soldiers; a force; an army soldiers; a force; an army; weapons; arms; military; warlike |
leather; remove | ||
simp. and trad. (兵革) |
兵 | 革 | |
Literally: “arms and armour”. |
- (literary) weaponry; implements of war
- 域民不以封疆之界,固國不以山谿之險,威天下不以兵革之利。 [Classical Chinese, trad.]
- From: Mencius, c. 4th century BCE, translated based on James Legge's version
- Yù mín bùyǐ fēngjiāng zhī jiè, gù guó bùyǐ shānxī zhī xiǎn, wēi tiānxià bùyǐ bīnggé zhī lì. [Pinyin]
- A people is bounded in, not by the limits of dykes and borders; a State is secured, not by the strengths of mountains and rivers; the kingdom is overawed, not by the sharpness and strength of arms.
域民不以封疆之界,固国不以山谿之险,威天下不以兵革之利。 [Classical Chinese, simp.]
- (literary, metonymically) war; military action
- 是時漢兵與項羽相距,中國罷於兵革;以故冒頓得自彊,控弦之士三十餘萬。 [Classical Chinese, trad.]
- From: The Records of the Grand Historian, by Sima Qian, c. 91 BCE
- Shìshí Hàn bīng yǔ Xiàng Yǔ xiāng jù, Zhōngguó pí yú bīnggé; yǐgù Mòdú dé zìqiáng, kòngxiánzhīshì sānshí yú wàn. [Pinyin]
- At that time, Han and Xiang Yu's forces were locked against each other, and the Zhongguo was being exhausted by war. As a result, Modu was able to strengthen himself and mobilized a force of over three hundred thousand archers.
是时汉兵与项羽相距,中国罢于兵革;以故冒顿得自强,控弦之士三十余万。 [Classical Chinese, simp.]- 長平之坑,老少並陷;萬數之中,必有長命未當死之人,遭時衰微,兵革並起,不得終其壽。 [Classical Chinese, trad.]
- From: Wang Chong, Lun Heng (Discussive Weighing), 80 CE, translated based on Alfred Forke's version
- Chángpíng zhī kēng, lǎoshào bìng xiàn; wànshù zhī zhōng, bìyǒu chángmìng wèi dāng sǐ zhī rén, zāo shí shuāiwēi, bīnggé bìngqǐ, bùdé zhōng qí shòu. [Pinyin]
- [A]t Changping the aged and the young were buried to the last. Among the tens of thousands, there were certainly many who had still a long life before them and ought not to have died. But they happen to live in a time of decay, when war breaks out everywhere, and cannot live their long lives to die of old age.
长平之坑,老少并陷;万数之中,必有长命未当死之人,遭时衰微,兵革并起,不得终其寿。 [Classical Chinese, simp.]
- (war):
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