with each of the possibilities below:
Sun - A
Mercury - B
Venus - C
Earth - D
Comets - E
Mars - F
Jupiter - G
Saturn - H
Auroral currents on the order of 106 Amps

Fluorescent radiation from oxygen at ~130 km above the surface

Faint halo of X-rays extending out some 7,000 km

Solar wind lighting up with X-rays

Bright X-ray arcs at low energy

Major source of hard X-rays

X-ray emission concentrated near the equator

Low surface iron content in minerals


113 True or False, Seifertite has only been found in Martian and lunar meteorites.


114 The 111 → 110 rotational transition that occurs in the direction of four dark nebulae is likely from what chemical.

115 Complete the text:

Match up the item letter with each of the possibilities below:
Optical bench - A
Focal length - B
Coded aperture - D
Grazing incidence - E
Modulator - F
Collimator - G
Normal incidence - H
a device for the movement of electrical charge

gold mirrors

narrows a beam

a measure of how strongly a system converges or diverges

reflective multilayer optics

varying amplitude, phase, or frequency

a flat grille

a platform used to support systems


116 Which of the following is a spectral class C or carbon star?

Alpha Camelopardalis
R Leporis
S Camelopardalis
Pistol Star
Y Canum Venaticorum

117 Soil samples from the mare of the Moon reflect primarily cyan due to the presence in the soils of what?

118 Complete the text:

Match up the item letter with each of the possibilities below:
Intracluster medium - A
Mayall's object - B
M82 PAHs - C
Milky Way bubbles - D
Local Hot Bubble - E
Stephan's Quintet - F
UGC 8335 - G
Arp 272 - H
Hubble Interacting Galaxy UGC 8335 (2008-04-24).jpg

Outflow from M82 galaxy.jpg

Stephan's Quintet with annotation.jpg

Local bubble.jpg

800 nasa structure renderin2.jpg


Hubble Interacting Galaxy NGC 6050 (2008-04-24).jpg

Hubble Interacting Galaxy Arp 148 (2008-04-24).jpg


119 Which of the following are green radiation astronomy phenomena associated with the Sun?

the color of the upper rim as seen from Earth
an excess brightness at or near the edge of the Sun
the iron XIV green line
neutron emission
polar coronal holes
meteor emission
changes in the line-blanketing

120 Complete the text:

Match up the radiation type with the satellite:
meteor - A
cosmic ray - B
neutral atoms - C
neutron - D
proton - E
electron - F
positron - G
neutrino - H
gamma ray - I
X-ray - J
ultraviolet - K
optical - L
visual - M
violet - N
blue - O
cyan - P
green - Q
yellow - R
orange - S
red - T
infrared - U
submillimeter - V
microwave - W
radio - X
radar - Y
superluminal - Z
JUNO - PIA13746.jpg

RAE B.jpg

Chandra-spacecraft labeled-en.jpg

Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer - 02.jpg


GLAST on the payload attach fitting.jpg



IBEX spacecraft.jpg

STEREO spacecraft.gif


Aquarius SAC-D satellite.png

STS-134 International Space Station after undocking.jpg

Micrometeoroid hole.jpg



FUSE prelaunch crop.jpg

Swas 1.jpg

2001 mars odyssey wizja.jpg

Spitzer space telescope pre-launch.jpg

TERRA am1.jpg

Galileo Energetic Particles Detector.jpg


Pioneer 10 on its kickmotor.jpg

Mariner 10.jpg



121 Which of the following may be true regarding the interacting galaxies of UGC 9618?

the pair of galaxies appear to be interacting rather than a mere galaxy double
a lack of luminous sources at any wavelength in the interaction volume
asymmetry is approximately centered on the interaction volume
a common origin originally between them
the large X-ray output surrounding primarily the more central portion of the edge-on galaxy suggests a very high temperature galactic coronal cloud
the infrared portion of the composite image with ultraviolet strongly suggests that the edge-on galaxy is much cooler in general than the face-on galaxy
orange and yellow astronomy reveal that the edge-on galaxy may be composed of older or cooler stars
VV340A appears to be more than 33 % involved in the interaction

122 True or False, Using transits of the Sun by Mercury demonstrates that the Sun is most likely located well within the orbit of Mercury.


123 Complete the text:

Match up the type of Sun system astrogony with each of the possibilities below:
Babylonian epic story of creation - A
a primordial or first Greek god - B
the primeval chaos - C
creation of heaven and earth - D
Greek god personifying the sky - E
Cronus (Saturn) castrating his father - F
separation of the waters by a firmament

Chaos magno


watery abyss


Enuma Elish


124 When ionization cones are present, what green characteristics are usually readily observed?

O III green emission line
green continua
biconical structure
a common cone axis and apex
ionized gas
neon clouds

125 Which of the following are associated with the IceCube Neutrino Observatory?

under ice
the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station
Digital Optical Modules
the counting house is on the surface above the array
the baryon neutrino
the electron neutrino

126 True or False, HR 4731, α2 Cru is an infrared source in the constellation Crux.


127 Complete the text:

Match up the violet or violet containing image with the object letter:
Sun - A
Venus - B
Earth - C
Moon - D
Mars - E
Jupiter - F
Ganymede - G
Io - H
Saturn - I
Dione - J
Titan - K
Uranus - L
Ariel - M
Miranda - N
Triton - O
Eta Carinae - P
NGC 5584 - Q

Titan's Halo PIA07774.jpg

Triton's Cryovulcan.jpg

Dione color.jpg

Voyager 2 - Saturn - 3115 7854 2.png

Mars violet sky.jpg


Vg1 1567237.tiff

Eta Carinae.jpg

PIA00072 Venus Cloud Patterns - colorized and filtered.jpg

Iosurface gal.jpg

Uranus rings.png

Moon1 gal big.gif


Clements Mountain NPS.jpg

Blueberrysun friedman 1296.jpg

Ariel color PIA00041.jpg


128 Complete the text:

Match up the type of trigonometric parallax with each of the possibilities below:
visual parallax - A
distribution function of the errors in distance - B
Cygnus X-1 - D
pulse times of arrival - E
ultraviolet trigonometric parallax - F
optical annual parallax (HST) - G
continuum 'fixed' radio sources J1953+3537 and J1957+3338

Vela pulsar

skewed due to non-linearity

cloud top height

Sgr B2M and Sgr B2N

PSRs J1744−1134 and J1024−0719 detected at X-ray energies

χ Cyg 144 ± 25 pc (Stein 1991)


129 True or False, RS Canum Venaticorum variables are close binary stars having active chromospheres which can cause large stellar spots.


