< Translation:Shulchan Aruch
Waking in the Morning
- 8: Wrapping them about the body
- 9: Which Clothes Need Fringes and Which Do Not
- 10: Laws Regarding the Corners of a Shawl
- 11: The Laws of the Fringe Strings
- 12: Things that Invalidate the Fringes
- 13: The Laws of Fringes on the Sabbath
- 14: Laws of Borrowed Fringes
- 15: Transferring Fringes between Garments and Laws For a Ripped Shawl
- 16: The Size of a Shawl
- 17: Laws Regarding Who is Required to Wear Fringes
- 18: The Proper Time to Wear Fringes
- 19: The Proper Time for the Blessing made on Fringes
- 20: The Laws of Buying and Selling a Shawl
- 21: The Proper Course of Action Regarding Worn-out Fringes and Old Shawls
- 22: Laws of Reciting "Who has Kept Us Alive" on Making Fringes
- 23: Laws of Wearing Fringes in a Cemetery
- 24: The Manner of Wearing Fringes and the Reward and Punishment
- 25: Specification of the Laws of Tefillin
- 26: Laws for those with only one Tefillin (instead of the pair)
- 27: Place (on body) to put on tefillin and manner of putting them on
- 28: Laws of Removing Tefillin
- 29: Not to Make a Blessing when Removing Tefillin
- 30: Time to Put on Tefillin
- 31: Laws of Tefillin on Shabbat and Yom Tov
- 32: Directions for Writing Parchment to Put in Tefillin
- 33: Laws of Repairing Tefillin and Laws of Tefillin Straps
- 34: Laws of Ordering the Texts in the Tefillin and that the Meticulous have two pairs of tefillin
- 35: Laws on the Number of Lines written in the Tefillin
- 36: The Precision of Writing in the Tefillin
- 37: Times for putting on Tefillin
- 38: Who is Required to Put on Tefillin and Who is Exempt
- 39: Who is Eligible to Write Tefillin and Who One Can Buy Them From
- 40: How to Behave Regarding the Holiness of Tefillin
- 41: The Law of One Carrying a Burden, and What He Should Do Regarding Tefillin
- 42: Whether it is Okay to Switch the Tefillin Shel Yad and Shel Rosh
- 43: How to Behave Regarding Tefillin When Entering the Bathroom
- 44: Prohibition of Sleeping While Wearing Tefillin
- 45: Laws of Tefillin in a Funeral Home and Bathhouse
Morning Blessings and Other Blessings
- 46: Laws of the Morning Blessings
- 47: Laws of Blessing the Torah
- 48: Reciting Daily and Sabbath Sacrificial Passages
- 49: That one can recite the Shema from memory
- 50: The reason why "Aizehu Mekoman" (Mishna Zevachim 5) is recited
- 51: Laws of Pesukai D'Zimra
- 52: Laws of one who does not arrive in synagogue until "Yishtabach"
- 53: Qualifications for one to act as the Leader of the Service
- 54: Laws Relevant to Yishtabach
- 55: Laws of Kaddish
- 56: Laws of Congregational Responses During Kaddish
- 57: Laws of Barchu and Responding to It
- 58: Laws of Saying the Shema and its Blessings
- 59: The Laws of the First Blessing (who created)
- 60: The Laws of the Blessings of the Shema, and if Concentration is Required
- 61: Laws of How Much Precision and Concentration is Required When Saying the Shema
- 62: Someone who Has not been Precise with the Shema or Did Not Hear His Words
- 63: To Sit During the Reading of the Shema, and Not to Lie Down
- 64: The Law of One Who Makes a Mistake While Reading the Shema
- 65: One Who Enters the Synagogue and Finds the Congregation saying the Shema, or has paused in saying the shema
- 66: Where One May and May Not Pause During the Shema
- 67: Law of One Who is Unsure if they Said the Shema
- 68: Not to Pause During Shema to Say Piyyutim (poems)
- 69: Laws of Pores On the Shema
- 70: Those who are exempt from reciting the Shema
- 71: A mourner and those engaged in a burial are exempt from reciting the Shema
- 72: The laws of the coffin-bearers, the comforters and those attending a funeral
- 73: How someone who sleeps in the same room as his wife and children should conduct himself
- 74: The prohibition on reciting a blessing when one's vital organs can "see" his private parts
