< Korean < Words



A horse chestnut tree
Roman: maronie
From; French marronnier [1]
  1. 칠엽수과의 낙엽 교목. 줄기는 높이가 20~25미터이고 둘레가 6미터에 이르는 것도 있다. 잎은 마주나고 장상 복엽으로 길이가 20cm 정도인데 끝이 뾰족하고 톱니가 있다. 5~6월에 흰 바탕에 붉은 무늬가 있는 종 모양의 꽃이 원추(圓錐) 화서로 핀다. 마롱이라고 하는 열매는 삭과(蒴果)로 가시가 있고 단맛이 많은 전분질이어서 식용한다. 유럽 남부가 원산지이며 세계 4대 가로수, 정원수로 세계 각지에서 재배한다. ≒서양칠엽수. (Aesculus hippocastanum) [2] [3]
    horse chestnut tree
  • 서양칠엽수 (seoyang-chil-yeobsu)
  • 가시칠엽수 (gasi-chil-yeobsu) [4]
  • 일본칠엽수 (ilbon-chil-yeovsu) Aesculus turbinata
See also


Water caltrop, aka. water chestnut (Trapa natans cf. Trapa japonica) fruits
A 16th-century caltrop
Corm of (Chinese) water chestnut (Eleocharis dulcis)
Roman: mareum
Older: < 마람 (maram) < 말암 (mal-am) < 말왐 (mal-wam) < 말ㅸㅏㅁ (mal-vam[7]) < 말밤 (mal-bam) [8]
  1. 마름과에 속한 한해살이풀. 연못이나 늪에서 자란다. 뿌리는 진흙 속에 박고 줄기는 물위에까지 가늘고 길게 뻗는다. 잎은 줄기 꼭대기에 뭉쳐나고 삼각형이며, 잎자루에 공기가 들어 있는 부낭(浮囊)이 있어서 물위에 뜬다. 여름에 흰 꽃이 피며 마름모꼴의 열매가 열리는데 이것을 까서 먹는다. 한국, 일본, 중국 등지에 분포한다. 학명은 Trapa japonica이다. [9] [10]
    water caltrop, aka. water chestnut [11]
  • 마름쇠 (-soe, "caltrop, caltrap") [12]
  • 마름모 (-mo, "lozenge")
  • 말밤 (末栗,[13] mal-bam, lit. "coarse chestnut"[14])
  • 물밤 (mul-bam, lit. "water chestnut")
From water caltrop #Translations
  • Chinese: 菱角 (língjiao)
  • Danish: hornnød
  • Finnish: vesipähkinä
  • Hungarian: sulyom
  • Japanese: (ヒシ, hishi)
  • Korean: 마름 (mareum)
  • Russian: чёртов оре́х (čórtov oréx)
  • Spanish: castaña de agua
The water caltrop is any of three extant species of the genus Trapa: Trapa natans, Trapa bicornis and the endangered Trapa rossica. It is also known as water chestnut, buffalo nut, bat nut, devil pod, ling nut, lin kok, ling jow, ling kio nut, mustache nut or singhada.


The generic name Trapa is derived from the Latin word for "thistle", calcitrappa, as also is another common name for the water caltrop.

The Chinese name is língjiǎo (菱角), líng meaning "caltrop" and jiǎo meaning "horn". This is often rendered as ling nut by English-speakers.

-- Wikipedia: Water caltrop

See also


RR: manse
[萬歲] [15]
  1. (Exclamation for future joy) May somebody or something last for ever! [16]
  2. (Exclamation for present joy) hurrah!, bravo!.




A horse
Roman: mal
  1. 말과의 포유류. 어깨의 높이는 1.2~1.7미터이며, 갈색ㆍ검은색ㆍ붉은 갈색ㆍ흰색 따위가 있다. 네 다리와 목ㆍ얼굴이 길고 목덜미에는 갈기가 있으며, 꼬리는 긴 털로 덮여 있다. 초식성으로 3~4세에 성숙하고 16~20세까지 번식하는데, 4~6월이 번식기이고 수태한 후 335일 만에 한 마리의 새끼를 낳는다. 성질이 온순하고 잘 달리며 힘이 세어 농경, 운반, 승용, 경마 따위에 사용한다. [17] [18]
  • 말- (mal-, prefix meaning "large")
mearh #Old English (“horse”) mare #Translations
  • Irish: marc
  • Welsh: march
  • Old Frisian: mar
  • Old High German: marah
  • Old Norse: marr
  • Dutch: merrie
  • German: (obsolete) Mähre
  • Icelandic: meri
  • Norwegian: merr
  • Swedish: märr


