National day
National days are the days which are very special and important for a nation. A National day is a special day where people celebrate their country or nation each year. Most countries have national days and they are usually a national holiday, where people don't go to work or school. In many countries which used to be colonies, the national day is known as Independence Day because it remembers the day they became independent from their old empire. In other countries like China, the national day remembers when the old government of the country changed to the new one. In the past, the king or emperor's birthdays were often treated as a kind of national day.
Most countries have only one national day each year but some (like India, Bangladesh and Pakistan) have more than one. The different parts of the United Kingdom used to be separate independent nations and still have national days, but the UK does not have one holiday for the whole country apart from the Queen's Official Birthday. (This isn't her real birthday or an official holiday, but a special Saturday to remember her when people are usually already off work anyway.) Denmark is another country that has no official national day.
List of national days

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- Afghanistan 19 August (Independence from United Kingdom's control over Afghan foreign affairs in 1919)
- Albania 28 November ("Dita e Pavarësisë", declaration of independence from Ottoman rule in 1912)
- Alderney, Guensey British Islands 9 May (Liberation Day, the end of the German Occupation of the Channel Islands during World War II 1945)
- Algeria 1 November (start of the War of Independence in 1954)
- American Samoa (US) 17 April (Flag Day)
- Andalusia, Spain 28 February (Dia de Andalucia)
- Andorra 8 September (Our Lady of Meritxell Day, patron saint of Andorra)
- Angola 11 November (Independence from Portugal in 1975)
- Anguilla, United Kingdom 30 May (Anguilla Day; the beginning of the Anguillian Revolution in 1967)
- Antigua and Barbuda 1 November (Independence from the United Kingdom in 1981)
- Aragon, Spain 23 April (St George's Day, patron saint)
- Argentina 25 May (First Patriotic Government, the Spanish viceroy is removed and replaced by the Primera Junta during the May Revolution) and 9 July (Declaration of Independence, from Spain in 1816)
- Armenia 28 May (Republic Day, independence from the Transcaucasian Democratic Federative Republic 1918)
- Aruba (Kingdom of the Netherlands) 18 March (Flag Day: autonomy within the Netherlands in 1945)
- Australia 26 January (Australia Day, date of the founding of Sydney, the first European settlement in Australia, 1788)
- Austria 26 October (The Neutrality Constitution of 1955)
- Azerbaijan 28 May (Independence Day, independence from the Transcaucasian Democratic Federative Republic 1918)
- Bahamas 10 July (Independence from the United Kingdom in 1973)
- Bahrain 16 December (Accession Day for the late Amir Sh. Isa Bin Salman Al Khalifa)
- Balochistan, (Pakistan) 11 August (Independence from British India in 1947)[1]
- Bangladesh 26 March (Bangladeshi Independence Day, declaration of independence from Pakistan in 1971); 16 December (Victory Day, the day the Bangladesh Liberation War ended in 1971)
- Barbados 30 November (Independence Day, from the United Kingdom in 1966)
- Basque Country, Spain 25 October (Day of the Basque Country) (official from 2011)
- Belarus 3 July (Independence Day, liberation of Minsk from German occupation by Soviet troops in 1944)
- Belgium 21 July (Leopold of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld takes the oath as first king of the Belgians in 1831)
- Belize 10 September, 21 September (Independence from the United Kingdom in 1981)
- Benin 1 August (Independence from France in 1960)
- Bermuda, United Kingdom 24 May (Originally Queen Victoria's birthday; now "Bermuda Day" to celebrate the islands' heritage and culture)
- Bhutan 17 December (Ugyen Wangchuck elected hereditary king 1907)
- Bolivia 6 August (Proclamation of Republic (independent from Spain) in 1825)