- 75: Being careful not to recite the Shema in the presence of a woman with uncovered hair or a singing woman or in front of any naked person
- 76: Being careful about excrement while reciting the Shema
- 77: The prohibition against reciting the shema in front of urine
- 78: One who needs to urinate during the time of saying the Shema
- 79: One who needs to defecate during the time of saying the Shema
- 80: One Who Cannot Avoid Being Flatulent
- 81: Laws of Small Amounts of Feces
- 82: Laws of Dry Feces
- 83: Laws of the Bathroom Regarding Saying the Shema
- 84: If One May Say the Shema in a Bathhouse
- 85: Places Where One Is Forbidden to Say the Shema
- 86: One Must Distance Himself from foul-smelling waters
- 87: How far to move away from an excrement pot when one says Shema
- 88: A Ba'al Keri is allowed to say the Shema
- 89: The laws and times of prayer
- 90: The Proper Place to Pray with the Community, and the Laws of Someone Traveling
- 91: One Should Gird Their Waist [with a belt] and Cover their Head at the Time of Prayer
- 92: On the need to use the restroom, the laws of washing before prayer and other preparations for prayer
- 93: One Must Pause before Praying
- 94: That One Must Face the Land of Israel and the laws of one Riding or on a Boat
- 95: Direction of Limbs During Prayer
- 96: One Should Prevent Nuisances in order to Concentrate [on the Prayer]
- 97: One Should not Burp or Yawn During Prayer
- 98: One Must Have Intent While Praying
- 99: Laws of a Drunk in Prayer
- 100: One Must Plan Ahead Regarding Holiday Prayers
- 101: That one must have Intent regarding all the blessings, and that one can pray in any language
- 102: Not to Interrupt Someone Who is Praying
- 103: One Who Happens to Pass Gas or Sneeze While Praying
- 104: One Should Not Stop in the Middle of Praying
- 105: One Who Says Two Prayers [one after another]
- 106: Those Exempt from Prayer
- 107: One who is Unsure if he Has Prayed, and the Laws of Voluntary Prayer
- 108: One who did not pray because of a mistake or an outside force or deliberately
- 109: Law of How An Individual Should Act Regarding Praying with the Community
- 110: One leaving for a journey, how workers should pray, and the order of the Traveler's Prayer and the prayer said when entering the house of study
- 111: The Law of Connecting "Geula" to "Tefilla"
- 112: Not to Pause During the First Three Blessings or the Last Three Blessings (of Shmoneh Esrei)
- 113: Law of Bending the Knee (To Bow) During the Eighteen Blessings
- 114: Law of Mentioning the Wind and the Rain and the Dew
- 115: Reason for the Blessing "You Endow"
- 116: Explanation of the Blessing "Our Healer"
- 117: Laws of the Blessing of the Years
- 118: Law of the Ending of the Blessing "Return" (השיבה)
- 119: Law of one who wishes to add to the blessings
- 120: That it is proper to say "Retzeh" (רצה) in every prayer
- 121: The Laws of "We give Thanks" (מודים)
- 122: Relevant Laws During Shmoneh Esrei to "May it be Your Will" (Yehiyu LeRatzon)
- 123: Laws of Bowing at the End of Shmoneh Esrei
- 124: Laws of Conduct for the Reader (Shaliach Tzibur) during the Shmoneh Esrei and Laws of Responding "Amen"
- 125: The Laws of the "Kedusha"
- 126: Law of Prayer Leader who Errs
- 127: Law of "Modim" of the Rabbis (Modim Derabbannan)
Priestly Blessing
- 128: Laws of the Priestly Blessing and Matters which Disqualify a Priest
- 129: In Which Prayer Services Is the Priestly Blessing Done
- 130: "Ribbono Shel Olam" Prayer Said During the Priestly Blessing
- 131: Laws of Falling on Ones Face
- 132: Laws of "Kedushat" and "Uva Letzion"
- 133: Laws of "Barchu" on Shabbat
- 134: How One Does "Vehu Rachum" and Lifting (Hagbah) of the Torah
Reading the Torah
- 135: How the Torah is Read on Mondays and Thursdays
- 136: Who is Called to the Torah on Shabbat
- 137: How Many Verses Each Person Must Read
- 138: One Should Not Stop Reading if Less than Three Verses Remain
- 139: The Proper Way of Reading the Torah and Reciting The Blessings on It