The sunrise in the morning
Pearl necklace
Princess Margaret [19] in 1965, wearing a pearl necklace
Roman: malgah-da
  1. 산뜻하게 맑다. [20] [21]
    to be highly clear, clean, fresh [22]
  • 맑다 (malgda, "clear, clean, pure; fresh, sunny")
  • 묽다 (mulgda, "to be dilute, watery, of thin solution")
  • (mul, "water")
From morning #Translations From pearl #Translations
  • Danish: morgen
  • Dutch: morgen
  • English: morning [23]
    Middle English: morwe
    Old English: morgen
  • Faroese: morgun
  • German: Morgen
  • Icelandic: morgunn
  • Norwegian: morgen, morgon
  • Swedish: morgon
  • Armenian: մարգարիտ (margarit)
  • Avar: маргъал (marġal)
  • Azerbaijani: mirvari, cf. Persian
  • Bulgarian: маргари́т (margarít)
  • Georgian: მარგალიტი (margaliṭi)
  • Greek: μαργαριτάρι (margaritári)
  • Italian: margarita [24]
  • Latin: margarita [25]
    • Medieval Latin: perla (mid-13c.) [26]
  • Old English: meregrot
  • Pashto: مرغلره‎ (murghalara)
  • Persian: مروارید‎ (morvârid)
See also
  • 밝다 (balg-da, "to be bright")
  • 붉다 (bulg-da, "to be red")
  • (bul, "fire")


Formica rufa, also known as the red wood ant, southern wood ant, or horse ant, is ...
A caterpillar being bitten by F. rufa
Roman: mal-gaemi
Noun [27]
  1. ‘왕개미’를 일상적으로 이르는 말. [28] [29] [30]
    a horse ant, or Formica rufa if you like. [31]
  • 왕개미 (王-, wang-gaemi, lit. "king ant") [32]
  • 홍개미 (紅-, hong-gaemi, lit. "red ant") [33] [34]
말개미 #Korean "horse ant"
(mal, "horse") + 개미 (gaemi, "ant")
馬蟻 #Sino-Korean
(ma, "horse") + (ui, "ant")
螞蟻 #Chinese
(, "insect") + (, "ant") [35]
horse ant #English
horse ("horse") + ant ("ant")
https://www.websters1913.com/words/Horse [36]
Pherdeameise #German
Pferd ("horse") + e + Ameise ("ant")
Pferdeameise f. (동물) 붉은가슴개미
See also


A horse leech on Wikipedia
Roman: mal-geomeori
Noun [37]
  1. 거머릿과의 환형동물. 몸의 길이는 10cm, 폭은 1.7cm 정도이며, 등은 누런 녹색이고, 배는 연한 녹색에 검고 작은 반점이 줄지어 있다. 몸은 대칭형으로 다소 평평하고 긴 가락 모양이다. 사람의 피부에 상처를 내기는 하나 피를 빨지는 못하며 조개류를 먹고 산다. 논이나 연못에 사는데 한국, 일본, 중국 등지에 분포한다. [38] [39]
    a horse-leech [40]
Asiatic & Finno-Ugric Germanic & Slavic
馬蛭 #Chinese
(, "horse") + (zhì, "leech")
馬蛭 #Japanese Kotobank
ウマ (uma, "horse") + ビル (biru, "leech")
말거머리 #Korean
(mal, "horse") + 거머리 (geomeori, "leech")
đỉa trâu #Vietnamese
đỉa ("leech") + trâu ("water buffalo")
hobukaan #Estonian wp
hobu ("horse") + kaan ("leech")
hevosjuotikas #Finnish wp
hevos ("horse") + juotikas ("leech")
lópióca #Hungarian wp
("horse") + pióca ("leech")
Paardenbloedzuiger #Dutch wp
paarden ("horse") + bloedzuiger ("leech")
horse leech #English
horse ("horse") + leech ("leech")
Pferdeegel #German wp
Pferde ("horse") + Egel ("leech")
hesteigle #Norwegian wp
hest ("horse") + eigle ("leech")
hästigel #Swedish wp
häst ("horse") + igel ("leech")
pijavka koňská #Czech wp
pijavka ("leech") + koňská ("horse")
pijawka końska #Polish wp
pijawka ("leech") + końska ("horse")
ко́нская пия́вка #Russian
ко́нская ("horse") + пия́вка ("leech")
Wikt: horse-leech #Translations in History [41] [42]
larger than the common leech
  • Chinese:
  • Czechs: pijavka koňská
  • Estonian: hobukaan
  • Finnish: hevosjuotikas (fi)
  • German: Pferdeegel m
  • Hungarian: lópióca
  • Japanese: ウマヒル (umahiru)
  • Korean: 말거머리 (malgeomeori)
  • Norwegian: hesteigle
  • Polish: pijawka końska
  • Russian: конская пиявка f (kónskaja pijávka) [43]
  • Swedish: hästigel
  • Vietnamese: đỉa trâu [44]
See also
  • 말- (mal-, "large; coarse")
  • (mal, "horse")


