See also: 长城
long; length; forever long; length; forever; always; constantly; chief; head; elder; to grow; to develop |
city walls; city; town | ||
trad. (長城) | 長 | 城 | |
simp. (长城) | 长 | 城 | |
Literally: “long wall”. |

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Proper noun
Derived terms
- (figurative) insurmountable barrier or invincible power; wall of steel
- 同時,中國人民也絕不允許任何外來勢力欺負、壓迫、奴役我們,誰妄想這樣幹,必將在14億多中國人民用血肉築成的鋼鐵長城面前碰得頭破血流! [MSC, trad.]
- From: 1 July 2021, Xi Jinping (习近平)
- Tóngshí, Zhōngguó rénmín yě juébù yǔnxǔ rènhé wàilái shìlì qīfù, yāpò, núyì wǒmen, shéi wàngxiǎng zhèyàng gàn, bìjiāng zài 14 yì duō Zhōngguó rénmín yòng xuèròu zhù chéng de gāngtiě Chángchéng miànqián pèng de tóu pò xuèliú! [Pinyin]
- At the same time, the Chinese people will absolutely not allow any foreign power to bully, oppress, or enslave us. Whomever vainly thinks to do these things, will find their heads bashed bloody against a Great Wall of steel forged by the flesh and blood of over 1.4 billion Chinese people!
同时,中国人民也绝不允许任何外来势力欺负、压迫、奴役我们,谁妄想这样干,必将在14亿多中国人民用血肉筑成的钢铁长城面前碰得头破血流! [MSC, simp.]
Han character
長城: Hán Việt readings: trường thành, Trường Thành
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