See also: таҡ
- IPA(key): [tak]
Audio (file)
- IPA(key): [tak]
Audio (file)
Etymology 1
Inherited from Old East Slavic тако (tako), такъ (takŭ), from Proto-Slavic *tako (adverb), from Proto-Slavic *takъ (adjective). Cognate with Ukrainian так (tak), тако (tako); Belarusian так (tak); Bulgarian така (taka); Serbo-Croatian тако, так; Slovene tako, tàk; Czech and Polish tak; Upper and Lower Sorbian tak; Lithuanian tóks, tokià; and Latin tālis. Akin to Old Church Slavonic pronoun тъ (tŭ).
Alternative forms
- такъ (tak) — Pre-reform orthography (1918)
так • (tak)
- (with a verb or short-form adjective) like that, like this (in that/this way, in that/this manner) (translated as "that" or "this" with some verbs)
- Почему́ ты так себя́ ведёшь? ― Počemú ty tak sebjá vedjóšʹ? ― Why are you behaving like that?
- Я так и сказа́л. ― Ja tak i skazál. ― That's what I said. (literally, “I said like that.”)
- Мы так называ́ем э́ти шту́ки. ― My tak nazyvájem éti štúki. ― That's what we call these things. (literally, “We call these things like that.”)
- Они́ поступи́ли и́менно так. ― Oní postupíli ímenno tak. ― They did exactly that. (literally, “They acted/behaved/did things exactly like that.”)
- Ко́мнаты располо́жены так. ― Kómnaty raspolóženy tak. ― The rooms are situated like this.
- Вот так была́ проведена́ процеду́ра. ― Vot tak bylá provedená procedúra. ― This is how the procedure was conducted. (literally, “The procedure was conducted like this.”)
- Used to indicate a high degree of something.
- (before a short-form adjective or adverb) so; in the negative: that (to a high degree)
- Synonyms: насто́лько (nastólʹko), столь (stolʹ), (with a long-form adjective; must be declined) тако́й (takój)
- Э́то так сло́жно. ― Éto tak slóžno. ― This is so hard.
- Э́то тре́бует больши́х уси́лий, но э́то не так сло́жно. ― Éto trébujet bolʹšíx usílij, no éto ne tak slóžno. ― It requires a lot of effort, but it's not that difficult.
- (before a verb) so much; in the negative: that much (to a high degree) (translated as "so" or (in the negative) "that" with some verbs that are translated with adjectives in English)
- (before a short-form adjective or adverb) so; in the negative: that (to a high degree)
- (before a content clause beginning with что (što)) Used to indicate a sufficient degree of something (such that the following clause is true).
- (before a short-form adjective or adverb) so (to a sufficient degree) (including in the negative)
- Synonyms: насто́лько (nastólʹko), столь (stolʹ), (with a long-form adjective; must be declined) тако́й (takój)
- Э́то так сло́жно, что я не могу́ э́того сде́лать. ― Éto tak slóžno, što ja ne mogú étovo sdélatʹ. ― This is so hard that I can't do it.
- Э́то не так сло́жно, что я не могу́ э́того сде́лать. ― Éto ne tak slóžno, što ja ne mogú étovo sdélatʹ. ― It's not so hard that I can't do it.
- (before a verb) so much (to a sufficient degree) (including in the negative) (translated as "so" with some verbs that are translated with adjectives in English)
- Synonyms: (less commonly) насто́лько (nastólʹko), (partial) так мно́го (tak mnógo), так си́льно (tak sílʹno)
- Я так люблю́ тебя́, что не могу́ жить без тебя́. ― Ja tak ljubljú tebjá, što ne mogú žitʹ bez tebjá. ― I love you so much that I can't live without you.
- Он так разозли́лся, что швырну́л свой телефо́н на зе́млю. ― On tak razozlílsja, što švyrnúl svoj telefón na zémlju. ― He got so angry that he smashed his phone on the floor.
- (before a short-form adjective or adverb) so (to a sufficient degree) (including in the negative)
- Used to refer to a previously mentioned or demonstrated degree of something.
- (before a short-form adjective or adverb) that (to that degree, to the previously mentioned or demonstrated degree) (including in the negative; often followed by уж и (už i) in the negative)
- (before a verb) that much (to that degree, to the aforementioned degree) (including in the negative; often followed by уж и (už i) in the negative) (translated as "that" with some verbs that are translated with adjectives in English)
- Synonyms: (less commonly) насто́лько (nastólʹko), (partial) так мно́го (tak mnógo), так си́льно (tak sílʹno)
- Они́ действи́тельно так ненави́дят нас. ― Oní dejstvítelʹno tak nenavídjat nas. ― They really do hate us that much.
- Он не тру́сил. Он не так уж и боя́лся. ― On ne trúsil. On ne tak už i bojálsja. ― He didn't chicken out. He wasn't that scared.
- (before a short-form adjective or adverb and optionally a clause beginning with как (kak); often with же (že) to emphasise equality) as (to the same or a similar degree)
- Synonyms: насто́лько (nastólʹko), столь (stolʹ), (with a long-form adjective; must be declined) тако́й (takój)
- Они́ так (же) краси́вы, как на фотогра́фиях. ― Oní tak (že) krasívy, kak na fotográfijax. ― They're as beautiful as (they are) on the photos.
- Их не так мно́го, как ка́жется. ― Ix ne tak mnógo, kak kážetsja. ― There aren't as many of them as it seems.
- (with a verb or short-form adjective and immediately before a clause beginning with что (što) or что́бы (štóby)) such, in such a way, so
- Они́ располо́жены так, что все их мо́жно уви́деть. ― Oní raspolóženy tak, što vse ix móžno uvídetʹ. ― They are positioned such that they can all be seen.