RR: malttug > malttuk

  1. 땅에 두드려 박는 기둥이나 몽둥이. 아래쪽 끝이 뾰족하다.
    peg, spike, stake, pole
  • 말뚝 + 박다(malttug + bagda, "to drive, hammer, strike a peg (into)")


RR: malmoe [45]
  1. huge mountain
  2. huge tomb, tumulus
Norse Latinic


The horse-chestnut fruits, aka. conkers
Roman: mal-bam*
Alias: *말밤 (assumed of sense)
Hanja: 末栗 (literally "coarse chestnut" hence "horse chestnut" in use)
  1. 학명 Aesculus hippocastanum 의 한 차입번역어. [46]
    horse chestnut [47]
  • 마로니에 (maronie, "horse chestnut") -- the loanword from French. [48]
  • 서양칠엽수 (seoyang-chil-yeobsu, "horse chestnut") [49]
  • 가시칠엽수 (gasi-chil-yeobsu) [50]
  • 일본칠엽수 (ilbon-chil-yeovsu) Aesculus turbinata [51]
  • 말밤 (mal-bam, "water caltrop, water chestnut") -- the etymon, now dialect.
  • 마름 (mareum, "water caltrop, water chestnut") -- the corrupted, now canonized.
  • 물밤 (mul-bam, "water caltrop, water chestnut") -- the dialect, conforming to "water chestnut."
Selected from horse chestnut #Translations
based on the "horse-" sense
  • French: marronnier, marronnier d’Inde
  • Italian: ippocastano, castagno d'India
  • Portuguese: castanha-da-índia [n/a]
  • Spanish: castaño de Indias [n/a]
Slavic, etc.
  • Bulgarian: конски кестен (konski kesten)
  • Finnish: hevoskastanja
  • Russian: ко́нский кашта́н (kónskij kaštán)
  • Slovak: pagaštan konský
  • Turkish: at kestanesi
  • Welsh: marchgastanwydden
French confusion
marronnier d’Inde [52]


A hornet or *horse-bee
Roman: mal-beol
Noun [62]
  1. ‘호박벌’을 일상적으로 이르는 말. 동물 말벌과의 벌을 통틀어 이르는 말. 동물 말벌과의 벌. 몸은 암컷이 2.5cm, 수컷이 2cm 정도이며, 검은 갈색에 갈색 또는 누런 갈색의 털이 나 있다. [63] [64]
    a hornet [65]
  • (beol, "bee")
馬蜂 #Chinese
(, "horse") + (fēng, "bee")
말벌 #Korean
(mal, "horse") + (beol, "bee")
морин зөгий #Mongolian
морин (morin, "horse") + зөгий (zögij, "bee")
eşek arısı #Turkish
eşek (eşek, "mule") + arısı (arısı, "bee's")
ձիաբոռ #Armenian
ձի (ji, "horse") + ա (a, interfix) + բոռ (boṙ, "bee")
lódarázs #Hungarian
(, "horse") + darázs (darázs, "bee")
*horse bee #English
horse ("horse") + bee ("bee")
*pferdebiene #German
Pferd ("horse") + e + Biene ("bee") [66]
פֿערדבין #Yiddish
פֿערד‎ (ferd, "horse") +‎ בין‎ (bin, "bee")
shellan cabbyl #Manx
shellan ("bee") + cabbyl ("horse")


