
See also: таҡ



From Proto-Slavic *tako. Compare Ukrainian так (tak), Polish tak.


  • IPA(key): [tak]
  • (file)


так • (tak)

  1. so, thus


так • (tak)

  1. yes
    Antonym: не (nje)



From Proto-Tungusic *taK.


так (tak)

  1. salt



так • (tak)

  1. faithful

Etymology 2

From Persian تخت (taxt).


так • (tak) (Arabic spelling تاق)

  1. throne



так • (tak) m

  1. cue (a stick for sports such as billards)



  • IPA(key): [tak]
  • (file)

Etymology 1

Inherited from Old East Slavic тако (tako), такъ (takŭ), from Proto-Slavic *tako (adverb), from Proto-Slavic *takъ (adjective). Cognate with Ukrainian так (tak), тако (tako); Belarusian так (tak); Bulgarian така (taka); Serbo-Croatian тако, так; Slovene tako, tàk; Czech and Polish tak; Upper and Lower Sorbian tak; Lithuanian tóks, tokià; and Latin tālis. Akin to Old Church Slavonic pronoun тъ ().

Alternative forms


так • (tak)

  1. (with a verb or short-form adjective) like that, like this (in that/this way, in that/this manner) (translated as "that" or "this" with some verbs)
    Почему́ ты так себя́ ведёшь?Počemú ty tak sebjá vedjóšʹ?Why are you behaving like that?
    Я так и сказа́л.Ja tak i skazál.That's what I said. (literally, “I said like that.”)
    Мы так называ́ем э́ти шту́ки.My tak nazyvájem éti štúki.That's what we call these things. (literally, “We call these things like that.”)
    Они́ поступи́ли и́менно так.Oní postupíli ímenno tak.They did exactly that. (literally, “They acted/behaved/did things exactly like that.”)
    Ко́мнаты располо́жены так.Kómnaty raspolóženy tak.The rooms are situated like this.
    Вот так была́ проведена́ процеду́ра.Vot tak bylá provedená procedúra.This is how the procedure was conducted. (literally, “The procedure was conducted like this.”)
  2. Used to indicate a high degree of something.
    1. (before a short-form adjective or adverb) so; in the negative: that (to a high degree)
      Synonyms: насто́лько (nastólʹko), столь (stolʹ), (with a long-form adjective; must be declined) тако́й (takój)
      Э́то так сло́жно.Éto tak slóžno.This is so hard.
      Э́то тре́бует больши́х уси́лий, но э́то не так сло́жно.Éto trébujet bolʹšíx usílij, no éto ne tak slóžno.It requires a lot of effort, but it's not that difficult.
    2. (before a verb) so much; in the negative: that much (to a high degree) (translated as "so" or (in the negative) "that" with some verbs that are translated with adjectives in English)
      Synonyms: (less commonly) насто́лько (nastólʹko), (partial) так мно́го (tak mnógo), так си́льно (tak sílʹno)
      Я так люблю́ тебя́.Ja tak ljubljú tebjá.I love you so much.
      Почему́ ты так зли́шься?Počemú ty tak zlíšʹsja?Why are you so mad?
  3. (before a content clause beginning with что (što)) Used to indicate a sufficient degree of something (such that the following clause is true).
    1. (before a short-form adjective or adverb) so (to a sufficient degree) (including in the negative)
      Synonyms: насто́лько (nastólʹko), столь (stolʹ), (with a long-form adjective; must be declined) тако́й (takój)
      Э́то так сло́жно, что я не могу́ э́того сде́лать.Éto tak slóžno, što ja ne mogú étovo sdélatʹ.This is so hard that I can't do it.
      Э́то не так сло́жно, что я не могу́ э́того сде́лать.Éto ne tak slóžno, što ja ne mogú étovo sdélatʹ.It's not so hard that I can't do it.
    2. (before a verb) so much (to a sufficient degree) (including in the negative) (translated as "so" with some verbs that are translated with adjectives in English)
      Synonyms: (less commonly) насто́лько (nastólʹko), (partial) так мно́го (tak mnógo), так си́льно (tak sílʹno)
      Я так люблю́ тебя́, что не могу́ жить без тебя́.Ja tak ljubljú tebjá, što ne mogú žitʹ bez tebjá.I love you so much that I can't live without you.
      Он так разозли́лся, что швырну́л свой телефо́н на зе́млю.On tak razozlílsja, što švyrnúl svoj telefón na zémlju.He got so angry that he smashed his phone on the floor.
  4. Used to refer to a previously mentioned or demonstrated degree of something.
    1. (before a short-form adjective or adverb) that (to that degree, to the previously mentioned or demonstrated degree) (including in the negative; often followed by уж и (už i) in the negative)