- Bosnia and Herzegovina 1 March (Dan nezavisnosti; Proclamation of independence from Yugoslavia in 1992), 25 November (Bosnian Republic Day, 25 November celebrate in Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina; Serbian Republic Day celebrate in Republika Srpska, 9 January)[2]
- Botswana 30 September (Independence from the United Kingdom in 1966)
- Brazil 7 September (Dia da Independência, declaration of independence from Portugal in 1822)
- British Virgin Islands, United Kingdom 1 July
- Brunei 23 February
- Bulgaria 3 March (Liberation Day, autonomy within Ottoman Empire 1878)
- Burkina Faso 4 August (change of name from Upper Volta in 1984) (Independence Day, from France in 1960, is 5 August)
- Burundi 1 July (Independence from Belgium in 1962)
- Cambodia 9 November (Independence from France in 1953)
- Cameroon 20 May (National Day, creation of a unitary state 1972)
- Canada 1 July (Canada Day, Canada a confederation of four provinces 1867)
- Cape Verde 12 September
- Catalonia (Spain) 11 September (Catalonia loses its nominal independence and constitutions after the fall of Barcelona 1714)
- Cayman Islands, United Kingdom 1st Monday in July
- Central African Republic 1 December (autonomous territory within the French Community 1958)
- Chad 11 August (Independence from France 1960)
- Chile 18 September (the first Government Junta is created 1810)
- China:
- Republic 10 October (Double Ten Day, outbreak of the Wuchang Uprising that led to abolishment of monarchy in China and founding of the Republic of China 1911)
- People's Republic 1 October (National Day, celebration of the beginning of the new government 1949)
- Colombia 20 July (Declaration of independence from Spain 1810)
- Comoros 6 July (Independence from France 1975)
- Cook Islands 4 August (Self-government in free association with New Zealand 1965)
- Costa Rica 15 September (Independence from Spain 1821)
- Côte d'Ivoire 7 August (Independence from France 1960)
- Croatia 30 May (Statehood Day, declaration of independence from Yugoslavia 1990)
- Cuba 1 January (Liberation Day, Fidel Castro takes power in 1959 (and Spanish rule ends 1899))
- Curaçao (Kingdom of the Netherlands) 2 July (the first elected island council is instituted 1954)
- Cyprus 1 October (Independence Day 1960)
- Czech Republic 28 October (Independence from Austria-Hungary (as Czechoslovakia) 1918)
- Democratic Republic of Congo 30 June (Independence from Belgium in 1960)
- Denmark (no official national day) 5 June (Constitution of 1849)
- Djibouti 27 June (Independence from France 1977)
- Dominica 3 November (Independence from the United Kingdom 1978 (discovered by Christopher Columbus 1493))
- Dominican Republic 27 February (independence from Haiti 1844), 16 August (Restoration Day, independence from Spain 1865)
- East Timor 20 May (Independence from Indonesia in 2002)
- Ecuador 10 August (Proclamation of independence from Spain 1809)
- Egypt 23 July (Revolution Day, the revolution of 1952), 6 October (Armed Forces Day, the beginning of the October War 1973)
- El Salvador 15 September (Independence from Spain 1821)
- England, United Kingdom 23 April (St George's Day, patron saint of England, not a bank holiday)
- Equatorial Guinea 12 October (Independence from Spain 1968)
- Eritrea 24 May (Eritrean rebels enter the capital Asmara 1991; independence from Ethiopia 1993)
- Estonia 24 February (Independence Day, declaration of independence from the Russia 1918)
- Ethiopia 28 May (Downfall of the Derg Day, the Derg regime is defeated 1991)
- Falkland Islands, United Kingdom 14 June (Liberation Day, the end of the Falklands War 1982)
- Faroe Islands (Denmark) 29 July (Ólavsøka (Saint Olaf's death at the Battle of Stiklestad in 1030): opening of the Løgting (parliament) session)
- Fiji 10 October (Fiji Day, independence from the United Kingdom 1970)
- Finland 6 December (Independence Day, declaration of independence from Russia 1917)
- France 14 July (Fête de la Fédération, 14 July 1790)
- French Guyana (France) 14 July (Fête de la Fédération), 20 December Abolition of slavery day

- Gabon 17 August (Independence from France 1960)
- Gambia 18 February (Independence Day, from the United Kingdom 1965)