The Tower of Babel [67]
The Tower of Babel narrative in Genesis 11:1–9 is an origin myth meant to explain why the world's peoples speak different languages. [68] Nevertheless,
God confused no language;
people have made so many!
Roman: malsseum
Focus: 말 (mal) [69]
  1. 사람의 생각이나 느낌 따위를 표현하고 전달하는 데 쓰는 음성 기호. 곧 사람의 생각이나 느낌 따위를 목구멍을 통하여 조직적으로 나타내는 소리를 가리킨다. [70]
    language, speech [71]
  • Old Norse: mál
  • Faroese: mál
  • Icelandic: mál
  • Danish: mål
  • Norwegian: mål
  • Swedish: mål


The sunrise in the morning
Pearl necklace
Princess Margaret [72] in 1965, wearing a pearl necklace
Roman: malg-da
Older: ㅁㆍㄺ다 (molg-da)
  1. 잡스럽고 탁한 것이 섞이지 아니하다. 구름이나 안개가 끼지 아니하여 햇빛이 밝다. [73]
    to be fresh, clear, sunny [74]
  • 말갛다 (malgah-da, "to be highly clear, clean, fresh") [75]
  • 묽다 (mulg-da, "to be dilute, watery, of thin solution")
  • (mul, "water")
From morning #Translations From pearl #Translations
  • Danish: morgen
  • Dutch: morgen
  • English: morning [76]
    Middle English: morwe
    Old English: morgen
  • Faroese: morgun
  • German: Morgen
  • Icelandic: morgunn
  • Norwegian: morgen, morgon
  • Swedish: morgon
  • Armenian: մարգարիտ (margarit)
  • Avar: маргъал (marġal)
  • Azerbaijani: mirvari, cf. Persian
  • Bulgarian: маргари́т (margarít)
  • Georgian: მარგალიტი (margaliṭi)
  • Greek: μαργαριτάρι (margaritári)
  • Italian: margarita [77]
  • Latin: margarita [78]
    • Medieval Latin: perla (mid-13c.) [79]
  • Old English: meregrot
  • Pashto: مرغلره‎ (murghalara)
  • Persian: مروارید‎ (morvârid)
See also
  • 밝다 (balg-da, "to be bright, to dawn")
  • 이울다 (iul-da, "to wane, wither, fade")


RR: mas > mat

  1. 음식 따위를 혀에 댈 때에 느끼는 감각.
  • 맛 + 나다 (mat-nada, "to taste (good, bad, sweet, bitter)")
  • 맛 + 있다 (mat-itda, "to enjoy the taste of something")
  • 먹다 (meokda, "to eat")
    Cf. schmecken #German "to taste"
    1. To taste (good, bad, sweet, bitter, etc.)
    2. To enjoy the taste of something


RR: maeda


RR: maeda [80]
  1. to weed, or get rid of, unwanted grass. [81]
Germanic Norse
See also


RR: meoguri
  1. (Hamgyeong dialect) frog
Related terms




RR: mettugi [88]
  1. (literally, "meadow hopper") grasshopper, locust
Related terms
  • 메 (me) from 뫼 (moe, "mount; mound, tumulus")
Germanic Norse
See also



RR: meari

  1. 울려 퍼져 가던 소리가 산이나 절벽 같은 데에 부딪쳐 되울려오는 소리.
    mountain resounding, echo [89]
  • 산울림 (san-ullim, lit., "mount (re)sounding, echoing")
  • 메아리치다 (meari-chida "to resound (되받아 소리치다), reverberate (되받아치다)") [90]
  • (moe, "mount") > 뫼아리 > 메아리
  • (, san, "mount") > 산울림
  • 악쓰다 (ag-sseuda, "to cry, peal, roar, sound loud, shout, wail, yell")
  • 가슴앓이
  • 속앓이
  • 옹알이, 옹아리(북한)
  • 아리랑, 아라리
wikt: echo #Translations
Afrikaans: eggo
Bulgarian: е́хо (ého)
Catalan: eco 
Danish: ekko 
Dutch: echo 
English: echo 
French: écho 
Galician: eco 
Georgian: ექო (eko)
German: Echo 
Greek: ηχώ (ichó)
Icelandic: bergmál* 
Italian: eco 
Macedonian: ехо (eho)
Norwegian: ekko 
Polish: echo 
Portuguese: eco 
Romanian: ecou 
Russian: э́хо (éxo)
Slovene: eho 
Spanish: eco 
Swedish: eko 
as a condition enough to make an echo
  1. to sound, ring, peal("to utter or sound loudly)
  2. (with accusative) to let it sound
  1. sound, noise
  1. to make a sound; move with noise; rush; roar
  1. to make a soft rustling or murmuring sound
  1. I wail (in distress)
  1. to cry, to wail
  1. to cry, wail
  1. to cry out, as in sorrow or anguish