      Synonyms: насто́лько (nastólʹko), столь (stolʹ), (with a long-form adjective; must be declined) тако́й (takój)
      Неуже́ли э́то так сло́жно поня́ть?Да, э́то действи́тельно так сло́жно.
      — Neužéli éto tak slóžno ponjátʹ? — Da, éto dejstvítelʹno tak slóžno.
      — Is it really that hard to understand? — Yes, it really is that hard.
      Почему́ смеёшься? Э́то не так уж и смешно́.Počemú smejóšʹsja? Éto ne tak už i smešnó.Why are you laughing? It's not that funny.
    2. (before a verb) that much (to that degree, to the aforementioned degree) (including in the negative; often followed by уж и (už i) in the negative) (translated as "that" with some verbs that are translated with adjectives in English)
      Synonyms: (less commonly) насто́лько (nastólʹko), (partial) так мно́го (tak mnógo), так си́льно (tak sílʹno)
      Они́ действи́тельно так ненави́дят нас.Oní dejstvítelʹno tak nenavídjat nas.They really do hate us that much.
      Он не тру́сил. Он не так уж и боя́лся.On ne trúsil. On ne tak už i bojálsja.He didn't chicken out. He wasn't that scared.
  5. (before a short-form adjective or adverb and optionally a clause beginning with как (kak); often with же (že) to emphasise equality) as (to the same or a similar degree)
    Synonyms: насто́лько (nastólʹko), столь (stolʹ), (with a long-form adjective; must be declined) тако́й (takój)
    Они́ так (же) краси́вы, как на фотогра́фиях.Oní tak (že) krasívy, kak na fotográfijax.They're as beautiful as (they are) on the photos.
    Их не так мно́го, как ка́жется.Ix ne tak mnógo, kak kážetsja.There aren't as many of them as it seems.
  6. (with a verb or short-form adjective and immediately before a clause beginning with что (što) or что́бы (štóby)) such, in such a way, so
    Они́ располо́жены так, что все их мо́жно уви́деть.Oní raspolóženy tak, što vse ix móžno uvídetʹ.They are positioned such that they can all be seen.
    Они́ сде́лали так, что́бы всё бы́ло возмо́жно.Oní sdélali tak, štóby vsjo býlo vozmóžno.They made everything possible / ensured that everything would be possible. (literally, “They did (things) in such a way that everything would be possible.”)
  7. (with a verb or short-form adjective and immediately before a clause beginning with как (kak); often with же (že) to emphasise equality) like, the same, (in) the same way, similar to, as
    Synonym: таки́м же о́бразом (takím že óbrazom)
    Она́ звучи́т так (же), как в фи́льмах.Oná zvučít tak (že), kak v fílʹmax.She sounds the same as / like (she does) in the films.
    Они́ располо́жены так (же), как на схе́ме.Oní raspolóženy tak (že), kak na sxéme.They are positioned as (they are) / like (they are) / (in) the same way as on the diagram.
  8. (in the following construction with как (kak) and и (i)) and, as well as
    Synonym: и ..., и ... (i ..., i ...)
    Э́то прино́сит по́льзу как молоды́м, так и ста́рым.Éto prinósit pólʹzu kak molodým, tak i stárym.This benefits both the young and the old. (literally, “This brings benefit in the same way (it does) to the old as (it does) to the young too.”)
  9. (colloquial, with a verb) (just) like that (suddenly/unexpectedly, without action, without consideration or without consequences)
    Synonym: про́сто так (prósto tak)
    Боле́знь не пройдёт так без лече́ния.Boléznʹ ne projdjót tak bez lečénija.The disease won't go away like that without treatment.
    Э́то тебе́ так не сойдёт с рук.Éto tebé tak ne sojdjót s ruk.You won't get away with it just like that.
  10. (colloquial, often followed by себе́ (sebé)) not great, not very well, meh, mediocre(ly), middling(ly), so-so
    Synonyms: посре́дственно (posrédstvenno), сре́дне (srédne), сре́дненько (srédnenʹko), та́к себе (ták sebe)
    Он вы́глядел та́к себе́, но всё равно́ появи́лся.On výgljadel ták sebé, no vsjo ravnó pojavílsja.He didn't look that great, but showed up anyway.


так • (tak)

  1. (colloquial, often followed by себе́ (sebé)) not great, meh, mediocre, middling, so-so
    Synonyms: посре́дственно (posrédstvenno), сре́дне (srédne), сре́дненько (srédnenʹko), та́к себе (ták sebe)
    По вку́су она́... Ну так, сре́дненько.Po vkúsu oná... Nu tak, srédnenʹko.In terms of taste... It's just kind of meh, average.