130 Which of the following are phenomena usually associated with fluorine emission?

fluorine emission lines in the green are relatively weak
fluorine lines in the near infrared are usually much stronger than the green lines
F I has lines in the green
F II has lines in the green
F III has at least one line in the green
the Fraunhofer E line

131 Complete the text:

Match up the item letter with each of the possibilities below:
Chemistry - A
Geography - B
History - C
Mathematics - D
Physics - E
Science - F
Technology - G
Geology - H
solar eclipses

a spatial frequency of occurrence or extent

radio observations revealed a radio corona around the Sun

elemental abundances

microcalorimeter arrays

The Ariel V /3 A/ catalogue of X-ray sources. II - Sources at high galactic latitude |b| > 10°

Carancas meteorite

a thermal bremsstrahlung source may fit


132 Which of the following are associated with SOFIA?

the atmosphere of the Earth
the stratosphere
a rocket
a balloon
a Boeing 747
infrared astronomy

133 Complete the text:

One of the reasons why detection of

is controversial is that although

(and some other methods like rotational spectroscopy) are good for the identification of simple species with large dipole moments, they are less sensitive to more

molecules, even something relatively small like


134 Complete the text:

Charged-current charged pion production is a process in which a

interacts with an atomic

and produces a

, a charged

and recoiling nuclear fragments.

135 Which of the following are the differences between a star and an astronomical yellow source?

a star may emit predominantly green rays
an astronomical yellow source is spherical
a yellow star is an astronomical yellow source
a star with nuclear fusion in its chromosphere emits neutrinos, but a yellow source with no nuclear fusion ongoing does not
a yellow source may be cloud like
an astronomical yellow source may be a rocky object

136 True or False, The Sun must be located at the barycenter of the solar system.


137 Complete the text:

Match up the blue object with the possibilities below:
Sun - H
Mercury - I
Venus - J
Earth - K
Meteorite on Mars - L
Pallas - M
Comet Holmes - N
Europa - O
Io - P
Saturn - Q
Enceladus - R
Tethys - S
Titan - T
Neptune - U
Abell 370 - V
SN 1987A - W
Crab Nebula - X
Orange and Blue Hazes Close-up.jpg

Blueberrysun friedman 1296.jpg

17pHolmes 071104 eder vga.jpg


Tethys enhanced color.jpeg

Crab Nebula.jpg


Venus-real color.jpg

Gravitational lensing in the galaxy cluster Abell 370 (captured by the Hubble Space Telescope).jpg

Earth Pacific jul 30 2010.jpg

Enceladus PIA07800.jpg

SN 1987A HST.jpg

Blue Saturn.jpg

Block Island meteorite color close-up (PIA12193).jpg


Mercury in color - Prockter07-edit1.jpg

Io Color Eclipse Movie - PIA03450.gif


138 Which of the following are associated with the dynamo of the Sun?

plate tectonics in its past
dipole magnetic field
it is spheroidal
stripes of crustal magnetism
a circular electric current flowing deep within the star
it appears to be in hydrostatic equilibrium
transform faults
shear between different parts of the Sun
two natural satelites
it has a radiative zone

139 Which of the following is not a star-forming region?

Messier 17 sky region
RCW 79
NGC 2024
Local Void
NGC 2264
NGC 6503

140 Nuclear physics phenomena associated with the atmosphere of the Sun are

symbiotic novae
coronal loops acting like particle accelerators
high atmospheric pressure
emitted neutrons

141 True or False, α Sagittarii may be the first detected UV source in the constellation Sagittarius.


142 Which geographical phenomena are associated with Iapetus?

dark territory of Cassini Regio
manifesting intense magnetic fields
equatorial ridge that bisects Cassini Regio
global "color dichotomy"
global brightness dichotomy
different color hues
leading vs. the trailing side color hues

143 True or False, The standard candle being used in 1977 for spectral region K5-M4 is the CN (cyanide) index from the CN absorption in selected bands.


144 Helium has emission lines in which of the following colors?


145 Which of the following are associated with X-radiation?

spans three decades in wavelength
spans three decades in frequency
spans three decades in energy
emitted by 26Al
coronal clouds
60 keV electromagnetic radiation
90 eV electromagnetic radiation
visually dark source

146 Which of the following is not a characteristic of solar active regions?

coronal clouds
spot central meridian passage
a surface coverage of at least 95%.

147 True or False, For the photosphere to have a net negative charge and interstellar electrons to be streaming into the solar system, the sign of the voltage at the Sun is positive.


148 Phenomena associated with apparent superluminal motion are

an optical illusion
the object partly moving in the direction of the observer
large amounts of mass moving at close to half the speed of light
speed calculations assume it does not move in the direction of the observer
velocities close to the speed of light relative to our reference frame

149 Which of the following are associated with the geodynamo of Mars?

plate tectonics in its past
Mars is spheroidal
stripes of crustal magnetism
it appears to be in hydrostatic equilibrium
transform faults
two natural satelites
the direction of the magnetic field changes dramatically from place to place

150 True or False, By setting the first partial derivative of Planck's equation in wavelength form equal to zero, iterative calculations may be used to find pairs of (λ,T) that to some significant digits represent the peak wavelength for a given temperature and vice versa.


