< Korean < Words








The flag of the United Nations is flagging or flapping in the wind.
Birds of a feather flock together. For example, gulls do in a feeding frenzy.
Roman: peolleog
Adverb [1] [2]
  1. 깃발 따위가 바람에 이리저리 나부끼는 소리든 꼴이든 둘다든.
    (imitative) In such a way that something like a flag is flapping or fluttering in (or as blown by) the wind.
    This serves as the stem of the following frequentatives:
    • 펄럭펄럭 (-peoleok) adv. (reduplication)
    • 펄럭이다 (-ida) v.
    • 펄럭대다 (-daeda) v.
    • 펄럭거리다 (-georida) v.
  • flag #English and Germanic and Slavic translations
  • Danish: flag
  • Dutch: vlag
  • English: flag
  • German: Flagge
  • Icelandic: flagg
  • Norwegian: flagg
  • Swedish: flagga
  • Belarusian: флаг (flah)
  • Bulgarian: флаг (flag)
  • Czech: vlajka
  • Polish: flaga
  • Russian: флаг (flag)
  • fly #English and Germanic translations
  • Danish: flyve
  • Icelandic: fljúga
  • Norwegian: flyge
  • Swedish: flyga
  • Dutch: vliegen
  • German: fliegen
  • Low German: flegen
  • West Frisian: fleane
  • Old English: flēogan
  • English: fly
  • bird #English, and Germanic translations
  • Danish: fugl
  • Icelandic: fugl
  • Norwegian: fugl
  • Swedish: fågel
  • Dutch: vogel
  • German: Vogel
  • Low German: Vagel
  • West Frisian: fûgel
See also






RR: podo


RR: podo (葡萄) [7]
  1. a grain of grape, cf. French "grain de raisin"
  • 머루 (meoru, “wild grape, (obsolete) grape”)
See also


RR: podo song-i [8]
  1. a bunch or cluster of grapes
Germanic Norse Latinic
  • Most European words for "grape" originally meant "bunch of grapes" in various ways, while perhaps missing the basic sense of "grain".
See also




The bellows inhale and exhale as the lungs do.
The lungs inhale and exhale as the bellows do.
Roman: pulmu
Older: 불무 (bulmu), 불모 (bulmo)
Noun [10] [11]
  1. 불을 피울 때에 바람을 일으키는 기구. [12]
  • (bul, "fire")
  • 바람 (baram, "wind" ie air flow)
  • 부레 (bure, "bladder")
  • 부아 (bua, "lung")
  • (bol, "cheek; ball (of thumb, feet, shoes, etc.)"
  • 볼기 (bolgi, "buttocks")
  • 볼록 (bollok, "convex") (mild, weak imitative) [14]
  • 불룩 (bollok, "convex") (wild, strong imitative) [15]
  • 불다 (bulda, "to blow")
  • 부르다 (bureuda, "to swell, bulge" adj. "to be full, bulging")
  • 부풀다 (bupulda, "to swell, bulge")
  • 불리다 (bullida, "to make (something) swell; to make (iron) hardened")
  • 불거지다 (bulgeojida, "to bulge")
The accordion is a musical bellows, as it were. [16]


RR: pumda [17]


  1. to embrace, sit on (eggs) [18]


  1. to repeatedly draw water from its body, likely using a certain device. (frequentative) [19]
    • cf. Middle English pumpe, German pumpen (frequentative)
Related terms
  • 푸다 [puda] to dip, draw, ladle (not frequentative)
  • 파다 [pada] to dig
  • 뿜다 [ppumda] to spout, spurt, blow, cf. fume
  • 용두레 [yongdure] a long bucket to pump or draw water up to a higher field [20]
Germanic Latinic





  1. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=펄럭
  2. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/펄럭
  3. Note: flock #Etymology 2 ("tufts of wool or cotton")
  4. Now fowl replaced by bird since 14th c.
  5. Compare with poultry, i.e., "domestic fowl (e.g. chickens, ducks, turkeys, and geese) raised for food (either meat or eggs)." Then what is the fowl in itself?
  6. bridd, brid "young bird, chick" > bird
  7. Naver: 포도6
    1. 식물 포도과의 낙엽 활엽 덩굴성 나무. 덩굴은 길게 뻗고 덩굴손으로 다른 것에 감아 붙는다. 잎은 어긋나고 원형이며 3~5개로 얕게 갈라진다. 첫여름에 엷은 녹색의 꽃이 원추(圓錐) 화서로 피고, 열매는 둥근 모양의 장과(漿果)로 가을에 익는다. 서부 아시아가 원산지로 온대 지방에 분포한다. ≒포도나무. (Vitis vinifera)
    2. ‘「1」’의 열매. 자줏빛, 푸른빛, 검은빛 따위의 여러 가지가 있다. 포도당, 비타민 따위가 함유되어 있으며 맛은 달고 새큼하다. 날로 먹거나 건포도 또는 포도주로 가공하여 먹는다.
    Wikt: 포도
    1. grape
  8. Naver: 포도송이
    1. 한 꼭지에 모여 달린 포도알의 덩어리.
    Wikt: 송이
    1. a bunch of flowers, grapes, mushrooms; a flake of snow
      • 포도 송이 (podo song-i, "a bunch of grapes")
  9. Wikt: 목젖 (mokjeot, "uvula")
  10. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=풀무
  11. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/풀무
  12. Instead of the bellows, you may use your cheek and mouth as well as lungs to blow the fire.
  13. (informal, archaic) the lungs
  14. Antonym: 오목 (omog, "concave")
  15. Antonym: 우묵 (umug, "concave")
  16. Accordion § Bellows
    The bellows is the most recognizable part of the instrument, and the primary means of articulation. The production of sound in an accordion is in direct proportion to the motion of the bellows by the player. In a sense, the role of the bellows can be compared to the role of moving a violin's bow on bowed strings. For a more direct analogy, the bellows can be compared to the role of breathing for a singer.
  17. Naver: 품다
    Wikt: 품다
    1. 품속에 넣거나 가슴에 대어 안다.
      • 암탉이 알을 품다
    2. 남에게 보이지 않도록 품속에 넣어 지니다.
      • 가슴에 품고 있던 은장도를 꺼내다
    3. 기운 따위를 지니다.
    1. 괴어 있는 물을 계속해서 많이 푸다.
    1. 낮은 곳의 물을 높은 곳의 논이나 밭으로 퍼 올리는 데 쓰는 농기구.
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