- 140: Laws of Pauses During the Blessings on the Torah
- 141: Laws of (Torah) Reading and the Reader
- 142: Laws of One Making a Mistake While Reading, and (what to do) if nobody knows how to read properly
- 143: Laws of what to do if a mistake is found in a Torah scroll
- 144: One Should Not Skip From Topic to Topic in the Torah, and the Laws of the Haftarah
- 145: Laws of the Translator of Torah
- 146: One Should Not Speak During the Torah Reading
- 147: Laws of Rolling the Torah Scroll
- 148 Community prayer should not strip the ark
- 149 Minyan should not leave until the Torahs are put back in the Ark
- 150 Building a synagogue, and that it should be tall
- 151 Laws of sanctifying a synagogue
- 152 That no synogogue may be demolished
- 153 The laws of building a synagogue
- 154 The laws of objects used for kedushah, and candles of the synagogue
- 155 Going from the Synagogue to the Beit Midrash
- 156 The order of (i.e. how one should go about) conducting commerce
Washing the Hands
- 157
- 158
- 159
- 160
- 161
- 162
- 163
- 164
- 165
Breaking Bread
Customs During a Meal
- 169
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- 175
- 176
- 177
- 178
- 179
- 180
Washing Hands After the Meal
- 181
Grace after Meals
- 182
- 183
- 184
- 185
- 186
- 187
- 188
- 189
- 190
- 191
- 192
- 193
- 194
- 195
- 196
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- 199
- 200
- 201
Blessings on Produce
- 202
- 203
- 204
- 205
- 206
- 207
- 208
- 209
- 210
- 211
- 212
- 213
- 214
- 215
- 216
Blessings for Fragrance
- 217
Blessing for Miracles
Thanksgiving Blessings
- 219: Law of thanksgiving by an individual
- 220
- 221: Laws of thanksgiving for rain
- 222: Laws of thanksgiving for the good and bad
Various Blessings
- 223
- 224
- 225
- 226: What Blessing Someone Recites Who Sees Fruit Tree Blossoms, Containing One Section
- 227
- 228
- 229
- 230
- 231
The Minchah Prayer (afternoon)
The Evening Prayer
- 235
- 236
- 237
- 238: Setting Aside Time for Torah Study at Night
- 239
- 242: To Take Care Regarding the Honor of the Sabbath
- 243: The Law of One Who Rents a Field or Bathhouse to a Cuthean
- 244: What Actions May a Non-Jew Perform on Behalf of a Jew
- 245: When a Jew and Non-Jew are Partners, How Do They Act on Shabbat
- 246: Laws of Renting and Lending to a Non-Jew on Shabbat
- 247: Law of Non-Jews Who Carry Letters for Jews on Shabbat
- 248: Laws Applying to One Who Sets Out on a Voyage by Ship or Travels in a Caravan with Regard to Shabbat
- 249: Laws That Apply on Friday
- 250: Preparations for the Shabbat Meals
- 251: Not to Perform Work on Friday from the Afternoon Onward
- 252: Which Tasks That Will Be Completed [without the Need for Further Intervention] over Shabbos May Be Started on Friday and Which Are Forbidden
- 253: The Laws Governing the Placement of Pots on a Cooking Range and on Top of an Oven on Friday
- 254: The Laws Governing Foods Prepared on Friday so that Their [Cooking] Will Be Completed on Shabbos
- 255: The Laws Governing the Preparation of Fire before the Onset of Shabbos
- 256: The Six Shofar Blasts that Would Be Sounded on Friday
- 257: The Laws of Insulating a Pot of Hot Food
- 258: On Friday, It Is Permitted to Place Cold Food on a Hot Object
- 259: Several Laws Governing Insulation and Moving the Insulating Materials
- 260: Laws Governing Preparations for the Onset of Shabbos
- 261: The Time to Kindle the Shabbos Lights
- 262: To Sanctify the Shabbos by Preparing One’s Table and Wearing Clean Garments
- 263: Who Should Kindle [Shabbos Lights]; [Reciting the Shabbos Prayers Early as a Result of] an Error [in Judgment on] a Cloudy Day
- 264: The Laws Pertaining to the Wick and the Oil [Used for the Shabbos Lights]
- 265: The Laws Pertaining to Utensils Placed Below the [Shabbos] Light
- 266: The Laws Pertaining to a Person Who Was in the Midst of a Journey when Night Fell [on Friday]
- 267: The Laws Pertaining to Prayer on Friday