151 Complete the text:

Match up the theoretical astronomy idea with each of the possibilities below:
astronomical object - A
astronomical source - B
astronomical entity - C
star - D
interstellar medium - E
material - F
natural luminous body visible in the sky

naturally from which something comes

matter which may be shaped or manipulated

an independent, separate, or self-contained existence

the matter that exists in the space between the star systems

naturally in the sky especially at night


152 True or False, The character, sign, or symbol ⊚, ⨀, ⦿, or ⊙ may represent Saturn.


153 Complete the text:

Match up the type of stellar surface fusion with each of the possibilities below:
symbiotic nova - A
recurrent nova - B
flare star (flaring) - C
accretion - D
coronal loops - E
amplitude of between 9 and 11 magnitudes

a close companion star that overflows its Roche lobe

about every 20 years

unpredictable dramatic increases in brightness for a few minutes

the basic structure of the lower corona and transition region

154 Which phenomena are associated with the dynamo of Uranus?

axisymmetric magnetic field
sulfur volcanoes
water oceans
bipolar magnetotail
detached bow shock
obtuse rotation

155 True or False, The planet Saturn exhibits a pale yellow hue due to ammonia crystals in its upper atmosphere.


156 Complete the text:

Match up the item letter with each of the first astronomical source possibilities below:
Meteors - A
Cosmic rays - B
Neutrons - C
Protons - D
Electrons - E
Positrons - F
Gamma rays - G
Superluminals - H
cosmic rays

galactic nuclei


electron-positron annihilation

weak force nuclear decay


511 keV photon pair production

solar wind


157 Which of the following emission/absorption phenomena are associated with yellow astronomy?

Nitrogen emission line at 575.5 nm
the strong C2 (1,2) band
nitrogen emission in plasmas at 566.934 nm from N VIII
Helium emission line at 5876 Å
neutral iron line at 526.96 nm
Calcium yellow line at 569.4 nm

158 True or False, The European Space Agency's Herschel Space Observatory has aboard the Photodetector Array Camera and Spectrometer (PACS) which operates in three bands centred on 70, 100, and 160 μm, respectively.


159 Which of the following is a barium star?

Alpha Camelopardalis
Zeta Capricorni
S Camelopardalis
HR 107
HR 774

160 Complete the text:

Match up the image with the star-forming regions:
Messier 17 - A
RCW 79 - B
Flame Nebula - C
Cone Nebula - D
NGC 1999 - E
R136 - F
HH 46/47 - G
RCW 108 - H
Carina Nebula - I
NGC 3582 - J
NGC 1097 - K
Hubble-X - L
NGC 6334 - M
Arp 220 - N
Sh 2-106 - O
Rho Ophiuchi complex - P
Ghost Head Nebula - Q
NGC 2366 - R
NGC 2363 - S
Dragonfish nebula - T
Rho Ophiuchi.jpg



Cone Nebula (NGC 2264) Star-Forming Pillar of Gas and Dust.jpg


Wide Field Imager view of the star formation region NGC 3582.jpg

Star-forming region S106 (captured by the Hubble Space Telescope).tif

Wide-field view of the star-forming region around the Herbig-Haro object HH 46 47.jpg

Messier 17.jpg

Hubble Interacting Galaxy Arp 220 (2008-04-24).jpg

Small Section of the Carina Nebula.jpg

Grand star-forming region R136 in NGC 2070 (captured by the Hubble Space Telescope).jpg

Glowing Gas Cloud in the Star-Forming Region of Galaxy NGC 6822 (Hubble).jpg

Spectacular star-forming region known as the Flame Nebula, or NGC 2024.jpg

Hubble view of NGC 2366 - Heic1207a.jpg


Star-forming Region RCW 108 in Ara.jpg

Star-Forming "Bubble" RCW 79.jpg


The star-forming Cat’s Paw Nebula through ArTeMiS’s eyes.jpg


161 Which of the following are associated with Type-Ia supernovae as a standard candle?

lack silicon lines
lack hydrogen lines
lack helium lines
lack lithium lines
expanding photosphere method
almost as luminous as the brightest red supergiants

162 Complete the text:

Match up the item letter with each of the possibilities below:
synchrotron X-rays - A
power law - B
inverse Compton - C
thermal Bremsstrahlung - D
black body - E
cyclotron - F
Supergiant Fast X-ray Transients

Galactic diffuse emission

Crab nebula


accretion disk

strongly magnetized neutron stars


163 Which of the following sunspot phenomena are associated with the Maunder minimum?

extensively long quiet Sun
lowest 14C concentration from as far back as 1100 BP.
a period of lower-than-average European temperatures
a surface coverage of about 88%
only about 50 sunspots during one 30-year period
11-year cycles

164 Complete the text:

Match up the likely surface fusion activity with the image:
coronal clouds - B
solar flare - C
neutrinos from the solar octant - D
coronal loops - E
prominences - F
Neusun1 superk1.jpg

Coronal Mass Ejection.gif

SDO first light.png

Rhessi0269 web.jpg

Solar flare (TRACE).gif

Sun in X-rays Recovered.png


165 True or False, O VI is a lithium-like ion.


166 AGNs may be used as standard candles because?

they are extremely luminous
can be observed at very large distances
they emit their own light signature
GeV gamma rays
reverberation mapping
tight relationship between the luminosity of an AGN and the radius of its broad line region

167 Complete the text:

Match up the trigonometric parallax phenomena with the image:
stellar parallax motion - A
Very Long Baseline Array - B
radio continuum - C
Chandra X-ray Observatory spatial resolution HRC-I ~ 0.5 arcsec - D
WD 0346+246 has a trigonometric parallax measurement - E
Very Large Telescope - F
Proxima xray.jpg


FORS2 image of DE1520-44.jpg

Continuum Sources.jpg

SSPM J2231-7514.jpg

Sgr B2M.jpg


168 Which of the following are associated with hydrocarbons?

liquid lakes on Titan
petroleum deposits on Earth
methane in the atmosphere of Uranus
atmosphere of Neptune
an H II region

169 True or False, In a cyclotron on Earth 261Rg can be created using about 290 MeV to accelerate say 64Ni into bismuth, in a coronal loop or flare in the atmosphere of the Sun where up to about 400 MeV expenditures have been detected, nickel can be accelerated up to about 290 MeV into bismuth to create roentgenium.


170 The orange band from molecular calcium chloride is observed in the spectra of many stars of what type?

171 Complete the text:

Regarding a blue haze layer near the south polar region of Titan, the difference in color

above and

nearer the

could be due to

of the haze.

