See also: Appendix:Variations of "os"

Хельсинки ош.
From Proto-Mordvinic *oš, from Proto-Uralic *woča (“fence; fishweir”). Cognate with Finnish otava, Northern Sami oahci, Lule Sami oahtse, among others.
ош • (oš)
- town
- 1865, Ferdinand Johann Wiedemann, Das Evangelium des Matthäus ersamordwinisch, page 9:
- Seste sajize sońze šaitan sv’ätoi ošs i sťavtyze tserkvań veľťamo langso.
- Then the devil took him to the holy city and had him stand on the highest point of the temple.
Indefinite declension of ош (hard consonant stem (сан) type)
singular | plural | |
nominative | ош (oš) | ошт (ošt) |
genitive | ошонь (ošoń) | — |
dative | ошнэнь (ošneń) | — |
ablative | ошдо (ošdo) | — |
inessive | ошсо (ošso) | — |
elative | ошсто (ošsto) | — |
illative | ошс (ošs) | — |
prolative | ошга (ošga) | — |
translative | ошкс (ošks) | — |
comparative | ошшка (ošška) | — |
abessive | оштомо (oštomo) | — |
Derived terms
- ошке, ошонь, ошиямс, ошиямо, ошондямс, ошондямо.
- ош (oš) in Álgu-tietokanta, Kotimaisten kielten keskus
- Entry #1155 in Uralonet, online Uralic etymological database of the Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics.
From Proto-Permic *ɔš. Cognates include Komi-Zyrian ош (oš) and Komi-Permyak ош (oš).
- IPA(key): /ˈoʃ/, [ˈoʃ̺]
- Rhymes: -oʃ
- Hyphenation: ош
Derived terms
- ош сэтөр (oš setår)
- ош ягөд (oš jagåd)
- ошөвөй (ošåvåj)
- A. S. Lobanova, K. S. Kichigina (2012) Русско-Коми-язьвинский словарь [Russian-Komi-Yazva dictionary] (overall work in Russian), Perm: ПГГПУ, →ISBN, page 143
- V. I. Lytkin (1961) Коми-язьвинский диалект [The Komi-Yazva dialect] (overall work in Russian), Moscow: Издательство Академии наук СССР, page 157

From Proto-Permic *ɔš.
- IPA(key): /ˈoʃ/, [ˈo̞ʃ̺]
- Hyphenation: ош
Declension of ош (stem: ошк-) | |||
singular | plural | ||
nominative | ош (oš) | ошъяс (ošjas) | |
accusative | I* | ош (oš) | ошъяс (ošjas) |
II* | ошкӧс (oškös) | ошъясӧс (ošjasös) | |
instrumental | ошкӧн (oškön) | ошъясӧн (ošjasön) | |
comitative | ошкӧд (ošköd) | ошъяскӧд (ošjasköd) | |
caritive | оштӧг (oštög) | ошъястӧг (ošjastög) | |
consecutive | ошла (ošla) | ошъясла (ošjasla) | |
genitive | ошлӧн (ošlön) | ошъяслӧн (ošjaslön) | |
ablative | ошлысь (ošlyś) | ошъяслысь (ošjaslyś) | |
dative | ошлы (ošly) | ошъяслы (ošjasly) | |
inessive | ошкын (oškyn) | ошъясын (ošjasyn) | |
elative | ошкысь (oškyś) | ошъясысь (ošjasyś) | |
illative | ошкӧ (oškö) | ошъясӧ (ošjasö) | |
egressive | ошсянь (ošśań) | ошъяссянь (ošjasśań) | |
approximative | ошлань (ošlań) | ошъяслань (ošjaslań) | |
terminative | ошкӧдз (ošködź) | ошъясӧдз (ošjasödź) | |
prolative | I | ошкӧд (ošköd) | ошъясӧд (ošjasöd) |
II | ошті (ošti) | ошъясті (ošjasti) | |
*) Animate nouns almost exclusively take the type II accusative ending, whereas inanimate nouns can be used with either ending, but are more often found with type I. |
Possessive declension of ош | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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- Bubrikh, Dmitry V. (1949) Грамматика литературного коми языка [Grammar of the literary Komi language] (in Russian), Leningrad: Zhdanov Leningrad State University, page 32
- Anu-Reet Hauzenberg (1972) Названия животных в коми языке [Names of animals in the Komi language], Tallinn: Estonian Academy of Sciences, page 24
- L. M. Beznosikova, E. A. Ajbabina, R. I. Kosnyreva (2000) Коми-русский словарь [Komi-Russian dictionary], →ISBN, page 458
From Proto-Uralic *woča. Cognate with Erzya ош (oš).
