< Radiation astronomy < Radios
This composite picture shows the radio sky above an old optical photograph of the NRAO site in Green Bank, WV. Credit: NRAO.

Radio astronomy is a lecture from the astronomy department for the course on the principles of radiation astronomy.

You are free to take this quiz based on radio astronomy at any time.

To improve your score, read and study the lecture, the links contained within, listed under See also, External links, and in the {{principles of radiation astronomy}} template. This should give you adequate background to get 100 %.

As a "learning by doing" resource, this quiz helps you to assess your knowledge and understanding of the information, and it is a quiz you may take over and over as a learning resource to improve your knowledge, understanding, test-taking skills, and your score.

Suggestion: Have the lecture available in a separate window.

To master the information and use only your memory while taking the quiz, try rewriting the information from more familiar points of view, or be creative with association.

Enjoy learning by doing!



1 Complete the text:

Match up the letter for the object name the radio or radar image below:
Sun - A
Mercury - B
Venus - C
Earth - D
Moon (South Pole) - E
Moon (North Pole) - F
Moon (850 micron thermal emission) - G
Mars (North Pole cross section) - H
Toustatis - I
Jupiter - J
Saturn - K
Titan - L
Interstellar medium - M
Milky Way - N
3C 98 - O
3C 31 - P
3C 380 - Q
Moon (self radiation) - R
NGC 4151 - S
GRS 1915 - T
M87 - U
3C 279 - V
IRC+10216 - W
Boomerang nebula - X
R Sculptoris - Y
PIA10008 Seas and Lakes on Titan.jpg

3C 380 bent.jpg

The Moon's North Pole.jpg

Curious spiral spotted by ALMA around red giant star R Sculptoris (data visualisation).jpg

Bhexplode merlin big.gif


Permanently Shadowed Polar Craters.jpg

Ghostly 'Boomerang'.jpg


PIA13164 North Polar Cap Cross Section, Annotated Version.jpg

Moon 4panels2 col.jpg

M87 jet Hubble.gif


3c279 mosaic lo.jpg

PIA07872 Saturn's rings in radio.jpg

Radio galaxy 3C98.png


Jupiter radio image.jpg

Moon at 850 microns.gif

Radio galaxy 3C31.png


Venus globe.jpg


Moon South Pole.jpg



2 Complete the text:

With its high

, dry

, and stable

, Mauna Kea's summit is one of the best sites in the world for astronomical observation.

3 Yes or No, Radio rays have wavelengths of one millimeter or more.


4 Complete the text:

Astronomers place the submillimetre waveband between the


wavebands, typically taken to be between a few hundred micrometres and a millimetre.

5 Soon after the invention of radar astronomy, what classical planet was detected

6 True or False, The Earth's atmosphere does not transmit infrared radiation between 6 and 7 microns in wavelength because of water vapor.


7 Complete the text:

Terahertz radiation refers to electromagnetic waves propagating at

in the


8 Which of the following is involved in planetary astronomy more so than planetary science?

the occurrence of rock types on the surface of rocky objects
the Earth and other rocky objects may have a mantle
checking equations about complex systems
the advantages of radar
digging holes in the surface of the Moon
surface temperatures low enough to produce methane lakes

9 True or False, The position of the Sun can be determined directly with the use of radar astronomy.


10 Which types of radiation astronomy directly observe the rocky-object surface of Venus?

meteor astronomy
cosmic-ray astronomy
neutron astronomy
proton astronomy
beta-ray astronomy
neutrino astronomy
gamma-ray astronomy
X-ray astronomy
ultraviolet astronomy
visual astronomy
infrared astronomy
submillimeter astronomy
radio astronomy
radar astronomy
microwave astronomy
superluminal astronomy

11 True or False, The Mauna Kea Observatories are used for scientific research across the electromagnetic spectrum from visible light to radio, and comprise the largest such facility in the world.


12 Complete the text:

Match up the item letter with each of the possibilities below:
Chemistry - A
Geography - B
History - C
Mathematics - D
Physics - E
Science - F
Technology - G
Geology - H
solar eclipses

a spatial frequency of occurrence or extent

radio observations revealed a radio corona around the Sun

elemental abundances

microcalorimeter arrays

The Ariel V /3 A/ catalogue of X-ray sources. II - Sources at high galactic latitude |b| > 10°

Carancas meteorite

a thermal bremsstrahlung source may fit


13 True or False, As gamma rays are defined to be radiation emitted from radionuclides, there are no radionuclides that emit X-rays.


14 Radiotoxic alpha radiation emitters which are expensive?


15 True or False, The first extragalactic X-ray source is the radio galaxy Messier 88.


16 Complete the text:

Match up the radiation letter with each of the detector possibilities below:
Meteors - A
Cosmic rays - B
Neutrons - C
Protons - D
Electrons - E
Positrons - F
Neutrinos - G
Muons - H
Gamma rays - I
X-rays - J
Ultraviolet rays - K
Optical rays - L
Visual rays - M
Violet rays - N
Blue rays - O
Cyan rays - P
Green rays - Q
Yellow rays - R
Orange rays - S
Red rays - T
Infrared rays - U
Submillimeter rays - V
Radio rays - W
Superluminal rays - X
multialkali (Na-K-Sb-Cs) photocathode materials


511 keV gamma-ray peak


broad-band filter centered at 404 nm

a cloud chamber

ring-imaging Cherenkov


effective area is larger by 104



a blemish about 8,000 km long

a metal-mesh achromatic half-wave plate

coated with lithium fluoride over aluminum

thallium bromide (TlBr) crystals


aluminum nitride

heavy water

18 micrometers FWHM at 490 nm

wide-gap II-VI semiconductor ZnO doped with Co2+ (Zn1-xCoxO)

a recoiling nucleus

high-purity germanium

magnetic deflection to separate out incoming ions

2.2-kilogauss magnet used to sweep out electrons


17 True or False, The cosmic X-ray background has higher intensity than the cosmic radio background.


18 Which of the following are theoretical radiation astronomy phenomena associated with a star?

possible orbits
a hyperbolic orbit
nuclear fusion at its core
nuclear fusion in its chromosphere
near the barycenter of its planetary system
electric arcs
impact craters
radar signature

19 True or False, The Sun may be directly detected using radar astronomy.


20 Complete the text:

One of the reasons why detection of

is controversial is that although

(and some other methods like rotational spectroscopy) are good for the identification of simple species with large dipole moments, they are less sensitive to more

molecules, even something relatively small like


21 Complete the text:

The cosmic microwave background radiation is a

glow that fills the

in the

part of the



  1. Radio astronomy provides insight into features not normally resolvable at other wavelengths.

See also

{{Principles of radiation astronomy}}

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