RR: met-dwaeji [91]
  1. (literally, "mountain pig"), wild pig, wild boar
Related terms
  • (me) from (moe, "mount; mound, tumulus")
Germanic Baltic CJK
See also





RR: mok [96]
  1. neck


RR: mokjeot [97]
  1. uvula (appendage that hangs from the palate)
Germanic Norse Latinic Others

RR: mot
  • 명사 ‘못’의 옛말. [100]
  • 부사 ‘못’의 옛말. [101]


RR: mot [102]
  1. moat, fosse
  • 성밑못 (城밑못, seong-mitmot, "moat"))
  • 성하지 (城下池, seong-haji, "moat")
  • 해자 (垓字, haeja, "moat")
  • hedge
  • Hague
  • Copenhagen
  • moat, fosse


RR: mot
  1. 잎나무나 검불 따위를 모아 놓고 피우는 불.'


RR: modo
  1. (obsolete) all
    (current) 모두 (modu)


RR: mododa
  1. (obsolete) to gather


RR: moeuda
  1. to gather


RR: motda
  1. (obsolete) to gather



The Pacific Ocean. [103]
The world ocean is also collectively known as just "the sea". Being 3,688m deep on average, it covers 71% of Earth's surface, and contains 97% of Earth's water!
Roman: mul
Noun [104] [105]
  1. 자연계에 강, 호수, 바다, 지하수 따위의 형태로 널리 분포하는 액체. 순수한 것은 빛깔, 냄새, 맛이 없고 투명하다. 산소와 수소의 화학적 결합물로, 어는점 이하에서는 얼음이 되고 끓는점 이상에서는 수증기가 된다. 공기와 더불어 생물이 살아가는 데 없어서는 안 될 중요한 물질이다.
  2. 못, 내, 호수, 강, 바다 따위를 두루 이르는 말.
    a body of water, eg., pond, lake, brook, river, sea, etc.
  • 물바다 (-bada, "flood" lit. "water sea" or "sea of water")
  • 바닷물 (badat-, "sea water")
  • 호수물 (hosu-, "lake water")
  • 강물 (gang-, "river water")
  • 시냇물 (sinaet-, "brook water")
  • 대얏물 (daeyat-, "basin water")
  • 눈물 (nun-, "tears")
  • 콧물 (kot-, "snot, snuff, snival, drivel, nose dripping, nose runnings")
  • 큰물 (keun-, "flood")
  • 한물 (han-, "flood")
  • 마르다 (mareuda, "to dry")
  • 무르다 (mureuda, "to be soft, tender, flabby") [106]
  • 묽다 (mulgda, "to be watery")
  • 미르 (mireu, "dragon")
  • 바다 (bada, "mere, sea")







"A fisherboy dived into the water and brought up a pearl from beneath the chin of a black dragon." From Chinese Fairy Book (Richard Wilhelm)/45
Artist: George W. Hood
Roman: mireu
Alias: 미리 (miri)
Noun [107] [108]
  1. ‘용’의 옛말.
    (obsolete) The oriental dragon with a very long body.[109]
  • 미리내 (airinae, "Milky Way,"[111] literally "dragon river")
  • (mul, "water, body of water, esp. river")
(The mysterious Eurasian uses)
From Wikipedia
  • Amir al-Mu'minin (...) is an Arabic title that is usually translated "Commander of the Faithful" or "Leader of the Faithful".
  • The Gur-e-Amīr or Guri Amir (...‎) is a mausoleum of the Turco-Mongol conqueror Timur (also known as Tamerlane) in Samarkand, Uzbekistan. [...] Gur-e Amir is Persian for "Tomb of the King".
  • Mir Osman Ali Khan, ..., was the last Nizam (ruler) of the Princely State of Hyderabad, the largest princely state in British India.
  • Kashmir would be derived from either kashyapa-mir (Kashyapa's Lake) or kashyapa-meru (Kashyapa's Mountain).


