

For pronunciation and definitions of あおい – see the following entries.
[adjective] blue
[adjective] (of vegetation or traffic lights) green
[adjective] pale
[adjective] unripe; green (inexperienced)
[noun] For plant names:
[noun] アオイ: Any plant in the genera Alcea or Hibiscus: hollyhock, hibiscus
[noun] アオイ: Any plant in the Malvaceae family: mallow
[noun] アオイ: Synonym of 冬葵 (fuyuaoi)
[noun] アオイ: Synonym of 双葉葵 (futabaaoi)
[noun] (heraldry) A design of mon using the image of Asarum caulescens.
[noun] A symbol for the Tokugawa shogunate.
[noun] One of the colour schemes used in Japanese traditional garment, with the outer layer in a light blue color and the inner lining in a light purple color; it is used in the fourth month of the lunar calendar.
[noun] (women's speech) soba
[proper noun] a surname
[proper noun] a male or female given name
[proper noun] Aoi (a ward and neighborhood of Shizuoka, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan)
[proper noun] Aoi (neighborhoods in Japan):
[proper noun] The neighborhoods of Naka and Higashi, Nagoya and of Okazaki and Nishio; in Aichi Prefecture.
[proper noun] A neighborhood of Okayama, Okayama Prefecture.
[proper noun] A neighborhood of Izumisano, Osaka Prefecture.
[proper noun] The neighborhoods of Kakegawa and Fukuroi, Shizuoka Prefecture.
[proper noun] A neighborhood of Kurayoshi, Tottori Prefecture.
[proper noun] A neighborhood of Yamaguchi, Yamaguchi Prefecture.
[proper noun] A neighborhood of Wakayama, Wakayama Prefecture.
Alternative spelling
[proper noun] a female given name
[proper noun] a female given name
Alternative spellings
まなお, あき, いとい, みう, ういな
[proper noun] a surname
[proper noun] a female given name
[proper noun] a female given name
[proper noun] a female given name
[proper noun] a female given name
[proper noun] a female given name
[proper noun] a female given name
[proper noun] a female given name
[proper noun] a female given name
[proper noun] a female given name
[proper noun] a female given name
[proper noun] a female given name
[proper noun] a female given name
[proper noun] a female given name
[proper noun] a female given name
(This term, あおい, is the hiragana spelling of the above terms.)
For a list of all kanji read as あおい, see Category:Japanese kanji read as あおい.)

(The following entries are uncreated: , , , , , , , , 亜生, 亜花, 愛依, 愛央, 葵以, 葵伊, 葵依, 葵威, 葵維, 葵衣, 葵央, 葵絵, 葵生, 葵唯, 葵苺, 粟生, 安生, 杏緒, 夏葵, 仰日, 空生, 向葵, 紺碧, 彩桜, 彩生, 翠氷, 晴天, 青位, 青居, 青依, 青偉, 青衣, 青育, 青空, 青好, 青生, 青藺, 扇以, 扇依, 扇衣, 扇巳, 相生, 蒼以, 蒼井, 蒼伊, 蒼依, 蒼惟, 蒼維, 蒼衣, 蒼祈, 蒼空, 蒼彩, 蒼生, 蒼泉, 蒼宙, 蒼唯, 蒼苺, 碧い, 碧以, 碧依, 碧偉, 碧惟, 碧維, 碧衣, 碧乙, 碧音, 碧彩, 碧泉, 碧妃, 碧苺, 歩生, 明葵, 藍以, 藍伊, 藍惟, 藍衣, 藍憩, 藍生, 藍唯, 藍苺, あお依, 亜緒伊, 亜緒依, 亜麻衣, 阿緒衣, 愛央以, 愛央依, 愛音依, 愛桜依, 愛桜衣, 愛緒依, 愛緒衣, 愛緒生, 愛織姫, 葵蒼碧, 粟生生, 安緒衣, 安生衣, 杏桜衣, 杏桜生, 歩緒生, 麻央衣, 麻緒衣, 明緒衣.)

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