We chaste girls and boys Are under the tutelage of Diana: Chaste boys and girls Let us sing to Diana. O daughter of Leto, Great offspring of greatest Jove, Your mother bore you Near the Delian olive tree, So you might be mistress of the mountains And of the growing woods And of the secluded woodland glades And of the sounding rivers: You are called Lucina Juno By women in the pains of childbirth, You are called powerful Trivia and You are called Luna by your borrowed light. You, goddess, in your monthly course Marking off the journey of the year, You fill up the rural hut Of the farmer with good crops. By whatever name pleases you May you be hallowed, And as you have been accustomed to before, may you Preserve the offspring of Romulus with good aid.
Diānae sumus in fidē puellae et puerī integrī: Diānam puerī integrī puellaeque canāmus. Ō Lātōnia, maximī magna prōgeniēs Iovis, quam māter prope Dēliam dēpōsīvit olīvam, montium domina ut forēs silvārumque virentium saltuumque reconditōrum amniumque sonantum: tū Lūcīna dolentibus Iūnō dicta puerperīs, tū potēns Trivia et nothō es dicta lūmine Lūna; tū cursū, dea, mēnstruō mētiēns iter annuum, rūstica agricolae bonīs tēcta frūgibus explēs. Sīs quōcumque tibī placet sāncta nōmine, Rōmulīque, antīquē ut solita es, bonā sospitēs ope gentem.
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