- 268: The Laws Governing One Who Errs in the Shabbos Prayers
- 269: The Laws Pertaining to the Recitation of Kiddush in the Synagogue
- 270: To Recite the Chapter of Mishnayos Entitled Bameh Madlikin
- 271: The Laws Pertaining to [the Recitation of] Kiddush over Wine
- 272: The Wine Over Which Kiddush Is Recited
- 273: The Requirement that Kiddush Be Recited in the Place of the Meal
- 274: The Laws Pertaining to Breaking Bread on Shabbos
- 275: The Tasks Forbidden to Be Performed on Shabbos by the Glow of the Shabbos Lights
- 276: The Laws Pertaining to a Light Kindled by a Non-Jew on Shabbos
- 277: [Safeguards] to Prevent the Shabbos Lights from Being Extinguished
- 278: Lights May Be Extinguished on Shabbos for the Sake of a Person Who Is Sick
- 279: The Laws Governing Carrying a Lamp on Shabbos
- 280: The Laws Pertaining to Marital Intimacy on Shabbos
- 281: The Laws Pertaining to the Hymns of Praise Recited on Shabbos Day
- 282: The Communal Reading of the Torah and the Maftir
- 283: The Reason Two Torah Scrolls Are Not Taken Out Every Shabbos
- 284: The Laws Pertaining to the Haftarah and Its Blessings
- 285: To Read the Torah Parsha Twice in Hebrew and once with Targum
- 286: Laws of Musaf on Shabbat
- 287: Comforting Mourners and Visiting the Sick on Shabbos
- 288: The Laws Governing Fasting on Shabbos, and Particularly Fasting as a Result of a Disturbing Dream
- 289: The Sequence of the Shabbos Morning Meal
- 290: On Shabbos One Should Complete the Quota of 100 Blessings by Reciting Blessings on Fruits
- 291: The Laws Pertaining to the Three Shabbos Meals
- 292: The Laws Governing the Shabbos Afternoon Service
- 293: The Laws Governing the Evening Service on Motza’ei Shabbos
- 294: The Laws Governing the Recitation of Havdalah in the Shemoneh Esreh
- 295: The Havdalah Recited by the Sheliach Tzibbur
- 296: The Laws Governing the Recitation of Havdalah over Wine
- 297: The Laws Governing the Spices for Havdalah
- 298: The Laws Governing the Havdalah Candle
- 299: To Neither Eat, Drink, Nor Perform Any Work Before Reciting Havdalah
- 300: To Arrange His Table on Saturday Night
- 301: Articles Which One May Go Out to the Public Domain While Wearing and Those Which Are Forbidden To Be Worn
- 302: The Laws Governing Cleaning and Folding Garments on Shabbos
- 303: The Laws Pertaining to a Woman’s Ornaments
- 304: Which Type of Servant is Commanded to be Rested
- 305: The Objects that an Animal May Go Out Wearing on Shabbos
- 306: Articles Which Are Permitted To Be Spoken about on Shabbos
- 307: The Laws of Shabbos Relating to Speech
- 308: Articles that Are Permitted and Prohibited to Be Moved on Shabbos
- 309: Whether it is Permitted to Move an Article that is Muktzeh by Moving a Permitted Article with it on Shabbos
- 310: The Laws of Muktze on Shabbos
- 311: The Laws Governing Moving a Human Corpse on Shabbos and Other Instances When Objects Are Carried in an Indirect Manner
- 312: How One Cleanses after Relieving Himself on Shabbos
- 313: Carrying a Door, a Window, or a Lock on Shabbos
- 314: Actions Forbidden Because They Involve Building or Demolishing on Shabbos
- 315: Activities Forbidden because They Involve the Construction of a Shelter on Shabbos
- 316: When Trapping an Animal Is Forbidden on Shabbos and When It Is Permitted
- 317: The Laws of Tying and Knots on Shabbat
- 318: The Laws Governing One Who Cooks on Shabbos
- 319: The Laws Governing Separating on Shabbos
- 320: The Laws Governing Squeezing Out Liquids on Shabbos
- 321: The Laws Governing Detaching Produce on Shabbos; the Laws Governing Grinding; the Laws Governing the Preparation of Food, Leatherworking, and Kneading
- 322: The Laws of an Egg Laid on Shabbos
- 323: The Laws Pertaining to Borrowing and Acquiring One’s Shabbos Needs and Washing, Repairing, and Immersing Utensils on Shabbos
- 324: The Laws Governing the Preparation of Food for Animals on Shabbos