RR: mirinae [117]
  1. (Jeju dialect) Milky Way, literally, "dragon river" or "long river"
Related terms


  1. marronnier #French
    1. chestnut tree
    2. horse-chestnut tree
  2. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=마로니에
    ≒서양칠엽수. (Aesculus hippocastanum)
    (학명)Aesculus hippocastanum
  3. '식용한다'?
  4. 열매는 밤과 닮았지만, 사포닌과 글루코사이드가 들어있는 등 약한 독성을 띄고 있어서 먹을 수 없다.
  5. marron #French
    1. chestnut
    2. horse-chestnut
  6. 마로니에의 열매. 구워 먹는 밤의 하나로 지름 6cm 정도의 공 모양이며, 가시 모양의 돌기가 있는데 안에 한두 개의 씨가 들어 있다.
  7. The soft labial ㅸ, hence /v/. This descendant meant not only "water caltrop" but also "caltrop," according to 교학고어사전, p.538, equating to 마름쇠.
  8. The oldest 말밤 is still used widely as a dialect, together with 물밤 (mul-bam).
  9. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=마름
  10. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/마름
  11. Either enjoys few Western #Translations.
  12. The Hanja translations include 능철(菱鐵, lit. "(water) caltrop iron"), 철릉(鐵菱, lit. "iron caltrop"), etc.
  13. A folk Sino-Korean name (鄕名, 향명, hyang-meong)
  14. Hence lit. the homonym "horse chestnut," as it were!
  15. Naver: 만세3
    1. 영원히 삶.
      Ever-lasting life.
      • 만세를 누리소서.
        May you live long.
    2. 귀인, 특히 천자나 임금의 죽음을 이르는 말.
      The death of Highness, especially, the king.
    Naver: 만세4
    1. 바람이나 경축, 환호 따위를 나타내기 위하여 두 손을 높이 들면서 외치는 소리.
      • 대한 독립 만세!
      • 대한민국 만세!
      • 만세 소리
      • 만세를 부르다
    • Worthy of the leader, this is too vital to follow the the above two forerunners.
  16. Examples
    • May Your Majesty live long!
    • Long live the king!"
  17. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=말
  18. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/말
  19. w: Princess Margaret (disambiguation)
  20. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=말갛다
  21. This Korean adjective may be enough to qualify the clean and clear outlook of the pearl.
  22. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/말갛다
  23. While quite exceptional, morning and evening are enough to let know that both stem from verbs. Mostly, such is the case with the other Germanic.
  24. From Latin margarīta, from Ancient Greek μαργαρίτης (margarítēs), from a loanword of Eastern origin.
  25. From Greek, to Italian margarita
  26. While being "of unknown origin," this has overcast Europe.
  27. (mal, "horse") + 개미 (gaemi, "ant")
  28. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=말개미
  29. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/말개미
  30. 그러면, 거꾸로, 왕개미는 일상적인 ‘말개미’를 고답적으로 또는 학술적으로 이르는 말인가?
  31. However, you may not like its Korean calque or loan translation 홍개미 that must be 말개미 in Korean context!
  32. 개밋과의 곤충. 몸의 길이는 7~13mm이며, 검은색 또는 갈색이고 금빛 털이 빽빽하게 나 있다. 일개미의 머리는 타원형인데 수컷의 머리는 둥글다. 한국, 일본 등지에 분포한다.
  33. 개밋과의 곤충. 일개미의 몸의 길이는 8mm 정도이며 붉은 갈색이고, 배는 어두운 갈색이다. 암컷은 머리와 가슴이 검은 갈색이고 꽁지는 붉은 갈색이다. 한국, 유럽, 일본, 중국 등지에 분포한다.
  34. This looks like a loan translation of Formica rufa.
  35. Maybe it began with "horse ant"(馬蟻) and ended with simply "ant"(螞蟻), as 馬("horse") corrupted into 螞("insect").
  36. "Horse ant (Zoöl.), a large ant (Formica rufa); -- called also horse emmet."
  37. (mal, "horse") + 거머리 (geomeori, "leech")
  38. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=말거머리
  39. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/말거머리
  40. Etymology
