< Translation:Shulchan Aruch < Orach Chaim

[Safeguards] to Prevent the [Shabbos] Lights from Being Extinguished, 5 Seifim: 1. If a candle is placed behind a door, it is forbidden to open the door (in the regular manner) (Rambam, Perek 5; Mordechai Perek 22; Beis Yosef in the name of the Smag) lest the wind will blow it out, however it is permitted to shut the door. (This is the law regarding a window that is next to a candle on a table). If it is fixed to the wall behind the door, it is forbidden to open and shut the door in the regular manner, lest the door will knock it and extinguish it, rather one should open and shut the door gently. If it is fixed to the door itself, and by opening and shutting the door the oil is moved nearer or farther from the wick, it is forbidden to open and shut the door. RAMA: As for a wax candle, it is permitted to open and shut the door, even though it is fixed to the door. (Beis Yosef)

2. It is forbidden to open a door opposite a fire that it is near the door; even if only a calm wind is blowing. However, it is permitted to shut it if it was open opposite the fire, and is not considered Mechabeh (Extinguishing).

3. If one forgot a candle on a board, one may tilt the board and the candle will drop – even if it is alight, as long as one does not intend to extinguish it. RAMA: It is preferable to use a gentile when it is not really necessary. (Kol Bo)This is as long as it is a wax candle or similar, or the oil is finished, but if it has oil inside it is not possible that the oil will not move closer to the wick, thereby doing Hav’ara (Causing a flame to burn). If it was purposely placed there, it is forbidden to tilt because the board is a Basis (something that upholds another article. The translation of kano (the leg) is the Basis of an article which is Muktze). RAMA: nevertheless, it is permitted to touch the board because one is not moving the candle. Likewise it is permitted to touch the candelabra in shul with the candles burning on it, as long as it is not moved. (Mordechai, Perek 22)

4. [On Friday,] while it is still day, one may place a Shabbos lamp on a tree with the intent that it burn there during Shabbos because there is not.....thus making use of [a tree] while it is rooted in the ground. One may not, by contrast, place a burning lamp on a tree for [use on] a festival even while it is still day [before the onset of the festival]. This is because it is making use of [a tree] on a festival while it is rooted in the ground.

5. It is permitted to place an overturned earthenware bowl above a lamp on Shabbat so that the flame will not catch on a [wooden] beam [located above the lamp].

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