See also: 大字报
trad. (大字報) | 大字 | 報 | |
simp. (大字报) | 大字 | 报 |

大字報 (1)
- (Mainland China, historical) dazibao; big-character poster (wall-mounted newspaper or similar, used as a popular form of communication in China) (Classifier: 張/张 m) [from 1940s]
- 1949 January 20, 浦江清, “清华园日记(下)”, in 《清华园日记 西行日记》, Beijing: 三联书店, published 1987 June, page 260:
- 工字厅前有教联会大字报,抄录国内外消息,得自无线电广播者,亦有园内新闻及社评等,词锋甚利,攻击右派教授,对于教授会、校务会议亦常有不敬之处。 [MSC, simp.]
- Gōngzìtīng qián yǒu Jiàoliánhuì dàzìbào, chāolù guónèiwài xiāoxi, dé zì wúxiàndiàn guǎngbōzhě, yì yǒu yuánnèi xīnwén jí shèpíng děng, cífēng shèn lì, gōngjī yòupài jiàoshòu, duìyú jiàoshòu huì, xiàowù huìyì yì cháng yǒu bùjìng zhī chù. [Pinyin]
- Previously, at Gongziting, there were big-character posters from the Association of Professors. They transcribed domestic and international news from radio broadcasters, and they also had campus news and social commentary. The writing was quite incisive, attacking right-wing professors; they were also often quite disrespectful of the professors' meetings and school administration meetings.
工字廳前有教聯會大字報,抄錄國內外消息,得自無線電廣播者,亦有園內新聞及社評等,詞鋒甚利,攻擊右派教授,對於教授會、校務會議亦常有不敬之處。 [MSC, trad.]
- 1958 May, 張伏生, “名医开良方”, in 中共福建省委办公廳, editor, 《福建民歌·第一集》, Fuzhou: 福建人民出版社, page 130:
- 大字报,几十張,張張打在心坎上,平心靜气想一想:勝过名医开良方。 [MSC, simp.]
- Dàzìbào, jǐshí zhāng, zhāngzhāng dǎ zài xīnkǎn shàng, píngxīnjìngqì xiǎng yī xiǎng: shèngguò míngyī kāi liángfāng. [Pinyin]
- Big-character posters, tens of them, each one hits the bottom of the heart. Think about it with a calm mind: it is better than a renowned doctor writing an effective prescription.
大字報,幾十張,張張打在心坎上,平心靜氣想一想:勝過名醫開良方。 [MSC, trad.]
- 1962 May, 楊嘯, “大字报”, in 《笛声》, Tianjin: 百花文艺出版社, page 3:
- 可不是嘛,刚过門的儿媳妇,写大字报批評公公,尽管是婆婆的主意吧,但到底是要由她来編,由她来写呀! [MSC, simp.]
- Kěbushì ma, gāng guòmén de érxífu, xiě dàzìbào pīpíng gōnggong, jǐnguǎn shì pópo de zhǔyì ba, dàn dàodǐ shì yào yóu tā lái biān, yóu tā lái xiě ya! [Pinyin]
- Tell me about it! A daughter-in-law, who has just been married, writing a big-character poster to criticize her father-in-law — even though it's her mother-in-law's idea, in the end, it's up to her to compose and write it!
可不是嘛,剛過門的兒媳婦,寫大字報批評公公,盡管是婆婆的主意吧,但到底是要由她來編,由她來寫呀! [MSC, trad.]
- (television) large cue card
- 2016, 傅達仁, 《達仁傳奇:不為人知的新聞與祕聞》, Taipei: 時報文化, →ISBN, page 254:
- 以前電視主播的「大字報」是手寫的,草的厲害,使我把「英」國女王,報成「美」國女王伊莉莎白差點被電話罵斃。 [MSC, trad.]
- Yǐqián diànshì zhǔbō de “dàzìbào” shì shǒuxiě de, cǎo de lìhài, shǐ wǒ bǎ “yīng” guó nǚwáng, bào chéng “měi” guó nǚwáng Yīlìshābái chādiǎn bèi diànhuà màbì. [Pinyin]
- Before, the "cue cards" for TV anchors were handwritten. The writing was terribly sloppy, causing me to read the Queen of the U"K" as Queen Elizabeth of the U"S", and I almost died from people phoning in to tell me off.
以前电视主播的「大字报」是手写的,草的厉害,使我把「英」国女王,报成「美」国女王伊莉莎白差点被电话骂毙。 [MSC, simp.]