- 325: The Laws that Apply When a Non-Jew Performed Work on Behalf of a Jew on Shabbos
- 326: The Laws Governing Bathing on Shabbos
- 327: The Laws Governing Anointing Oneself on Shabbos
- 328: Laws of a Sick Person on Shabbat
- 329: For Whom Do We Desecrate Shabbat
- 330: Laws of Giving Birth on Shabbat
- 331: Laws of Circumcision on Shabbat
- 332: That One Should Not Deliver an Animal on Shabbat
- 333: That One Should Not Empty a Storehouse on Shabbat
- 334: Laws of a Fire on Shabbat
- 335: Law of a Barrel that Broke
- 336: If it is Permitted to Walk on Grass or Climb a Tree
- 337: The Laws of Sweeping the House and Something Done Unintentionally
- 338: Things Prohibited on Shabbat because of Noise
- 339: A Few Laws of Shabbat
- 340: A Few Laws of Forbidden Things on Shabbat Connected to Categories of Work
- 341: Annulling Vows on Shabbat
- 342: It Is Permitted At Twilight to Do Things Forbidden by Chazal By Enactment
- 343: Laws of a Child on Shabbat
- 344: The Law of Someone Who Is Wandering in the Desert on Shabbat
Moving Items Between Domains on Shabbat
- 345: The Four Domains of Shabbat
- 346: The Torah Laws of Eruv
- 347: The Transferring for Which One is Made Liable By the Torah
- 348: One Who Extends Something from Domain to Domain
- 349: The Law of Four Amot in the Public Domain
- 350: The Law of Someone Who Extends His Head and Most of his Body Between Domains
- 351: The Law of One Who Reaches Into a Pipe in the Public Domain to Drink
- 352: Someone who Reads a Scroll that Rolls from Domain to Domain
- 353: The Laws of Ledges in the Public Domain
- 354: The Laws of a Pit and Trash Pile in the Public Domain
- 355: The Laws of Balconies and Bathrooms
- 356: The Law of a Stream of Water that Runs through a Yard
- 357: The Laws of a Yard that is Narrower than Four Amot and a Drain
- 358: Which Places Are Considered Enclosed for Dwelling
- 359: The Law of an Open Area Behind the House
- 360: The Law of Enclosing Walls on Shabbat
- 361: The Law of a Roof that is Adjacent to the Public Domain
- 362: What Walls are Considered Walls for Carrying
- 363: The Laws of Alleys and Stakes
- 364: The Law of an Alley that is Open like a Centipede
- 365: The Law of an Alley that is Breached
- 366: The Law of an Eruv for a Yard in which Many People Live
- 367: If a Woman Can Make an Eruv
- 368: If the Eruv Broke After It Was Made
- 369: How an Eruv can be Sold
- 370: The Laws of Participating in an Eruv
- 371: When One Resident of the Yard Leaves or Dies
- 372: The Laws of Conjoining Living Spaces for Eruvs
- 373: The Law of Two Balconies on Two Upper Chambers
- 374: If an Opening or Window Were Blocked on Shabbat in a Place Where an Eruv Was Made
- 375: Which Things in the Yard Do Not Forbid
- 376: A Pit or Well Between Two Yards
- 377: The Law of Two Upper Chambers Opposite Each Other and Open to the Yard
- 378: The Law of Yards That Are Open to Each Other
- 379: The Laws of Yards With Houses in Between Them
- 380: The Laws of Renouncing Property
- 381: The Laws of Someone Who Renounced His Property and Breaks the Rules by Removing Something from His House
- 382: If the Residence of a Non-Jew Interferes with the Eruv
- 383: When the non-Jew is not Home He Does not Interfere
- 384: If a non-Jewish Guest Interferes with the Eruv
- 385: The Law of a Sadducee or Apostate and Eruvs
- 386: The Laws of Partnerships with Eruvs
- 387: Partners in an Alley Must Make an Eruv in Yards
- 388: The Law if The Yards Made No Eruv Together and the Alley Also Made No Partnership
- 389: A Non-Jew who Has a Window Open to a Valley or Enclosure
- 390: An Alley With A Jewish Side And A Non-Jewish Side
- 391: The Law of Renouncing Ownership For Those Who Forgot to Make an Eruv
- 392: The Laws of Eruvs in a City
- 393: The Law of an Eruv When a Holiday Falls on Friday and the Law of Making an Eruv at Twilight
- 394: The Law of a Doubtful Eruv
- 395: The Laws of the Blessing for an Eruv
