
See also: 愿意


hope; wish; desire
hope; wish; desire; ready; willing
idea; meaning; wish
idea; meaning; wish; desire; Italy (abbrev.)
trad. (願意)
simp. (愿意)
anagram 意願意愿




  1. to be willing
    老闆願意增加店員 [MSC, trad.]
    老板愿意增加店员 [MSC, simp.]
    Lǎobǎn bù yuànyì zēngjiā diànyuán. [Pinyin]
    The boss is unwilling to increase the number of employees.
    對於觀點無法並且願意評論 [MSC, trad.]
    对于观点无法并且愿意评论 [MSC, simp.]
    Duìyú tā de guāndiǎn wǒ wúfǎ bìngqiě bù yuànyì qù pínglùn. [Pinyin]
    I am unable and unwilling to comment on his views.
  2. to wish; to want
    願意出生金鑰匙富家孩子願意不勞而獲 [MSC, trad.]
    愿意出生金钥匙富家孩子愿意不劳而获 [MSC, simp.]
    Shéi bù yuànyì yī chūshēng jiù shì hán zhe jīnyàoshi de fùjiā háizi, shéi bù yuànyì bùláo'érhuò? [Pinyin]
    Who doesn't want to be a rich kid born with a silver spoon? Who doesn't want to get something for nothing?


  • (to be willing):
  • (to wish):


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