
See also: пясть



  • IPA(key): [pasʲtʲ]
  • (file)

Etymology 1

Inherited from Old East Slavic пасти (pasti), from Proto-Slavic *pàsti (to fall).


пасть • (pastʹ) pf (imperfective па́дать)

  1. (dated, literary) to fall
  2. (of а decision, especially by lot) to fall on an option
    На́ш вы́бор па́л на пе́рвый вариа́нт.Náš výbor pál na pérvyj variánt.Our choice fell on the first option.
  3. (figurative, higher register) to fall, to die on the battlefield, to be killed in action
  4. (figurative, formal, of historical states, governments) to fall, to lose power, to cease to exist, to be toppled
  5. (figurative, formal, of historical cities, castles) to fall, to give way under siege
    Прошло́ ме́ньше ве́ка, и непристу́пный за́мок всё-таки́ пал под уда́рами каза́цкой ко́нницы.
    Prošló ménʹše véka, i nepristúpnyj zámok vsjo-takí pal pod udárami kazáckoj kónnicy.
    After less than a century, even the impenetrable castle fell to the blows of the Cossack cavalry.
  6. (figurative, formal) to stoop, to lower one's morals
    До како́й сте́пени на́до так ни́зко па́сть, что́бы пресмыка́ться перед тира́ном-захва́тчиком, кото́рый мечта́ет поста́вить весь ми́р на коле́ни?
    Do kakój stépeni nádo tak nízko pástʹ, štóby presmykátʹsja pered tiránom-zaxvátčikom, kotóryj mečtájet postávitʹ vesʹ mír na koléni?
    To what extent would one have to stoop so low as to grovel before the tyrant conqueror who wants to put the whole world under his thumb?
Usage notes
  • Note that this verb has two past active participle forms: па́дший (pádšij) in the religious/moral sense, and па́вший (pávšij) for all other senses.
Derived terms

Etymology 2

Attested since 1731. Inherited from Proto-Slavic *pastь, from *pasti (to fall) + *-tь.


пасть • (pastʹ) f inan (genitive па́сти, nominative plural па́сти, genitive plural па́стей)

  1. mouth, maw, jaws (of an animal, reptile or fish)
  2. (derogatory) mouth, piehole
    закро́й пасть!zakrój pastʹ!shut up!, shut your piehole!
  3. throat
  4. wide inlet on a device, structure or construction
  5. trap, snare


  • Vasmer, Max (1964–1973) “паду”, in Oleg Trubachyov, transl., Этимологический словарь русского языка [Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language] (in Russian), Moscow: Progress
  • Vasmer, Max (1964–1973) “пасть”, in Oleg Trubachyov, transl., Этимологический словарь русского языка [Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language] (in Russian), Moscow: Progress
  • Chernykh, P. Ja. (1993) “пасть”, in Историко-этимологический словарь русского языка [Historical-Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language] (in Russian), 3rd edition, volumes 2 (панцирь – ящур), Moscow: Russian Lang., →ISBN, page 11
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