- 396: The Law of Four Amot That Every Man Has on Shabbat
- 397
- 398: The Law of Measuring the Two Thousand Amot
- 399
- 400
- 401
- 402
- 403
- 404
- 405
- 406
- 407
Eiruv of Techumin
- 408
- 409
- 410
- 411
- 412
- 413
- 414
- 415
- 416
Rosh Chodesh
- 417
- 418
- 419
- 420
- 421
- 422
- 423
- 424
- 425
- 426
- 427
- 428
- 429: That we do not say Tachanun during the entire month of Nissan
- 430: The Custom of Commemorating Shabbos HaGadol
- 431: The Time for the Search of Chametz
- 432: The Laws Pertaining to the Blessing Recited Over the Search For Chametz
- 433: The Laws Pertaining to the Search for Chametz
- 434
- 435
- 436
- 437
- 438
- 439
- 440
- 441
- 442
- 443
- 444: The laws of Erev Pesach occurring on Shabbat
- 445
- 446
- 447
- 448: Hametz which existed through Passover
- 449: The Law of Hametz that is Found in the Store of a Jew but the Workers are not Jewish or the Opposite
- 450: The Law of a Jew and a non-Jew in a Partnership
- 451: The Laws of Scouring Dishes
- 452: The Timing of Scouring Dishes
- 453: The Laws of Wheat and Grinding It to Make Matzahs
- 454: With Which Matzo Does One Not Fulfill His Obligation
- 455: The Law of Water that Rested Overnight
- 456: The Quantities for Kneading Matzos
- 457: The Law of Taking Hallah from Matzo Dough
- 458: It is a Commandment to Knead Matzo on the Day Preceding Passover
- 459: The Place and Order of Kneading the Matzos
- 460: The Laws of Matzo Used for the Mitzvah
- 461: The Laws of Baking Matzo
- 462: The Law of Whether Juice Ferments
- 463
- 464
- 465
- 466
- 467
- 468
- 469
- 470
- 471
- 472
- 473
- 474
- 475
- 476
- 477
- 478
- 479
- 480
- 481
- 482
- 483
- 484
- 485
- 486
- 487
- 488
- 489: The order of prayers on 2nd evening of Pesach and the Counting of the Omer
- 490
- 491
- 492
- 493: Laws that are customary during the time of the omer
- 494: Order of prayers for the holiday of Shavuot
Sacred Holidays
- 495: Which Work Is Forbidden on a Sacred Holiday
- 496: The Laws of the Second Day of a Holiday in the Diaspora
- 497: The Laws of Preparation on a Holiday
- 498: The Laws of Slaughtering on a Holiday
- 499: The Laws of Scalding and Salting on a Holiday
- 500: What One Should Do If He Needs Meat on a Holiday, and How to Salt It
- 501: Forbidden and Permitted Wood on a Holiday
- 502: The Laws of Fire on a Holiday
- 503: That One Should Not Prepare On One Holiday for the Next
- 504: The Laws of Spices on a Holiday
- 505: The Laws of Milking an Animal on a Holiday
- 506: The Laws of Kneading on a Holiday
- 507: The Laws of Baking on a Holiday
- 508: Things That Are Forbidden On a Holiday When Preparing a Grill
- 509: Some Individual Holiday Laws
- 510: Some Things that Are Forbidden on a Holiday and Which Are Permitted with a Change
- 511: Burning and Heating Water are Permitted on a Holiday
- 512: One Should Not Cook for a Non-Jew on a Holiday
- 513: The Laws of an Egg Laid on a Holiday
- 514: One Should Not Extinguish on a Holiday
- 515: The Law of Things that Come From Outside the Techum on a Holiday
- 516: What Things Can Be Sent on a Holiday
- 517: Permitted Ways to Get Food from a Store on a Holiday
- 518: Moving Things from Domain to Domain on a Holiday
- 519: One May Remove and Replace Hinges for a Holiday-Related Need
- 520: Sweeping the House
- 521: The Law of Moving Fruits from Place to Place on a Holiday
- 522: Some Things that are Forbidden to be Carried on a Holiday
- 523: Laws Regarding Animals on a Holiday
- 524: A Few Things Forbidden on a Holiday
- 525: The Laws of Lending on a Holiday
- 526: The Laws of a Death on a Holiday
- 527: The Laws of Eruv Tavshilin
- 528: The Laws of Yard Eruvs on a Holiday
- 529: The Laws of Holiday Joy
Chol Hamoed
- 530
- 531: The Laws of Shaving on Hol Hamoed
- 532: Cutting Nails on Hol Hamoed
- 533: Permitted Labors on Hol Hamoed
- 534: The Laws of Laundry on Hol Hamoed
- 535: One Should not Move Things From Yard to Yard on Hol Hamoed
- 536: All Animal Needs Can Be Done on Hol Hamoed
