positive (electric.); sun; male | to receive (from superior); to offer; to revere | (of weather) overcast; Yin; feminine (of weather) overcast; Yin; feminine; moon; cloudy; negative (electric.); shady |
to disobey; to violate; to separate to disobey; to violate; to separate; to go against | ||
trad. (陽奉陰違) | 陽 | 奉 | 陰 | 違 | |
simp. (阳奉阴违) | 阳 | 奉 | 阴 | 违 |
From 范景文 Fan Jingwen's 〈革大戶行召募疏〉:
- to comply in appearance but oppose in heart; to overtly agree but covertly oppose; double-dealing
- 余藎臣取過看時,只見上面寫的無非勸戒屬員,嗣後不准再到秦淮河吃酒住夜;倘若陽奉陰違,定行參辦不貸各等語。 [Written Vernacular Chinese, trad.]
- From: 李寶嘉 (Li Baojia), 《官場現形記》 (Officialdom Unmasked), [early 20th century]
- Yú Jìnchén qǔ guò kàn shí, zhǐ jiàn shàngmiàn xiě de wúfēi quànjiè shǔyuán, sìhòu bùzhǔn zài dào Qínhuái hé chī jiǔ zhù yè; tǎngruò yángfèngyīnwéi, dìng xíng cān bàn bùdài gè děng yǔ. [Pinyin]
- When Yu Jinchen took it and looked at it, he only saw that what was written on it was nothing but a warning to the subordinates that thenceafter they were forbidden from again going to the Qinhuai river (region) to drink and stay overnight; if anyone'd overtly comply yet covertly defy, then impeachments and punishments would be certainly implemented without exception.
余荩臣取过看时,只见上面写的无非劝戒属员,嗣后不准再到秦淮河吃酒住夜;倘若阳奉阴违,定行参办不贷各等语。 [Written Vernacular Chinese, simp.]- 張成澤雖然早有骯髒的政治野心,但在金日成主席和金正日總書記在世時不敢興風作浪而察言觀色,在幕後同床異夢、陽奉陰違。 [MSC, trad.]
- From: 2013, Korean Central News Agency, “Traitor Jang Song Thaek Executed”
- Zhāng Chéngzé suīrán zǎo yǒu āngzāng de zhèngzhì yěxīn, dàn zài Jīn Rìchéng zhǔxí hé Jīn Zhèngrì zǒngshūjì zàishì shí bùgǎn xīngfēngzuòlàng ér cháyánguānsè, zài mùhòu tóngchuángyìmèng, yángfèngyīnwéi. [Pinyin]
- From long ago, Jang had a dirty political ambition. He dared not raise his head when Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il were alive. But, reading their faces, Jang had an axe to grind and involved himself in double-dealing.
张成泽虽然早有肮脏的政治野心,但在金日成主席和金正日总书记在世时不敢兴风作浪而察言观色,在幕后同床异梦、阳奉阴违。 [MSC, simp.]
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