TranslationOriginal LatinLine

Rufus trusted friend to me in vain and to no avail
(in vain? rather with a great price and with trouble),
Thus you crept under me and consuming my intestines.
alas, did you snatch away all our good things from miserable me?
Alas, alas, you snatched away cruel poison
of our life, alas, alas plague of our friendship.

Rūfe, mihī frūstrā ac nēquīquam crēdite amīce
(frūstrā? immō magnō cum pretiō atque malō),
sīcine subrēpstī mī atque intestīna perūrēns.
Ei, miserō ēripuistī omnia nostra bona?
Ēripuistī, heu, heu, nostrae crūdēle venēnum
vītae, heu, heu, nostrae pestis amīcitiae.


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