172 True or False, The differential profile of the Sun's surface extends into the solar interior as rotating cylinders of constant angular momentum.


173 Complete the text:

Match up the item letter with each of the possibilities below:
Scorpius X-1 - A
Serpens X-1 - B
Circinus X-1 - C
Virgo X-1 - D
Taurus X-1 - E
Cygnus X-1 - F
Cepheus X-1 - G
Sagittarius X-1 - H
Crab Nebula

Messier 87

2U 1744-26

Tychos's Nova SN 1572

Carina X-1 misprint

the first X-ray source widely accepted to be a black hole candidate

discovered in 1962 by a team under Riccardo Giacconi

not Caput


174 True or False, Regulus is a likely first violet source in Leo.


175 Which of the following are associated with globular clusters as a standard candle?

characteristic mottling
luminosity functions
turnover point
incipient resolution
dispersion of the distribution
easy to recognize
log-normal function


Spiral Galaxy M100.jpg
The galaxy image at the right has approximately which type of rotational symmetry??

one-fold - ⊙
two-fold - ⊖
three-fold - ▲
four-fold - ◈
five-fold - ✪
six-fold - ✱

177 Complete the text:

A three-color (850, 650, and 350 GHz) single-pixel

system has been installed on the

Submillimeter Telescope (ASTE) and several massive star forming regions were mapped to derive submillimeter SEDs of these sources.

178 Trigonometric parallax involves which of the following?

reciprocal of parallax
apparent changes in position
lines of sight

179 Complete the text:

Match up the approximate luminosity class with each of the stellar class possibilities below:
0 - A
I - B
II - C
IV - E
V - F
VI - G


white dwarfs


bright giants





180 Which of the following are associated with the stellar active region control group?

solar cycle
closed magnetic structures
solar wind
long-lived loop arcades
helmet streamers
the Sun

181 True or False, Sirius is a likely first red source in Canis Major.


182 Which of the following is not a phenomenon usually associated with sunspots?

solar photosphere
a hole in the granulated photosphere
production of 7Be
solar cycle
flip-flop cycle

183 Complete the text:

Match up the item letter with each of the possibilities below:
Hydrogen - H, or D
Helium - He
Lithium - Li
Beryllium - Be
Boron - B
Carbon - C
Nitrogen - N
Oxygen - O
Fluorine - F
Neon - Ne
consumed in chromosphere fusion to produce lithium and neutrinos

isotope fusion in the chromosphere producing neutrinos

fusion in the chromosphere producing the most neutrinos

a factor of ~200 below meteorite abundance in the Sun's photosphere

detected with X-rays on the Moon

an organic form detected in Allan Hills 84001 probably from Mars

detected marginally on Venus with Chandra

found in the X-ray spectra of comets

consumed to produce beryllium and neutrinos

a surface impurity on meteorites


184 Which of the following are associated with standard candles?

Cepheid variables
Type Ia supernovae
the Sun
stellar spectral type
absolute magnitude
Tully-Fisher relation

185 Complete the text:

Match up the observation with the binary star:
Sirius A and B - A
Algol A and B - B
Albireo - C
WISE J1049-5319 - D
Mizar A - E
Minkowski 2-9 - F

Sirius A and B Hubble photo.jpg

Planetary Nebula M2-9.jpg


MizarA npoi big.gif

Algol AB movie imaged with the CHARA interferometer - labeled.gif


186 True or False, Beryllium has an emission line in the blue.


187 Complete the text:

Whether the thermal IGM is

or collisionless at scales smaller than the

scale depends on the effect of reduced

that is mediated by the plasma


188 Which of the following are radiation astronomy phenomena usually associated with lithium emission?

a green emission line
an orange line at 610.3 nm
the Spite plateau
lithium-drifted silicon detectors
the Fraunhofer E line
asymptotic supergiant branch
an infrared line at 812.6 nm

189 True or False, Ray angle deviation and dispersion through a prism can be determined by tracing a sample ray through the element and using Snell's law at each interface.


190 Which of the following is a technetium star?

Alpha Camelopardalis
R Geminorum
S Camelopardalis
HR 107
HR 774

191 True or False, The apex angle for a spectrograph is the angle the incoming ray makes with the first prism face.


192 Which of the following is not an astronomical trigonometric parallax or derived from it?

Hipparcos mission (ESA 1997), π = 15.15 ± 3.24 mas
independent observational constraint for DA white dwarfs
parallax distance of 357 +43 or −35 pc
angular diameter comparison
distance estimates
the range of an artificial satellite

193 Complete the text:

Match up the item letter with each of the possibilities below:
E0 - A
E1 - B
E2 - C
E3 - D
E4 - E
E5 - F
E6 - G
E7 - H

M32 Lanoue.png

Messier 105 2MASS.jpg

Ngc185 rgb combined.jpg

2MASS NGC 4125 JHK.jpg

NGC 1427 Hubble WikiSky.jpg

Messier 105.jpg

at left


194 The cosmic infrared background (CIB) causes a significant attenuation for very high energy protons through inverse Compton scattering, photopion and electron-positron pair production.


195 Complete the text:

Match up the item letter with each of the X-ray angular resolution possibilities below:
Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer - A
XMM-Newton - B
Chandra X-ray Observatory - C
Swift - D
Astro-rivelatore Gamma ad Imagini Leggero (AGILE) - E
Solar Heliospheric Observatory - F
Suzaku - G
Koronas-Foton - H









196 Which of the following is a prominent feature associated with solar clouds?

coronal mass ejections
magnetic clouds
coronal clouds
magnetic field lines

197 Complete the text:

Match up the type of source with each of the possibilities below:
a source - A
a source or apparent source detected or created at or near the time of the event or events - B
a source or apparent source that transforms or transduces anything originating from a primary source - C
a source or apparent source that selects (such as through selective absorption), distills, scatters, or reflects anything from a primary or secondary source - D
the point of origin of a ray, beam, or stream of small cross section traveling in a line - E
a natural source in the sky especially at night - F
a tertiary source

a primary source

an astronomical source

a secondary source

a radiation source

an entity from which something comes or is acquired


198 Spiral galaxies have which of the following in common?

spiral arms
a spheroidal shape
may appear lenticular
is irregular
arms of younger stars
may contain star clusters
dust lanes

