
Kahō (嘉保) was a Japanese era (年号,, nengō,, lit. "year name") after Kanji and before Eichō. This period started in December 1094 and ended in December 1096.[1] The reigning emperor was Emperor Horikawa-tennō (嘉保天皇).[2]

Events of the Kahō Era

  • 1095 (Kahō 2, 4th month): Emperor Horikawa paid visits to the Iwashimizu Shrine and to the Kamo Shrines.[3]
  • 1095 (Kahō 2, 8th month): The emperor was stricken with fevers; and he recovered.[3]
  • 1095 (Kahō 2, 11th month): The Buddhist priests of Mount Hiei ccarried a portable shrine to the central hall of Enryaku-ji.[4]
  • 26 November 1096 (Kahō 3, 9th day of the 11th month): Former-Emperor Shirakawa entered the Buddhist priesthood at the age of 44.[5]


  1. Nussbaum, Louis-Frédéric. (2005). "Ka-hō" in Japan Encyclopedia, p. 448.
  2. Titsingh, Isaac. (1834). Annales des empereurs du japon, pp. 172-176; Brown, Delmer et al. (1979). Gukanshō, p. 319; Varley, H. Paul. (1980). Jinnō Shōtōki, p. 202.
  3. Titsingh, p. 176.
  4. Brown, p. 320 n51; Kitagawa, Hiroshi, et al., eds. (1975). The Tale of the Heike, pp. 129-130.
  5. Brown, p. 316.

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