See also: 洗礼
to wash; to bathe | gift; propriety; rite | ||
trad. (洗禮) | 洗 | 禮 | |
simp. (洗礼) | 洗 | 礼 |
- (religion) baptism
- 約翰在野施洗、傳悔改之洗禮、俾得罪赦 [Literary Chinese, trad.]
- From: 1854, 《委辦譯本》 [Delegates' Version], 馬可福音傳 [Mark] 1:4
- Yuēhàn zài yě shīxǐ, chuán huǐgǎi zhī xǐlǐ, bǐ dé zuì shè [Pinyin]
- John did baptize in the wilderness, and preach the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins.
约翰在野施洗、传悔改之洗礼、俾得罪赦 [Literary Chinese, simp.]- 懷仁等不獨明習曆法,且旁通百技,政府亦利用之,自治曆之外,或令鑄槍礮以佐軍用,或任外交通譯太測量事,故亦不禁其布教,時臣民受洗禮者不下數十萬人,而中國之數學及曆學極東洋一時之盛。 [Literary Chinese, trad.]
- From: 1915, 黃鴻壽, 《清史紀事本末》, volume 15
- Huáirén děng bùdú míngxí lìfǎ, qiě pángtōng bǎijì, zhèngfǔ yì lìyòng zhī, zì zhìlì zhīwài, huò lìng zhù qiāngpào yǐ zuǒ jūnyòng, huò rèn wàijiāo tōngyì tài cèliàng shì, gù yì bùjìn qí bùjiào, shí chénmín shòu xǐlǐ zhě bù xià shù shí wàn rén, ér zhōngguó zhī shùxué jí lìxué jí dōngyáng yīshí zhī shèng. [Pinyin]
- Not only were Ferdinand Verbiest and company well-versed in calendar systems, but were also well-equipped with many skills. The government also used them. Other than studying calendars, they also made firearms to assist the military and took up the posts of diplomat, translator, and surveyor. Thus, they were not forbidden from preaching their religion; at that time, the number of subjects who were baptized was no less than a hundred thousand, and the mathematics and calendar science of China was the best of its time.
怀仁等不独明习历法,且旁通百技,政府亦利用之,自治历之外,或令铸枪炮以佐军用,或任外交通译太测量事,故亦不禁其布教,时臣民受洗礼者不下数十万人,而中国之数学及历学极东洋一时之盛。 [Literary Chinese, simp.]
- (figurative) ordeal; severe test
- 這是國民黨一個絕大的錯誤,我們希望它在抗日的洗禮中改正這個錯誤。 [MSC, trad.]
- From: 1940, 毛澤東 (Mao Zedong), 《新民主主義論》 (On New Democracy), 《毛澤東選集》. English translation based on the Foreign Languages Press edition
- Zhè shì Guómíndǎng yīge juédà de cuòwù, wǒmen xīwàng tā zài kàngrì de xǐlǐ zhōng gǎizhèng zhège cuòwù. [Pinyin]
- This is a gross blunder, which we hope the Kuomintang will correct in the cleansing flames of the anti-Japanese war.
这是国民党一个绝大的错误,我们希望它在抗日的洗礼中改正这个错误。 [MSC, simp.]
- → Zhuang: sijlij
- (religion) to baptize
- 洗禮只是一種形式,代表內心有所認定,所以祈克果不斷表明他只願成為(to be)一位基督敎徒,洗了禮並不表示已經(was)成為基督敎徒,他確實深得基督敎的內蘊。 [MSC, trad.]
- From: 2004, 陶國璋 [Tao Kwok-cheung], 《哲學的追尋》 [The Pursuit of Philosophy], page 181
- Xǐlǐ zhǐshì yī zhǒng xíngshì, dàibiǎo nèixīn yǒu suǒ rèndìng, suǒyǐ qíkèguǒ bùduàn biǎomíng tā zhǐ yuàn chéngwèi (to be) yī wèi jīdūjiàotú, xǐle lǐ bìng bù biǎoshì yǐjīng (was) chéngwèi jīdūjiàotú, tā quèshí shēn dé jīdūjiào de nèiyùn. [Pinyin]
- (please add an English translation of this usage example)
洗礼只是一种形式,代表内心有所认定,所以祈克果不断表明他只愿成为(to be)一位基督教徒,洗了礼并不表示已经(was)成为基督教徒,他确实深得基督教的内蕴。 [MSC, simp.]
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