199 Complete the text:

Match up the celestial octant with the constellation:
NQ1 - A
NQ2 - B
NQ3 - C
NQ4 - D
SQ1 - E
SQ2 - F
SQ3 - G
SQ4 - H




Piscis Austrinus

Corona Borealis




200 Complete the text:

Match up the coordinate system letter with each of the possibilities below:
triclinic coordinate system - A
monoclinic coordinate system - B
orthorhombic coordinate system - C
tetragonal coordinate system - D
rhombohedral coordinate system - E
hexagonal coordinate system - F
α = β = γ = 90° and a ≠ b ≠ c

a = b ≠ c and α = β = 90°, γ = 120°

a = b = c and α = β = γ < 120°, ≠ 90°

α = β = γ = 90° and a = b ≠ c

a ≠ b ≠ c and α ≠ β ≠ γ

a ≠ b ≠ c and for example α = β ≠ γ ≠ 90°


201 Which of the following are radiation astronomy phenomena associated with the rocky-object Io?

surface regions reflecting or emitting violet or purple
an excess brightness at or near the edge
red regions that may be phosphorus
neutron emission
polar coronal holes
meteor emission

202 True or False, To date, all of the reported hypervelocity stars (HVSs), which are believed to be ejected from the Galactic center, are blue.


203 Complete the text:

Match up the item letter with each of the possibilities below:
Moon - A
Eros - B
Io - C
Ganymede - D
Europa - E
Titan - F
X-ray producing electric arc, current spots

reflecting solar X-rays

soft X-ray emission

possible soft X-ray emission

synchrotron X-ray diffraction of methane hydrate up to 10GPa

ordinary chondrite composition


204 Handling cosmic rays when using a submillimeter bolometer as a detector involve which of the following:

a rapid rise in temperature
not practical to prevent cosmic-ray events
understanding their behavior
operating in a relatively high cosmic-ray flux

205 Which of the following are associated with the envelope of the polarization current density?

emission of electromagnetic radiation from a superluminal charged particle
intensity of some components decays as the inverse of the distance from the source
non-spherically-decaying sources
emission contains very high frequencies not present in the synthesis of the source
non-spherically decaying components of the radiation do not violate energy conservation
strong electromagnetic fields are compensated by weak fields elsewhere

206 Complete the text:

Match up the distance-time phenomena with the image:
line of sight - A
an origin - B
a displacement - C
one billion light years - D
measuring - E
acceleration - F
Celestial swiss cheese.

A beautiful galaxy.

An elliptical orbit.

Closer than a route.

It's about the chains.

Getting the numbers.


207 Which of the following is not a spectral class F star?


208 Complete the text:

Match up the item letter with each of the cosmogonic possibilities below:
interior models of the giant planets - A
high interest for cosmogony, geophysics and nuclear physics - B
hierarchical accumulation - C
clouds and globular clusters - D
cosmic helium abundance - E
deuterium fusion - F
a large deficiency of light elements - G
after galactic sized systems had collapsed - H
the motions of hydrogen

fornation of luminous quasars

stars with an initial mass less than the solar mass

rotating liquid drops

primordial is less than 26 per cent

a solar mixture of elements dominated by hydrogen and helium gas

around 13 Jupiter masses

smaller rocky objects


209 Nuclear fission and nuclear fusion may be connected by which of the following?

means for concentrating actinide elements and for separating actinide elements from reactor poisons exist
thermonuclear fusion reactions in stars are ignited by nuclear fission energy
dark matter
the feasibility of thermal neutron fission and fast neutron fission in planetary and protostellar matter may be calculated from nuclear reactor theory
brown dwarfs

210 Which of the following are radiation astronomy phenomena associated with the apparent liquid-object Earth?

neutron emission
polar coronal holes
meteor emission

211 Complete the text:

Match up the characteristics with the type of dynamo:
disc dynamo - A
geodynamo - B
radiative dynamo - C
α dynamo - D
Ω dynamo - E
radiative α-Ω dynamo - F
Taylor-Spruit dynamo - G

pinch-type instabilites

molten outer core

turbulence, a radiative layer, and differential rotation

radiative layers

differential rotation

a rotating cylinder


212 High-energy particle acceleration during an energetic solar flare may involve which of the following at submillimeter wavelengths:

a rapid rise in temperature
a gradual, long-lasting component
large apparent source sizes
synchrotron emission
a magnetic field strength of ≥ 200 Gauss
a close correlation in time and space of radio emission with pion production

213 Complete the text:

Match up the item letter with each of the possibilities below:
Skylark - A
V-2 - B
Nike-Asp - C
Aerobee 150 - D
Black Brant XII - E
Vertikal - F
Terrier Sandhawk - G
Wallops Flight Facility

Woomera, Australia

Natal, Brazil

Kapustin Yar

White Sands Missile Range

Point Defiance

Barking Sands

White Sands Proving Grounds


214 What are the requirements for a dynamo to occur and subsequently operate?

plate tectonics in its past
an electrically conductive fluid medium
a spheroidal object
stripes of crustal magnetism
local magnetohydrodynamic instabilities
transform faults
shear between different parts
two natural satelites
an energy source

215 Complete the text:

Match up the type of radiation with each of the star-forming possibilities below:
Spitzer infrared - A
VISTA infrared - B
visual - C
XMM-Newton X-rays - D
ultraviolet - E
ESO visual - F
NGC 346

NGC 2024

HH 46/47

NGC 2264


RCW 79


216 Which of the following is a mercury-manganese star?

20 Tauri
γ Canis Majoris

217 Which of the following is associated the Earth's geodynamo?

the Sun and the Moon
the Earth's magnetic field
convection currents
heat flow from the inner core
ice ages
plate tectonics
the Coriolis force

218 Complete the text:

Match up the observatory facility with the observatory:
Ondrejov Observatory - A
Okayama Astrophysical Observatory - B
Orbiting Astronomical Observatory - C
Metsähovi Radio Observatory - D
Tortugas Mountain Planetary Observatory - E
Pierre Auger Observatory - F
Observed quasar 3C 454.3 in the spring of 2005.