- 537: The Law of Labor When There is Potential Loss
- 538: Some Things with a Potential Loss
- 539
- 540
- 541
- 542
- 543
- 544
- 545
- 546: The Laws of Betrothing and Marrying on Hol Hamoed
- 547: The Laws of Dealing with a Death on Hol Hamoed
- 548: The Laws of Mourning on Hol Hamoed
Tish'ah B'av
- 549: The obligation to observe the four fasts
- 550: The differences that exist between the ninth of Av to other fasts
- 551: Laws of the week during which Tisha B'Av falls
- 552: Laws of the day preceding Tisha B'Av
- 553: Laws of the Seudah Ha-Mafseket
- 554: Things that are forbidden on Tisha B'Av
- 555: Laws of Tefillin and Tzitzit on Tisha B'Av
- 556: Tisha B'Av that falls on Sunday
- 557: To say Nachem and Aneinu on Tisha B'Av
- 558: On the day following Tisha B'Av one does not eat meat
- 559: Customs of Tisha B'Av and the laws of [Brit] Milah on Tisha B'Av
- 560: To make remembrances for the destruction
- 561: Laws for one who sees the cities of Yehudah and Yerushalayim and the Temple in destruction.
Private Fasts
- 562
- 563
- 564
- 565: The laws the Anenu prayer
- 566
- 567
- 568
- 569
- 570
- 571
- 572
- 573: Megillat Taanit is nullified
- 574: On a fast day the stringencies of the place one left and the place one entered are imposed
- 575: The laws of a fast in the land of Israel for rain
- 576: For which things we fast and blast
- 577: What to do when it rains so much that it destroys the soil
- 578: Every individual should fast and pray for his problems
- 579: The order of prayers on these fasts
- 580: Fast days
Rosh Hashanah
- 581: Laws of the days of supplicatory prayer and the eve of Rosh Hashanah
- 582: Prayers for the Ten Days of Repentance and for Rosh Hashanah
- 583: Foods customarily eaten on Rosh Hashanah
- 584: Torah Reading for Rosh Hashanah
- 585: Laws of the blessing on the shofar
- 586: Laws of the shofar for Rosh Hashanah
- 587: Law of one who sounds the shofar in a pit
- 588: When to sound the shofar
- 589: Who can sound the shofar
- 590: The order of sounding the shofar
- 591: The individual Mussaf prayer
- 592: The Mussaf read aloud and the order of the shofar blasts
- 593: When the blessings and blasts are separable
- 594: If an individual has not prayed, his fellow can not fulfill his obligation
- 595: Somebody who is proficient in neither the shofar blasts nor prayer
- 596: Adding shofar blasts after the prayer
- 597: If it is permitted to fast on Rosh Hashanah
- 598: Minchah of R"H that falls on Shabbat
- 599: R"H that falls on Motzaei Shabbat
- 600: An egg laid on Rosh Hashanah and the rules of Kiddush
- 601: The order for the second day of Rosh Hashanah
- 602: The order for the Days of Repentance
- 603: Avoiding bread baked by idolaters
Yom Kippur
- 604: The order of the eve of Yom Kippur
- 605: The custom of Kapparot on Yom Kippur
- 606: Reconciling with friends on Erev Yom Kippur
- 607: The order of the Confession at Minchah of Erev Yom Kippur
- 608: The order of the last meal before the fast
- 609: Covering hot food on Erev Yom Kippur
- 610: Candelighting on Erev Yom Kippur
- 611: The night of Yom Kippur has the same rules as the day
- 612: The prohibition on eating on Yom Kippur and its quantity
- 613: The prohibition on bathing on Yom Kippur
- 614: The laws of anointing with oil and wearing shoes
- 615: Sex is forbidden on Yom Kippur
- 616: When children should begin fasting
- 617: The laws of pregnant, nursing, and women who give birth on Yom Kippur
- 618: The laws of the sick on Yom Kippur
- 619: The order of Yom Kippur night
- 620: It is a good custom to minimize prayers during Shacharit
- 621: The order of Torah reading and circumcision on Yom Kippur
- 622: The order of Mincha
- 623: The order of Neilah
- 624: The order of the night following Yom Kippur
- 625: In Sukkot shall you dwell seven days
- 626: One who makes a sukkah under a tree or roof
- 627: Laws for sleeping in the sukkah
