Northern Mansi
Alternative forms
- тотъ (tot) — Pre-reform orthography (1918)
Inherited from Proto-Slavic *tъ, from Proto-Balto-Slavic *tas, from Proto-Indo-European *só, *séh₂, *tód (“this, that”). Cognate with Old Polish tet, Latvian tas, Lithuanian tas, ta, Sanskrit स (sá), Sanskrit तत् (tat), Old English se (whence English the).
- IPA(key): [tot]
Audio (file) - Rhymes: -ot
тот • (tot) m (demonstrative, feminine та, neuter то, plural те)
- that, those (distal to an observer)
- that, those (already being talked about)
- Used to link a noun with a relative clause, as in the following constructions. Usually translated as "the" or, additionally in the plural, "those".
- Даже те лю́ди, с кото́рыми у меня́ отли́чные отноше́ния, мо́гут разозли́ться.
- Daže te ljúdi, s kotórymi u menjá otlíčnyje otnošénija, mógut razozlítʹsja.
- Even the people I have a great relationship with can get mad.
- Мы призыва́ем тех чле́нов, кото́рые не согла́сны, пересмотре́ть свою́ пози́цию.
- My prizyvájem tex člénov, kotóryje ne soglásny, peresmotrétʹ svojú pozíciju.
- We urge those members who disagree to reconsider their position.
- (before a relative clause) the kind/sort/type of
- (in the negative) the wrong, not the right
- the other, the opposite, the distant, the far (side etc.)
- Used in certain collocations to emphasise contrast with something else.
- тот и́ли ино́й ― tot íli inój ― some, a certain, this or that (literally, “that or another”)
Derived terms
- в то вре́мя как (v to vrémja kak)
- в то же вре́мя (v to že vrémja)
- в том числе́ (v tom čislé)
- оди́н и тот же (odín i tot že)
- с тех пор (s tex por)
- то́т-то (tót-to)
- то́тчас (tótčas)
- тот же (tot že)
- тот же са́мый (tot že sámyj)
- тот же час (tot že čas)
- тот и́ли ино́й (tot íli inój)
- тот свет (tot svet)
тот • (tot) m (demonstrative, feminine та, neuter то, plural те)
- (uncommon, usually with вон (von)) that one, those ones (something distal to an observer)
- (definite, before a relative clause) Used to refer to the instance / instances of the noun in question or just spoken about, or, with кто (kto), the person/people, that fall(s) into a particular category.
- that, the one; in the plural: those, the ones
- Ме́тод аналоги́чен тому́, кото́рый опи́сан ни́же. ― Métod analogíčen tomú, kotóryj opísan níže. ― The method is similar to that / the one (the method) described below.
- Ме́тод аналоги́чен тем, кото́рые опи́саны ни́же. ― Métod analogíčen tem, kotóryje opísany níže. ― The method is similar to those / the ones (the methods) described below.
- (before кто (kto)) the person, the guy/girl/etc.; in the plural: the people etc.
- that, the one; in the plural: those, the ones
- (mostly indefinite, before a relative clause) Used to refer to any instance / instances of the noun in question or just spoken about, or, with кто (kto), any person/people, that fall(s) into a particular category.
- one; in the plural: those, ones
- (before кто (kto)) someone, a person, anyone, whoever; in the plural: those, (the/those) people, anyone, whoever, some (people)
- Synonyms: кто́-нибудь (któ-nibudʹ), кто́-то (któ-to), (plural) лю́ди (ljúdi), (less common) тако́й (takój)
- Спрошу́ у того́, кто зна́ет. ― Sprošú u tovó, kto znájet. ― I'll ask someone who knows.
- Тот, у кого́ есть де́ньги, опла́тит. ― Tot, u kovó jestʹ dénʹgi, oplátit. ― Whoever has the money will pay.
- Э́то для тех, кто лю́бит ру́сский язы́к. ― Éto dlja tex, kto ljúbit rússkij jazýk. ― This is for those who love Russian.
- Есть те, кто дума́ет, что мы сдади́мся. ― Jestʹ te, kto dumájet, što my sdadímsja. ― There are some (people) who think we'll give up.
- (indefinite, before a relative clause) Used to refer to the kind/sort/type of the noun in question or just spoken about, or, with кто (kto), person/people, described in the following clause.
- the kind/sort/type (of [noun]), the kinds/sorts/types (of [noun in plural])
- (before кто (kto), can also be pluralised and placed after из (iz) in genitive case) the kind/sort/type of person/people, the type (to), one(s) (to)
- Synonyms: (uncommon) кто́-то (któ-to), (plural) лю́ди (ljúdi), (less common) тако́й (takój)
- Он не тот, кто жа́луется. ― On ne tot, kto žálujetsja. ― He's not the kind of person to complain.
- Они́ не те, кто жа́луется. ― Oní ne te, kto žálujetsja. ― They're not the type of people to complain.
- Он не из тех, кто жа́луется. ― On ne iz tex, kto žálujetsja. ― He's not the kind of person to complain.
- (in the masculine singular) Optionally used in the following construction to refer to the person denoted by кто (kto) earlier in the sentence. Can be omitted, and in English usually the sentence is translated without it too. Has the meaning "that person".
- (masculine only) Used to refer to the last-mentioned person in a sentence; usually simply translated with the relevant pronoun or the person's name/role. Has the meaning "the latter".
- Used in certain collocations to emphasise contrast with something else.
- тот и́ли ино́й ― tot íli inój ― a certain one, this or that one, whatever one (literally, “that one or another”)
- (in the negative) the wrong one, not the right one, wrong
- Synonyms: неве́рный (nevérnyj), непра́вильный (neprávilʹnyj)
- Но́мер не тот. ― Nómer ne tot. ― The number is wrong.
Usage notes
- See то (to) for additional pronoun senses specific to the neuter singular.
- Тот (Tot) in the first pronoun sense is used much less commonly than э́тот (étot).
- Even when used in the plural, if кто (kto) follows, the remaining clause is in the singular: те (plural), кто лю́бит (singular) (te, kto ljúbit, “those (plural) who love (singular)”).
- When кто (kto) is used after тот (tot), тот (tot) is implied to mean a person or people: те, кто лю́бит сноубо́рдинг (te, kto ljúbit snoubórding, “those (people) who love snowboarding”). Кото́рый (Kotóryj) is used after тот (tot) when тот (tot) refers to a particular noun that has been mentioned (which could still be a category of people, or even the word "people", лю́ди (ljúdi)): не все чле́ны, а то́лько те, кото́рые получи́ли разреше́ние (ne vse člény, a tólʹko te, kotóryje polučíli razrešénije, “not all members (a particular noun), only those (of that noun) who received permission”). Что (Što) after тот (tot) can also be used in either case but may be seen as archaic or colloquial.
Related terms
- э́тот (étot)
- IPA(key): /tot/
From Proto-Turkic *tod-.
тот • (tot)
- fullness (of the stomach), satiety, contentment
- Antonym: аас (aas, “hunger”)
- (economics) prosperity
- See synonyms at үп-ас (üp-as).
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