A solar telescope.

Detector components.

Data on AG Peg were obtained with the ultraviolet broad-band photometers on the second one.

The 0.6 m monitors cloud decks and equatorial activity.

A 188 cm telescope.


219 True or False, With respect to the core of the Sun, the high-hydrogen, low-iron model was suddenly adopted without opposition.


220 Which of the following are phenomena associated with strong forces in the IGM?

stochastic acceleration
hottest clusters
scaling of the acceleration efficiency with IGM temperature
collisionless IGM
placid magnetic compressions
the smaller the mean free path
cold regions
least effective for inducing the instability

221 Complete the text:

Match up the item letter with each of the possibilities below:
X-ray burster - A
gamma-ray burster - B
X-ray pulsar - C
soft X-ray transient - E
diffuse X-ray background - F
power law afterglow

magnetized neutron star

absorbed by neutral hydrogen

Aquila X-1

Factor of 10 or greater luminosity increase

thermal bremsstrahlung


222 True or False, Violet astronomy is the radiation astronomy over the wavelength band 380-450 nm.


223 Complete the text:

Match up the white dwarf classification with its distinctive characteristic:
DA - A
DB - B
DC - C
DO - D
DQ - E
DX - F
DZ - G
a helium-rich atmosphere, indicated He II spectral lines

a helium-rich atmosphere, indicated He I spectral lines

spectral lines are insufficiently clear to classify

no strong spectral lines

a metal-rich atmosphere

a carbon-rich atmosphere

a hydrogen-rich atmosphere


224 Chemistry phenomena associated with star-forming regions are

silicate dust
hydrogen molecules
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)

225 Which of the following are associated with the Earth's radius?

the delta of the Mississippi river is higher than its source
a unit of distance in astronomy and geology
falls between the equatorial maximum and the polar minimum
the geoid length
a balloon
McMurdo Station

226 True or False, In the evolution of elements much more material has gone into the even-numbered elements than into those which are odd.


227 Pick the characteristics of a gamma-ray burst.

a strong 2.223 MeV emission line
flashes of gamma rays
associated with extremely energetic explosions
most luminous events known
can last from ten milliseconds to several minutes
followed by a longer-lived "afterglow"

228 Complete the text:

Match up the radiation letter with each of the detector possibilities below:
Optical rays - L
Visual rays - M
Violet rays - N
Blue rays - O
Cyan rays - P
Green rays - Q
Yellow rays - R
Orange rays - S
Red rays - T
multialkali (Na-K-Sb-Cs) photocathode materials



broad-band filter centered at 404 nm


thallium bromide (TlBr) crystals


18 micrometers FWHM at 490 nm

wide-gap II-VI semiconductor ZnO doped with Co2+ (Zn1-xCoxO)


229 True or False, While fusion may be the primary mechanism by which first generation stars produce energy, repulsion between like nucleons may cause neutron emission from a collapsed core.


230 Which geographical phenomena are associated with stellar active regions?

moving across the surface of the Sun or star
manifesting intense magnetic fields
a north geographic and magnetic pole
a prime meridian
average starspot latitudes
the solar or stellar equator

231 Hydrogen has emission lines in which of the following colors?


232 Complete the text:

Match up the radiation mathematics symbol with the radiation phenomena:
thermal neutron capture rate - A
change in particle diameter - B
power law - C
Planck constant - D
Boltzmann constant - E
electrostatic force - F
Jeans length - G







233 Chemical and physical phenomena that may be associated with core formation are

a deficiency of some noble metals in the crust of the Earth
leaching by metallic iron
a liquid Earth
a loss of mechnical energy by conversion to heat
low viscosity

234 Pick the following sources that are or are likely to contain a coronal cloud?

gamma-ray source
dark nebula
X-ray source
molecular cloud
soft X-ray emission source
hard X-ray emission

235 Imaging brown dwarfs involve which of the following:

far-infrared (submillimeter) observations at 350 microns
neutrino detection
heating of the nearby gas and dust
near-infrared covering 1.3 and 2.2 microns
infrared covering 4.5 and 8.0 microns

236 Complete the text:

Match up the type of radiation with each of the superluminal possibilities below:
meteors - A
electrons - B
neutrinos - C
gamma rays - D
X-rays - E
opticals - F
superluminal signal transfer

sychrotron emission through the optical into the X-ray regime

conelike illumination pattern

electroweak Cherenkov radiation

index of refraction is often greater than 1



237 Complete the text:

Yarkovsky–O'Keefe–Radzievskii–Paddack (YORP)

lead many objects to

and then reaccrete.

238 True or False, The Sun may be a first radio source in the constellation Pisces.


239 Complete the text:

Match up the item letter with each of the possibilities below:
superluminals - A
radios - B
radars - C
microwaves - D
submillimeters - E
infrareds - F
reds - G
oranges - H
deuterium enrichment of cometary water

interstellar-comet connection

a macroscopic superstring

force of life

rings of Saturn

volcanic activity throughout Vesta

a silicon composite bolometer fed by a Winston cone

present-day fluctuations an order of magnitude larger


240 True or False, The angular velocity of the Sun is almost zero.


241 The star-forming phenomena related to RCW 79 are which of the following?

a bubble is 70-light years in diameter
the southern Milky Way
the radiation and winds of hot young stars
the hot bubble expands into the interstellar gas and dust around it
new stars along the edge of the large bubble

242 Complete the text:

While exceptions may occur, match up the star class letter with each of the X-ray possibilities below:
star class - O
star class - B
star class - A
star class - F
star class - G
star class - K
star class - M
LX >> Lv

constant X-ray luminosity across the class

independent of visual luminosity

LX ~ 10-3Lbol

abrupt onset of X-ray emission across the class

LX ~ 10-7Lbol

LX << 10-3Lbol


243 Piezonuclear reactions associated with fission may include

occurring in inert and non-radioactive elements
high pressure
brittle fracture
solids under compression
low-energy reactions
take place in nuclei with an atomic weight ≤ iron