- Они́ сде́лали так, что́бы всё бы́ло возмо́жно. ― Oní sdélali tak, štóby vsjo býlo vozmóžno. ― They made everything possible / ensured that everything would be possible. (literally, “They did (things) in such a way that everything would be possible.”)
- (with a verb or short-form adjective and immediately before a clause beginning with как (kak); often with же (že) to emphasise equality) like, the same, (in) the same way, similar to, as
- Synonym: таки́м же о́бразом (takím že óbrazom)
- Она́ звучи́т так (же), как в фи́льмах. ― Oná zvučít tak (že), kak v fílʹmax. ― She sounds the same as / like (she does) in the films.
- Они́ располо́жены так (же), как на схе́ме. ― Oní raspolóženy tak (že), kak na sxéme. ― They are positioned as (they are) / like (they are) / (in) the same way as on the diagram.
- (in the following construction with как (kak) and и (i)) and, as well as
- (colloquial, with a verb) (just) like that (suddenly/unexpectedly, without action, without consideration or without consequences)
- (colloquial, often followed by себе́ (sebé)) not great, not very well, meh, mediocre(ly), middling(ly), so-so
- Synonyms: посре́дственно (posrédstvenno), сре́дне (srédne), сре́дненько (srédnenʹko), та́к себе (ták sebe)
- Он вы́глядел та́к себе́, но всё равно́ появи́лся. ― On výgljadel ták sebé, no vsjo ravnó pojavílsja. ― He didn't look that great, but showed up anyway.
так • (tak)
- (colloquial, often followed by себе́ (sebé)) not great, meh, mediocre, middling, so-so
- Synonyms: посре́дственно (posrédstvenno), сре́дне (srédne), сре́дненько (srédnenʹko), та́к себе (ták sebe)
- По вку́су она́... Ну так, сре́дненько. ― Po vkúsu oná... Nu tak, srédnenʹko. ― In terms of taste... It's just kind of meh, average.
так • (tak)
- (colloquial) right, okay, yeah (while listening, indicates that one is awaiting the continuation of what is being said)
- Synonym: ага́ (ahá, agá)
- (introductory) so (indicates a following explanation or example; can also replace "for example")
- (colloquial) nothing (special); no one (special); nowhere (special); no reason; etc. (used as a dismissive or unwilling response)
- (in the following construction) Used to express that something is what should be or happen.
- yes, indeed
- Synonyms: да (da), действи́тельно (dejstvítelʹno)
- (colloquial, when repeated) well, well(, well)
- (colloquial, when repeated) now, now; okay, okay; alright, alright
- (colloquial, with numbers) around, about (used to express approximation)
- Synonyms: где́-то (gdé-to), о́коло (ókolo), приблизи́тельно (priblizítelʹno), приме́рно (primérno)
- От вокза́ла до до́ма киломе́тра так два. ― Ot vokzála do dóma kilométra tak dva. ― It's about two kilometres from the station to home.
- Э́то произошло́ лет так де́сять тому́ наза́д. ― Éto proizošló let tak désjatʹ tomú nazád. ― It happened around 10 years ago.
так • (tak)
- so (therefore, thus)
- (colloquial) but (often with a sense of obviousness)
- Synonym: но (no)
- — Здесь оно́ означа́ет «возмуще́ние». – Так э́то не подхо́дит по конте́ксту.
- — Zdesʹ onó označájet «vozmuščénije». – Tak éto ne podxódit po kontékstu.
- — Here it means "outrage". — But that doesn't fit with the context.
- Пое́хал бы, так де́нег нет. ― Pojéxal by, tak déneg net. ― I'd go, but I don't have the money.
- Used similarly to то (to) in the following constructions (see то (to)); no translation.
- Synonym: (partial) то (to)
- Что каса́ется криптовалю́т, так у нас о́чень мно́го вариа́нтов. ― Što kasájetsja kriptovaljút, tak u nas óčenʹ mnógo variántov. ― As regards cryptocurrency, we have a lot of options.
- Всё, что тебе́ ну́жно сейча́с, так э́то запо́мнить все э́ти значе́ния. ― Vsjo, što tebé núžno sejčás, tak éto zapómnitʹ vse éti značénija. ― All you need now is to remember all these meanings.
Derived terms
- а та́к (a ták)
- да та́к (da ták)
- и та́к (i ták)
- не та́к (ne ták)
- про́сто та́к (prósto ták)
- та́к же (ták že)
- та́к и быть (ták i bytʹ, “so be it”)
- та́к и не (ták i ne)
- та́к и́ли ина́че (ták íli ináče)
- та́к как (ták kak)
- та́к себе́ (ták sebé)
- та́к что (ták što)
- та́кже (tákže)
Alternative forms
- такъ (tak) — Pre-reform orthography (1918)
- IPA(key): /tâːk/
- IPA(key): /tâk/
- IPA(key): /tâk/
From Proto-Slavic *tako. Compare Belarusian так (tak), Polish tak.
- IPA(key): [tak]
Audio (file)
Further reading
- Bilodid, I. K., editor (1970–1980), “так”, in Словник української мови: в 11 т. [Dictionary of the Ukrainian Language: in 11 vols] (in Ukrainian), Kyiv: Naukova Dumka
- “так”, in Горох – Словозміна [Horokh – Inflection] (in Ukrainian)
- A. Rysin, V. Starko, et al. (compilers, 2011–2020), “так”, in English-Ukrainian Dictionaries
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