    From Middle English horseleche, horse leche (“horse doctor; bloodsucker, leech”), equivalent to horse +‎ leech. So called because it commonly attacks the membrane that lines the inside of the mouth and nostrils of animals, such as horses, that drink at pools where it lives.
  41. Created by User:KYPark, 22 February 2013
  42. All the original {{t}} templates were made {{t-}} but for Finnish {{t+}} by Rukhabot, 2 April 2013.
  43. Added by User: Atitarev, 26 February 2013
  44. Added by User:Wyang, 22 February 2013
    • 네이버: 말뫼
    단어 1건
    말뫼 Malmö
    명사 지명 스웨덴 남부에 있는 항구 도시. 건너편의 코펜하겐과는 철도 연락선으로 연결된다. 조선, 제당, 직물, 화학 공업 따위가 활발하다. 중세 이래 한자 동맹 도시로 번영하였으며, 14세기의 교회 따위가 남아 있다.
    • 교학고어사전:
    [명] 말메. [지명(地名)] 뫼:馬山(龍歌:42)
    (p. 628)
  45. Unauthorized, hence the asterisk.
  46. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/horse_chestnut
  47. This is implausibly imported, perhaps under the Japanese watering influence; instead, it would be plausible to reuse the native 말밤 which is not used canonically. Also noteworthy is the resemblance of marron to 마름 (mareum) stemming from 말밤.
  48. A mundane Sino-Korean harangue, contrasting to the Japanese as yin-yang, either-or.
  49. 열매는 밤과 닮았지만, 사포닌과 글루코사이드가 들어있는 등 약한 독성을 띄고 있어서 먹을 수 없다.
  50. Framing around Japan? By whom?
  51. So called perhaps because of misbelief that the origin is India.
  52. Literally, "sea or water chestnut"
  53. Literally, "horse chestnut"
  54. 1. chestnut, 2. horse chestnut.
  55. French marron confuses many senses, including water, horse, coarse, chestnut, horse or chestnut color, etc.
  56. Literally, "white chestnut," perhaps because of the horse-chestnut's whitish flower
  57. Literally, "common chestnut." Which sense of the marronier at all?
  58. Literally, "horse chestnut"
  59. Literally, "false chestnut"
  60. "chestnut"
  61. (mal, "horse") + (beol, "bee")
  62. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=말벌
  63. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/말벌
  64. Or *horse-bee, as it is much bigger than common bees.
  65. cf. Pferdeameise ("horse ant"), Pferdebremse ("horse fly"), Pferdeegel ("horse leech"), Pferdefliege ("horse fly").
  66. by Pieter Bruegel the Elder (1563)
  67. According to the story, a united human race in the generations following the Great Flood, speaking a single language and migrating eastward, comes to the land of Shinar. There they agree to build a city and a tower tall enough to reach heaven. God, observing their city and tower, confounds their speech so that they can no longer understand each other, and scatters them around the world.
  68. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/말
  69. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=말씀
  70. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/말씀
  71. w: Princess Margaret (disambiguation)
  72. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=맑다
  73. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/맑다
  74. 산뜻하게 (기분이나 느낌이 깨끗하고 시원하게) 맑다.
  75. While quite exceptional, morning and evening are enough to let know that both stem from verbs. Mostly, such is the case with the other Germanic.
  76. From Latin margarīta, from Ancient Greek μαργαρίτης (margarítēs), from a loanword of Eastern origin.
  77. From Greek, to Italian margarita
  78. While being "of unknown origin," this has overcast Europe.
  79. Naver: 매다2
    1. 논밭에 난 잡풀을 뽑다.
    Wikt: 매다 #Etymology_2
    1. to weed (unwanted grasses out of a cultivated area)
  80. To mow is to "cut down," or get rid of, unwanted grass. To mow is to weed.
  81. To cut down grass
  82. '개구리1'의 방언(함경).