244 Complete the text:

Match up the star with the constellation:
Capella - A
Sirius - B
Deneb - C
Anser - D
Altair - E
Vega - F

Canis Major






245 A NASA Hubble image of the Ring Nebula contains which of the following?

very hot helium blue
ionized oxygen emitting green
red light from ionized nitrogen
oxygen forbidden line emission
a forbidden line of sulfur

246 Complete the text:

Match up the radiation object with the likely source:
Crmo volcanic bomb 20070516123632.jpg
- L
Circinus X-1.jpg
- M
Moon egret.jpg
- N
Neusun1 superk1.jpg
- O
Earth in ultraviolet from the Moon (S72-40821).jpg
- P
PIA00072 Venus Cloud Patterns - colorized and filtered.jpg
- Q
Io Color Eclipse Movie - PIA03450.gif
- R
NGC 7048.jpg
- S
HST NGC 5728 -O III- emission-line image.jpg
- T
a Craters of the Moon volcano

violet image of Venus

active galactic nuclear region of NGC 5728

cosmic-ray bombardment of the Moon's surface

blue lights from Io

neutrino profile of the solar octant

planetary nebula NGC 7048

ultraviolet image of the Earth

a neutron star in a binary system


247 Complete the text:

Magnetic fields can be created in

stratified (non-convective) layers in a

rotating star.

248 Which of the following is not a spectral class M star?

Proxima Centauri
Barnard's star
VY Canis Majoris
Algol B

249 True or False, Black patches of space in certain areas encompassing a star formation are not dark nebulae but actually vast holes of empty space.


250 Supernovae of Type Ia lack hydrogen lines and helium lines in their optical spectra; during the first month after maximum light they do have a strong absorption feature produced by the red doublet (λ6347, λ6371 Å) of singly ionized?


251 True or False, Special relativity well describes the vertical precession of Mercury's orbit around the Sun.


252 Complete the text:

Match up a likely locational notation with each of the possibilities below:
atomic number - A
atomic weight - B
average hat - C
exponent - D
index - E
pre-coefficient - F
operation - G
range - H
variable - I

253 The first astronomical superluminal source in the constellation Indus is likely to be which of the following?

the Sun
the Small Magellanic Cloud
Scorpius X-1
the Large Magellanic Cloud
a Seyfert 1 galaxy

254 True or False, e5 x e3 = e8.


255 Complete the text:

Match up the item letter with each of the possibilities below:
Balloons - A
Sounding rockets - B
Aircraft assisted launches - C
Orbital rocketry - D
Shuttle payload - E
Heliocentric rocketry - F
Exploratory rocketry - G
Lunar rover - H
Ranger 5

microcalorimeter arrays

MeV Auroral X-ray Imaging and Spectroscopy

Lunokhod 2



Broad Band X-Ray Telescope

Solar Heliospheric Observatory


256 Which of the following are associated with a horizontal coordinate system?

local horizon
lower hemisphere
a great circle

257 Complete the text:

Methane possesses prominant

in the visible and near-infrared (IR) making

aquamarine or

in color.

258 True or False, The orange color of the Namib Desert develops over time as iron in the sand is oxidized.


259 Complete the text:

Match up the effective temperature with its spectral class:
O - A
B - B
A - C
F - D
G - E
K - F
M - G
L - H
T - I
Y - J
7,000 K

2,000 K

15,000 K

4,000 K

400 K

9,000 K

3,000 K

5,500 K

45,000 K

1,000 K

260 Which of the following are associated with planetary nebula as a standard candle?

observations made through a narrow band 5007 filter
internal extinction
star forming regions
relatively dust-free environments
found in galaxies of all Hubble types
almost as luminous as the brightest red supergiants

261 Complete the text:

Match up the item letter with each of the possibilities below:
Sa - A
Sb - B
Sc - C
SBa - D
SBb - E
SBc - F
Irr - G
S0 - H
M101 hires STScI-PRC2006-10a.jpg

Ngc5866 hst big.png

M104 - Sombrero.jpg

Starburst in NGC 4449 (captured by the Hubble Space Telescope).jpg

Caldwell 44.jpg


The VLT goes lion hunting.jpg

NGC 2859.jpg


262 Which of the following active region phenomena have been observed on Proxima Centauri?

temperatures as high as 27 MK
quiescent X-ray luminosity comparable to the Sun
a surface coverage of about 88%
likely prominence

263 Using the equation what temperature corresponds approximately to a Planckian peak wavelength of 476 nm (Use c2 = 1.438833 cm K.)?

6440 K
6300 K
5170 K
6100 K
5870 K
6250 K

264 Complete the text:

Match up the star pattern with the likely constellation:
- L
- M
Betelgeuse position in Orion.png
- N
- O
- P
- Q
- R
- S
- T





Ursa Major





265 Which of the following may not be able to slow down an object entering the heliosphere at 20 km/s?

electrostatic repulsion
the charge on the surface of the Sun
a comparable charge on the incoming object
strong forces

266 Complete the text:

Match up the form or type of quartz with the effect:
alpha quartz - A
coesite - B
cristobalite - C
stishovite - D
seifertite - E
tridymite - F
10 GPa and above 1200°C

2-3 gigapascals and 700°C

22-460°C tabular crystals

trigonal tectosilicate

35 GPa to 40 GPa orthorhombic

1470°C cubic or tetragonal form


267 Which of the following is likely to apply to a solar binary?

a high relative velocity between the solar system and the cometary medium of a passage through a molecular cloud
none of the captured bodies may localize in the Oort cloud
none of the captured bodies localize near the Sun
some captured bodies may localize near Jupiter
the Jupiter system may be a control group

268 True or False, Hydrogen has an emission line in the cyan.


269 Complete the text:

Match up the type of cosmic-ray detector with each of the possibilities below:
visible tracks - A
diffusion cloud chamber - B
bubbles - C
a grid of uninsulated electric wires - D
similar to the Haverah Park experiment - E
fluorescence detectors - F
spark chamber

continuously sensitized to radiation

Pierre Auger Observatory

bubble chamber

Cherenkov detector

expansion cloud chamber


270 Phenomena associated with a solar analog star are

no stellar companion
temperature within 500 K solar
metallicity of 50-200% solar
orbital period of greater than 11 d
K0V permitted
K1V permitted

