< Psychiatry
The image depicts a counseling, or psychiatric, session between a student on the left and a counselor, psychiatrist, on the right. Credit: Michigan State University Board of Trustees.

Psychiatry is a lecture from the school of medicine and the psychology department.

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As a "learning by doing" resource, this quiz helps you to assess your knowledge and understanding of the information, and it is a quiz you may take over and over as a learning resource to improve your knowledge, understanding, test-taking skills, and your score.

Some questions in this quiz are taken from quizzes in Motivation and emotion/Book/2013/Fear and Motivation and emotion/Book/2013/Oxytocin and emotion.

Enjoy learning by doing!



1 True or False, Psychiatry involves the study and treatment of mental illness, emotional disturbance, and abnormal behavior.


2 Yes or No, The branch of medicine that subjectively diagnoses, treats, and studies mental illness and behavioural conditions is called psychiatry.


3 Name a form of counseling akin to psychiatric.

4 Yes or No, There was a significantly higher level of plasma testosterone in the aggressive group as compared with the nonaggressive group.


5 There is two responses to stress, one is the fight or flight response, the other is the tend and befriend response


6 Yes or No, The primary condition of racism refers to the psychological mechanisms and psychiatric problems which arise from this issue of power and will be found in the dominant group.


7 Psychiatry contains which of the following characteristics of a dominant group?

improved in their performance on verbal tests employed
social disadvantage
spends much time reflecting on nondominant group colleagues
clinical psychologists

8 Zak, Stanton, and Ahmadi (2007) found that volunteers who received a dose of oxytocin were ______.

The same as the control group
Less generous than the control group
More generous than the control group
Very affectionate towards the researchers

9 A low level of oxytocin seems to be related to social impairment in a number of psychiatric disorders


10 Oxytocin has what effect on stress?

It makes the organism sleepy
It increases stress and activates the fight or flight response
It has no effect
It reduces stress by inhibiting the production of stress hormones

11 Oxytocin is similar to but seems to have effects opposite to which other hormone?

12 What part of the brain is largely associated with the experience of fear?

The prefrontal cortex
The amygdala
The medulla
The temporal lobe

13 _______ is/are a benefit of fear, ________ is/are a disadvantage of fear

Cardiovascular damage, poor ethical decisions
Improved ethical decisions, future predictions
Improved ethical decisions, cardiovascular damage
cardiovascular damage, future predictions

14 Which of these is an effective fear reduction technique?

Memory manipulation
Cognitive therapies
Emotion regulation
All of the above


  1. A dominant group is almost never humane.

See also

{{Humanities resources}}{{Medicine resources}}

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