  83. This has overridden the titled 머구리 (meoguri) entirely nowadays. Such was not the case, but rather the opposite, in old days.
  84. '개구리'의 방언(전북)
  85. '개구리1'의 방언(평안, 함경)
  86. '잠수부(潛水夫)'의 방언(함북)
  87. Naver: 메뚜기2
    1. 메뚜깃과의 곤충을 통틀어 이르는 말. 겹눈과 세 개의 홑눈이 있고 뒷다리가 발달하여 잘 뛴다. 불완전 변태를 하며 알로 겨울을 난다.
    Wikt: 메뚜기
    1. (literally, "meadow hopper") short-horned grasshopper, locust
  88. From wikt: ἦχος #Ancient Greek (êkhos, "sound"). See: w: Echo (mythology), who is a mountain nymph w: Oread
  89. wikt: verbero #Latin "I beat" 치다!
  90. Naver: 멧돼지
    1. 멧돼짓과의 포유류. 몸의 길이는 1~2미터, 어깨높이는 55~110cm이며, 몸빛은 검은색 또는 검은 갈색이다. 목에서 등에 걸쳐 빳빳한 털이 나 있다. 주둥이가 매우 길고 목은 짧으며 날카로운 엄니가 있다. 잡식성이고 유라시아 대륙 중부ㆍ남부의 산림에 분포한다. ≒산돼지1ㆍ산저(山豬)ㆍ야저. (Sus scrofa)(野豬)
    Wikt: 멧돼지
    1. wild boar (Sus scrofa)
  91. Perhaps more commonly, wild boar #English
  92. Etymology
    From mets ("forest") +‎ siga ("pig").
  93. Synonyms
    Assumed metsä ("forest") +‎ siga ("pig").
  94. Literally, "wild pig," and "mountain pig," respectively.
  95. Naver: 목
    1. 척추동물의 머리와 몸통을 잇는 잘록한 부분.
    2. =목구멍(식도와 기도로 통하는 입안의 깊숙한 곳).
    3. 목을 통해 나오는 소리.
      • 목이 꽉 잠기다
    4. 어떤 물건에서 동물의 목과 비슷한 부분.
      • 목이 긴 장화
      • 그 병은 목이 길다.
    5. 자리가 좋아 장사가 잘되는 곳이나 길 따위.
      • 어쨌든 목 좋았던 점포를 두고 아득바득 이곳으로 옮겨야 했던 까닭이 뭐야?
        출처 <<김주영, 달맞이꽃>>
    6. 통로 가운데 다른 곳으로는 빠져나갈 수 없는 중요하고 좁은 곳.
    Wikt: 목
    1. neck
    2. head, especially when it's severed from body.
    3. throat, gullet
    4. bottleneck and the like
    5. strategic point
  96. Naver: 목젖
    1. 목구멍의 안쪽 뒤 끝에 위에서부터 아래로 내민 둥그스름한 살.
    Wikt: 목젖
    1. uvula (appendage that hangs from the palate)
  97. Etymology
    Borrowed from Late Latin ūvula (“little grape”), diminutive of Latin ūva (“grape”).
    • To be precise, uvula should mean "little bunch of grapes," regardless of its metaphoric adequacy. This anomaly may be called the grain-grape or unit-set confusion.
  98. Literally, "little tongue."
  99. Naver: 몯
    1. 명사 ‘못’의 옛말.
      몯 爲釘.
  100. Naver: 몯
    1. 부사 ‘못’의 옛말.
  101. Naver: 못3
    1. 넓고 오목하게 팬 땅에 물이 괴어 있는 곳. 늪보다 작다. ≒연못ㆍ지당4(池塘).
  102. This largest division of the world ocean covers about 46% of Earth's water surface and about 32% of its total surface area, making it 3% larger than all of Earth's land area combined.
  103. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=물
  104. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/물
  105. 표준국어사전
    1. 여리고 단단하지 않다.
    2. 물기가 많아서 단단하지 않다.
  106. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=미르
  107. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/미르
  108. Hence, suggestive of the river as a long body of water.
    1. 용(龍: 상상의 동물) dragon, the imaginary creature.
    2. 임금, 천자(天子) king, the son of the heaven
    3. ...
  109. late 14c. loan-translation of Latin Via lactea
  110. Etymology
    From Old French amirail, amiral, from Arabic أَمِير اَلْبَحْر‎ (ʾamīr al-baḥr, “commander of the fleet”).
  111. emir
    • a prince, commander or other leader or ruler in an Islamic nation.
    • a descendant of the prophet Muhammad.
    From Old French emir, from Arabic أَمِير‎ (ʾamīr, “commander, prince”). Akin to amir, Amir and admiral. Doublet of amira.
    Derived terms
    • emirate
  112. Etymology
    Borrowed from Persian میر‎ (mir), from Arabic أَمِير‎ (ʾamīr). Doublet of wikt: अमीर (amīr).
  113. Portrait attributed to Titian (circa 1530)
  114. The last ruler to hold the title of shah
  115. Naver: 미리내
    1. 은하수 (銀河水)’의 방언(제주)
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