- 628: Laws of one sukkah under another sukkah
- 629: What materials can be s'chach
- 630: Laws of the walls of the sukkah
- 631: A Sukkah whose sunlit area exceeds its shaded area and other laws of s'chach
- 632: Things that are invalid for s'chach
- 633: Laws of the height of a sukkah
- 634: A sukkah cannot be smaller than 7 x 7
- 635: Laws of a sukkah of non-Jews, women, animals, Samaritans, shepherds, fig dryers, field guards, and produce guards
- 636: Laws of an old sukkah
- 637: Laws of a borrowed or stolen sukkah
- 638: A sukkah and its decorations are forbidden all seven days
- 639: Laws of dwelling in the sukkah
- 640: Who is exempt from dwelling in the sukkah
- 641: The Shehecheyanu blessing is not recited over the construction of a sukkah
- 642: If the first day of Sukkot falls on Shabbat, regarding the Seven-Fold Blessing
- 643: The order of Kiddush
- 644: The order of Hallel each day of the holiday
The Four Species
- 645: The laws of the lulav
- 646: The laws of the myrtle
- 647: The laws of willow
- 648: Things that invalidate an etrog
- 649: Things that invalidate the four species
- 650: The required measurements for myrtle and willow
- 651: Taking the lulav and its blessing
- 652: The time for taking the lulav
- 653: It is forbidden to smell the myrtle
- 654: One can return the lulav to water on Yom Tov
- 655: If a gentile brought the lulav
- 656: One must pursue beautification of the mitzvah when buying an etrog
- 657: The law of a minor who knows how to shake the lulav
- 658: The laws of lulav on the first day of Yom Tov
The Prayers of Sukkot, etc.
- 659: The order of Torah reading on Sukkot
- 660: The order of circling the bima
- 661: One second night Yom Tov one says Sh'hechiyanu before the blessing To Sit in Sukkah
- 662: The order of prayers on the second day of Sukkot
- 663: The order of prayer on Hol Hamoed
- 664: The order of Hoshana Rabba
- 665: It is forbidden to eat the etrog on the seventh day
- 666: The laws of the sukkah on the seventh day
- 667: The sukkah and its decorations are forbidden also on the eighth day
- 668: The order of prayers on the eighth night and day
- 669: The order of Simchat Torah
- 670: Things That Are Prohibited and Permitted on Hanukkah
- 671: The Sequence of Kindling the Hanukkah Light and the Location of its Placement
- 672: The Time of Kindling the Hanukkah Light
- 673: Oils and Wicks That Are Fit for Use on Hanukkah
- 674: That it is Permitted to Kindle Lights From One Another
- 675: That the Kindling Accomplishes the Mitzvah and not the Placement
- 676: The Sequence of the Benedictions and the Kindling
- 677: The Law of a Lodger on Hanukkah
- 678: The Sabbath Light Takes Precedence Over the Hanukkah Light
- 679: On Sabbath Eve One Lights Hanukkah Candles First
- 680: Not to Leave the Lights Near the Entrance on the Sabbath Eve
- 681: We Do Not Perform the Havdalah With the Hanukkah Light After the Sabbath
- 682: The Law of "For the Miracles" On Hanukkah
- 683: Oils and Wicks That Are Fit for Use on Hanukkah
- 684: The Sequence of the Torah Reading on Hanukkah
- 685: The Sequence of The Four [Torah] Portions
- 686: Laws of the Fast of Esther
- 687: The obligation to read the Megilah
- 688: The law for cities which were surrounded by a wall in the days of Yehoshua Bin Nun
- 689: That everybody is obligated to read the Megilah
- 690: The laws concerning the reading of the Megilah
- 691: The laws concerning the writing and the sewing of a Megilah scroll
- 692: The laws concerning the blessings over the reading of the Megilah
- 693: The prayer service of Purim
- 694: The law as regards Purim money for the poor
- 695: The laws concerning the Purim feast
- 696: The laws concerning eulogizing, fasting and performing labor on Purim
- 697: That one should not say supplicatory prayers on the 14th and 15th of the first Adar and the law regarding fasting and eulogizing on these days
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