так • (tak)

  1. (colloquial) right, okay, yeah (while listening, indicates that one is awaiting the continuation of what is being said)
    Synonym: ага́ (ahá, agá)
    Маши́на была́ зелёная. — Так. — И за рулём была́ же́нщина.
    Mašína bylá zeljónaja. — Tak. — I za ruljóm bylá žénščina.
    The car was green. — Right. — And a woman was driving.
  2. (introductory) so (indicates a following explanation or example; can also replace "for example")
    Synonym: (partial) ита́к (iták)
    Так, наприме́р...Tak, naprimér...So, for example...
    Кли́мат там суро́вый, так, моро́зы дохо́дят до 40°.Klímat tam suróvyj, tak, morózy doxódjat do 40°.The climate there is harsh, for example, temperatures get down to 40°C.
  3. (colloquial) nothing (special); no one (special); nowhere (special); no reason; etc. (used as a dismissive or unwilling response)
    Synonym: да так (da tak)
    Что с тобо́й?Так.Što s tobój?Tak.What's up with you? — Nothing.
  4. (in the following construction) Used to express that something is what should be or happen.
    Де́лать так де́лать.Délatʹ tak délatʹ.If we have to do it, then we should do it.
    Мне всё равно́: щи так щи, ка́ша так ка́ша.Mne vsjo ravnó: šči tak šči, káša tak káša.I don't mind: if it's shchi, it's gonna be shchi, if it's porridge, let it be porridge.
  5. yes, indeed
    Synonyms: да (da), действи́тельно (dejstvítelʹno)
  6. (colloquial, when repeated) well, well(, well)
    Так, так(, так), вы - челове́к сло́ва.Tak, tak(, tak), vy - čelovék slóva.Well, well(, well), you're a man of your word.
  7. (colloquial, when repeated) now, now; okay, okay; alright, alright
    Synonym: ла́дно, ла́дно (ládno, ládno)
    Так, так, дава́й не бу́дем выходи́ть из себя́.Tak, tak, daváj ne búdem vyxodítʹ iz sebjá.Now, now / okay, okay, let's not lose our temper.
  8. (colloquial, with numbers) around, about (used to express approximation)
    Synonyms: где́-то (gdé-to), о́коло (ókolo), приблизи́тельно (priblizítelʹno), приме́рно (primérno)
    От вокза́ла до до́ма киломе́тра так два.Ot vokzála do dóma kilométra tak dva.It's about two kilometres from the station to home.
    Э́то произошло́ лет так де́сять тому́ наза́д.Éto proizošló let tak désjatʹ tomú nazád.It happened around 10 years ago.


так • (tak)

  1. so (therefore, thus)
    Synonyms: зна́чит (znáčit), поэ́тому (poétomu), так что (tak što), таки́м о́бразом (takím óbrazom)
    Обеща́л, так сде́лай.Obeščál, tak sdélaj.You promised, so do it.
  2. (colloquial) but (often with a sense of obviousness)
    Synonym: но (no)
    Здесь оно́ означа́ет «возмуще́ние». – Так э́то не подхо́дит по конте́ксту.
    — Zdesʹ onó označájet «vozmuščénije». – Tak éto ne podxódit po kontékstu.
    — Here it means "outrage". — But that doesn't fit with the context.
    Пое́хал бы, так де́нег нет.Pojéxal by, tak déneg net.I'd go, but I don't have the money.
  3. Used similarly to то (to) in the following constructions (see то (to)); no translation.
    Synonym: (partial) то (to)
    Что каса́ется криптовалю́т, так у нас о́чень мно́го вариа́нтов.Što kasájetsja kriptovaljút, tak u nas óčenʹ mnógo variántov.As regards cryptocurrency, we have a lot of options.
    Всё, что тебе́ ну́жно сейча́с, так э́то запо́мнить все э́ти значе́ния.Vsjo, što tebé núžno sejčás, tak éto zapómnitʹ vse éti značénija.All you need now is to remember all these meanings.
Derived terms

Alternative forms


так • (tak) f inan pl

  1. genitive plural of та́ка (táka)


Etymology 1

From French taquet.


  • IPA(key): /tâːk/


та̑к m (Latin spelling tȃk)

  1. billiard-cue

Etymology 2

Borrowed from Italian tacco.


  • IPA(key): /tâk/


та̏к m (Latin spelling tȁk)

  1. (regional) shoe heel

Etymology 3

Borrowed from Turkish tak, from Persian طاق (tâq). (Can this(+) etymology be sourced?)


  • IPA(key): /tâk/


та̏к m (Latin spelling tȁk)

  1. (regional) arc, arch, vault (of a building)


  • так” in Hrvatski jezični portal
  • так” in Hrvatski jezični portal



From Proto-Slavic *tako. Compare Belarusian так (tak), Polish tak.


  • IPA(key): [tak]
  • (file)


так • (tak)

  1. so, thus


так • (tak)

  1. yes
    Antonym: ні (ni)

Further reading

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