- (Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia) notice put up by debt collectors outside debtor's home or workplace
- 她披露,去年12月10日早上6时30分许正打算出门时,却发现位于美雅花园的住家车房铁门遭人泼红漆,停放在屋子前庭及屋外路旁的两辆车都遭殃,肇事者更留下大字报威胁若事主不叫妹妹出来还钱,下次会把事主整间家烧掉。 [Malaysian Mandarin, simp.]
- Tā pīlù, qùnián 12 yuè 10 rì zǎoshàng 6 shí 30 fēn Xǔ zhèng dǎsuàn chūmén shí, què fāxiàn wèiyú Měiyǎ Huāyuán de zhùjiā chēfáng tiěmén zāo rén pō hóngqī, tíngfàng zài wūzi qiántíng jí wūwài lùpáng de liǎng liàng chē dōu zāoyāng, zhàoshìzhě gèng liúxià dàzìbào wēixié ruò shìzhǔ bù jiào mèimei chūlái huánqián, xiàcì huì bǎ shìzhǔ zhěng jiān jiā shāodiào. [Pinyin]
- She revealed that December 10 last year, at around 6:30 am, when she was about to go out, she discovered that someone splashed red paint on the garage door at her home in Taman Bukit Mewah. Two cars, parked at the frontyard of the house and on the roadside outside of the house were also met with disaster. The culprits left a notice, threatening that if the victim would not ask her sister to come out and pay her debt, they would burn the victim's whole house down next time.
她披露,去年12月10日早上6時30分許正打算出門時,卻發現位於美雅花園的住家車房鐵門遭人潑紅漆,停放在屋子前庭及屋外路旁的兩輛車都遭殃,肇事者更留下大字報威脅若事主不叫妹妹出來還錢,下次會把事主整間家燒掉。 [Malaysian Mandarin, trad.]
- poster used in protests or proposals
- 2018 July 8, “「求恩」大字報救病父 女粉跨欄向古天樂借百萬”, in 文匯報 [Wen Wei Po], page B1:
- 但活動尾聲嘉賓於台上大合照時,商場一樓有疑是內地女子跨越圍欄外圍舉起大字報,當中寫上「求恩」,表示因父親重病要向古天樂借一百萬元,唯當時嘉賓們全不知情,但基於該名女子疑有進一步動作,數名保安遂合力將她制服帶走。 [Literary Cantonese, trad.]
- daan6 wut6 dung6 mei5 sing1 gaa1 ban1 jyu1 toi4 soeng6 daai6 hap6 ziu3 si4, soeng1 coeng4 jat1 lau4-2 jau5 ji4 si6 noi6 dei6 neoi5 zi2 kwaa1 jyut6 wai4 laan4 ngoi6 wai4 geoi2 hei2 daai6 zi6 bou3, dong1 zung1 se2 soeng5 “kau4 jan1”, biu2 si6 jan1 fu6 can1 cung5 beng6 jiu3 hoeng3 gu2 tin1 lok6 ze3 jat1 baak3 maan6 jyun4, wai4 dong1 si4 gaa1 ban1 mun4 cyun4 bat1 zi1 cing4, daan6 gei1 jyu1 goi1 ming4 neoi5 zi2 ji4 jau5 zeon3 jat1 bou6 dung6 zok3, sou3 ming4 bou2 on1 seoi6 hap6 lik6 zoeng1 taa1 zai3 fuk6 daai3 zau2. [Jyutping]
- However, when the guests were taking a group photo on stage at the end of the event, a woman, thought to be from Mainland China, crossed the barrier on the first floor of the mall and held up a placard which read 'Seeking Kindness'. She expressed that she wanted to borrow one million dollars from [Hong Kong actor] Louis Koo because her father was seriously ill, even though the guests were completely unaware of this situation at the time. But as the woman appeared to be about to take further action, several security guards quickly worked together to subdue her and take her away.
但活动尾声嘉宾于台上大合照时,商场一楼有疑是内地女子跨越围栏外围举起大字报,当中写上「求恩」,表示因父亲重病要向古天乐借一百万元,唯当时嘉宾们全不知情,但基于该名女子疑有进一步动作,数名保安遂合力将她制服带走。 [Literary Cantonese, simp.]
Kanji in this term | ||
大 | 字 | 報 |
だい Grade: 1 |
じ Grade: 1 |
ほう Grade: 5 |
on’yomi |
- Matsumura, Akira, editor (2006), 大辞林 [Daijirin] (in Japanese), Third edition, Tōkyō: Sanseidō, →ISBN
Hanja in this term | ||
大 | 字 | 報 |
大字報 • (daejabo) (hangeul 대자보)
- Hanja form? of 대자보 (“(historical) dazibao; hand-written poster; big-character poster”).
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