271 Which of the following are theoretical radiation astronomy phenomena associated with a star?

possible orbits
a hyperbolic orbit
nuclear fusion at its core
nuclear fusion in its chromosphere
near the barycenter of its planetary system
electric arcs
impact craters
radar signature

272 True or False, Boron has an emission line in the cyan.


273 Complete the text:

Match up the item letter with each of the possibilities below:
Meteors - A
Cosmic rays - B
Neutrons - C
Protons - D
Electrons - E
Positrons - F
Gamma rays - G
Superluminals - H
X-ray jets

the index of refraction is often greater than 1 just below a resonance frequency

iron, nickel, cobalt, and traces of iridium

Sagittarius X-1

escape from a typical hard low-mass X-ray binary

collisions with argon atoms

X-rays are emitted as they slow down

Henry Moseley using X-ray spectra


274 Which of the following are minerals that can readily or often occur orange, or yellow-orange in color?


275 Complete the text:

The interstellar medium is the gas and

dust that pervade

space and is the matter that exists between the

within a

. It blends smoothly into the surrounding


276 Which of the following are characteristic of a binary formed via gravitational fragmentation?

the local Jeans length
the local speed of sound
the mean molecular weight
the electron neutrino
the mean particle density

277 Statistical phenomena associated with the Gaussian function are

x ε R
the mean
standard deviation

278 True or False, A spicule is a dynamic jet of about 500 km diameter in the chromosphere of a star.


279 Historically, orange astronomy is not known for which of the following?

Alpha Centauri B
Epsilon Eridani
K spectral type stars
the Bayer designation for a star
the Indian city of Pondicherry in December 1689

280 Complete the text:

Match up the item letter with each of the possibilities below:
Interstellar comet - A
Neutrals - B
Geminga - C
star formation region - D
Local Hot Bubble - E
H II regions - F
Ring Nebula - G
molecular cloud - H
supernova remnant - I
Messier 17 - J
empty space - K
M57 The Ring Nebula.JPG



Messier 17.jpg

Local bubble.jpg


The star formation region NGC 6559.jpg

Mira the star-by Nasa alt crop.jpg

ESO- Stellar Nursery-M 17-Phot-24a-00-normal.jpg


484684main 1 AP IBEX combined 1.74.jpg


281 True or False, The Norikura Solar Observatory uses its own designations for solar active regions rather than those of other observatories or NOAA.


282 Radiation phenomena associated with trigonometric parallax are

gamma-ray trigonometric parallax distances < 0.4 kpc
X-ray trigonometric parallax distances good to 2 pc
ultraviolet trigonometric parallax is good to ± 7 pc
visual trigonometric parallax distances good to about 3 kpc
infrared trigonometric parallax with an accuracy of 120 µas
radio trigonometric parallax distances good at least to 1.86 kpc

283 True or False, Oxygen emissions can be green or brownish-red depending on the amount of energy absorbed.


284 What term was first used with reference to the transfer of momentum from the Sun to the planets in 1942

285 Which of the following is or may be an original binary companion to the Sun?

the planet Mercury

286 Complete the text:


series is the series of transitions and resulting ultraviolet emission lines of the

atoms as an electron goes from a high-energy level to an n =


287 True or False, An X-ray trigonometric parallax of Proxima Centauri has demonstrated that the likely origin of X-rays from this star are closer to Earth than the visual parallax indicates the star is.


288 Phenomena associated with some brown dwarfs are which of the following?

a temperature well below the stellar range
methane absorption
the lithium test
T dwarfs

289 True or False, Star clusters have been discovered to occur outside a galaxy.


290 Complete the text:

Ordinary glass is partially

to UVA but is

to shorter wavelengths, whereas silica or

glass, depending on quality, can be

even to vacuum UV wavelengths.

291 True or False, Faster-than-light (superluminal or FTL) communications and travel refer to the propagation of information or matter faster than the speed of light.


292 A collection of architectural astronomical instruments, built by Maharaja Jai Singh II at his then new capital of Jaipur between 1727 and 1733 is known as the

293 Phenomena associated with nanoflares?

1017 Joules
very high X-ray emission from happening every 20 s
mass eruptions
active regions

294 True or False, The principal difference between ancient astronomical history and archeoastronomy is "cultural interpretations of phenomena in the sky."


295 Complete the text:

Match up the muonic device with its image below:
muon telescope - A
proton accelerator - B
neutron telescope - C
Baikal Neutrino Telescope NT200 - D
muon spectrometer - E
IceCube - F
Veritas - H
compact solenoid - K
Solar neutron detector.jpg

VERITAS array.jpg






Scherrer Insitute proton accelerator.jpg

HiFi muon spectrometer.jpg

Hegra and not bob tubbs 2001.jpg

Figs nt200+goldplated.png


296 A thin-section of a meteorite that may be analyzed has which of the following?

a great many light gray and dark gray chondrules present
large grain cross sections making sizing easy
an available sizing or magnification marker
independent verification as a meteorite
correctable diameters and relative abundances
optical conditions

297 True or False, BH Centauri is an overcontact system.


298 Considering that many rock types bear a striking resemblance to meteorites which are the one or few ways to differentiate a meteorite from a terrestrial rock?

the Ca/Si ratio
the Al/Si ratio
enstatite rather than diopside
oxygen isotope ratios
observed orbit and fall with verified recovery

299 Which of the following is not a phenomenon associated with the history of optical astronomy?

actuators may be a part of active optics
the Vela satellites were the first devices in space ever to detect optical bursts
Galileo made a telescope with about 3x magnification
Galileo sold his telescopes to merchants
Sidereus Nuncius
a terrestrial telescope or a spyglass could also be used to observe the sky


  1. Use of repetitive quizzing helps to re-enforce student memories.
  2. Providing radiation astronomy courses allows students to create their own learning pathway.

See also

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