IPA(key): /oʃ/
ош • (oš)
Indefinite declension of ош
singular | plural | |
nominative | ош (oš) | ошт (ošt) |
genitive | ошень (ošeń) | — |
dative | ошенди (ošenďi) | — |
ablative | ошта (ošta) | — |
inessive | ошса (ošsa) | — |
elative | ошста (ošsta) | — |
illative | ошс (ošs) | — |
prolative | ошева (oševa) | — |
comparative | ошшка (ošška) | — |
translative | ошекс (ošeks) | — |
abessive | ошфтома (ošftoma) | — |
causative | ошенкса (ošenksa) | — |
Definite declension of ош
Possessive declension of ош
first person singular (монь (moń)) | ||
one possession | multiple possessions | |
nominative | ошезе (ošeźe) | ошне (ošńe) |
genitive | ошезень (ošeźeń) | ошнень (ošńeń) |
dative | ошезти (ošezťi) | ошненди (ošńenďi) |
ablative | оштон (ošton) | |
inessive | ошсон (ošson) | |
elative | ошстон (ošston) | |
illative | ошезон (ošezon) | |
prolative | ошеван (oševan) | |
comparative | ошшкан (ošškan) | |
abessive | ошфтомон (ošftomon) | |
second person singular (тонь (toń)) | ||
one possession | multiple possessions | |
nominative | ошце (ošće) | ошне (ošńe) |
genitive | ошцень (ošćeń) | ошнень (ošńeń) |
dative | ошценди (ošćenďi) | ошненди (ošńenďi) |
ablative | оштот (oštot) | |
inessive | ошсот (ošsot) | |
elative | ошстот (ošstot) | |
illative | ошезт (ošezt) | |
prolative | ошеват (oševat) | |
comparative | ошшкат (ošškat) | |
abessive | ошфтомот (ošftomot) | |
third person singular (сонь (soń)) | ||
one possession | multiple possessions | |
nominative | ошец (ošec) | ошенза (ošenza) |
genitive | ошенц (ošenc) | ошензон (ošenzon) |
dative | ошенцты (ošencti) | ошензонды (ošenzondi) |
ablative | оштонза (oštonza) | |
inessive | ошсонза (ošsonza) | |
elative | ошстонза (ošstonza) | |
illative | ошезонза (ošezonza) | |
prolative | ошеванза (oševanza) | |
comparative | ошшканза (ošškanza) | |
abessive | ошфтомонза (ošftomonza) | |
first person plural (минь (miń)) | ||
one or multiple possessions | ||
nominative | ошеньке (ošeńke) | |
genitive | ошеньконь (ošeńkoń) | |
dative | ошеньконди (ošeńkonďi) | |
ablative | оштонк (oštonk) | |
inessive | ошсонк (ošsonk) | |
elative | ошстонк (ošstonk) | |
illative | ошезонк (ošezonk) | |
prolative | ошеванк (oševank) | |
comparative | ошшканк (ošškank) | |
abessive | ошфтомонк (ošftomonk) | |
second person plural (тинь (ťiń)) | ||
one or multiple possessions | ||
nominative | ошенте (ošenťe) | |
genitive | ошентень (ošenťeń) | |
dative | ошентенди (ošenťenďi) | |
ablative | оштонт (oštont) | |
inessive | ошсонт (ošsont) | |
elative | ошстонт (ošstont) | |
illative | ошезонт (ošezont) | |
prolative | ошевант (oševant) | |
comparative | ошшкант (ošškant) | |
abessive | ошфтомонт (ošftomont) | |
third person plural (синь (śiń)) | ||
one or multiple possessions | ||
nominative | ошсна (ošsna) | |
genitive | ошснон (ošsnon) | |
dative | ошснонды (ošsnondi) | |
ablative | оштост (oštost) | |
inessive | ошсост (ošsost) | |
elative | ошстост (ošstost) | |
illative | ошезост (ošezost) | |
prolative | ошеваст (oševast) | |
comparative | ошшкаст (ošškast) | |
abessive | ошфтомост (ošftomost) |
- Indefinite paradigm in Cygankin, D. V. (1980) Grammatika mordovskix jazykov. Fonetika, grafika, orfografija, morfologija [Mordvinic grammar] (in Russian), Saransk, page 153
- Indefinite and definite paradigms in Nikolaj Golenkov (2009) Govorim po-mokšanski — Korxtatama mokšeks: razgovornik [Let's speak Moksha: phrasebook], Saransk: Izdatelʹskij dom «Kniga», →ISBN, page 70
(This etymology is missing or incomplete. Please add to it, or discuss it at the Etymology scriptorium.)
- IPA(key): /ɔːʃ/
Dari | آش |
Iranian Persian | |
Tajik | ош |
tr=ošPlease see Module:checkparams for help with this warning.
ош • (oš)
Derived terms
- оши палов (oši palov)
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