- Georgia 26 May (Day of First Republic, declaration of independence from Russia 1918)
- Germany 3 October (German Unity Day, unification of West Germany and East Germany 1990)
- Ghana 6 March (Independence Day, from the United Kingdom 1957)
- Gibraltar, United Kingdom 10 September (Gibraltar National Day, people of Gibraltar vote to reject Spanish sovereignty or association 1967)
- Greece 25 March (Declaration of independence from Ottoman Empire 1821), 28 October (Ohi Day, rejection of the Italian ultimatum 1940)
- Greenland (Denmark) 21 June (Longest Day of the Year) (The national day was introduced in 1983 as one of the Home Rule's traditions and is thus one of several expressions of national identity, which is also reflected in the flag, clothing, national anthem and language)
- Grenada 7 February (Independence from the United Kingdom 1974)
- Guadeloupe, France 14 July (Bastille Day), 27 May Abolition of slavery day (regional only)[3]
- Guam (US) 21 July (Liberation Day, Americans landing on Guam 1944, the beginning of the Battle of Guam (1944))
- Guatemala 15 September (Independence from Spain 1821)
- Guernsey and Dependencies, British Islands 9 May (Liberation Day, the end of the German Occupation of the Channel Islands during World War II 1945)
- Guinea 3 April (Independence from France 1958 on 2 October)
- Guinea-Bissau 24 September (Declaration of independence from Portugal 1973)
- Guyana 23 February (Republic Day, also known as Mashramani, republic 1970)
- Haiti 1 January (Declaration of independence from France 1804)
- Herm 9 May (Liberation Day, the end of the German Occupation of the Channel Islands during World War II 1945)
- Honduras 15 September (Independence from Kingdom of Spain 1821)
- Hong Kong 1 July (Transfer of sovereignty to the PRC 1997) 1 October (National Day of the People's Republic of China)
- Hungary 15 March (1848 Revolution memorial day), 20 August (Saint Stephen's day), 23 October (1956 Revolution memorial day)
- Iceland 17 June (National Day, founding of republic and dissolution of personal union with Denmark 1944)
- India 26 January (Republic Day, becoming the first republic in the British Commonwealth of Nations 1950), 15 August (Independence Day, from the British Empire 1947)
- Indonesia 17 August (Proclamation of Independence day, (Hari Proklamasi Kemerdekaan R.I.), from Japan and the Netherlands 1945)
- Iran 11 February (Victory of Islamic Revolution)
- Iraq 3 October (Independence from the United Kingdom 1932)
- Ireland 17 March (Saint Patrick's Day, patron saint of Ireland)
- Isle of Man, British Islands (usually) 5 July (Tynwald Day, Tynwald (parliament) annual meeting)
- Israel around 14 May, according to Jewish calendar at 5 Iyar (Yom Ha'atzmaut, proclamation of independence from the British Mandate of Palestine 1948)
- Italy 25 April (Partisans liberate Genoa, Milan and Tourin from German troops in 1945), 2 June (Festa della Repubblica, Italy is voted a republic in 1946 - Giuseppe Garibaldi died on this date in 1882)
- Jamaica 1st Monday in August (Independence from the United Kingdom 6 August 1962)
- Japan 11 February (National Foundation Day, Jimmu, the first emperor, is crowned in year 660 BC)
- Jersey, British Islands 9 May (Liberation Day, the end of the German Occupation of the Channel Islands during World War II 1945)
- Jordan 25 May (Independence Day, from the United Kingdom 1946; the parliament of Transjordan makes Abdullah I of Jordan their king 1946)
- Kazakhstan 25 October (Republic Day, declared sovereign republic within the USSR 1990)
- Kenya 12 December (Independence Day, from the United Kingdom 1963; Republic Day, (Jamhuri Day), 1964)
- Kiribati 12 July (Independence from the United Kingdom in 1979)
- North Korea 15 August (liberation from Japanese rule, 1945) 9 September (declaration of the North Korean State, 1948)
- South Korea 15 August (both the liberation from Japanese rule, 1945 (Gwangbokjeol) and the declaration of the South Korean state, 1948), 3 October (Gaecheonjeol, the ancient Korea founded in 2333 BC), 1 March (declaration of independence of modern Korea and the March 1st movement, 1919)
- Kurdistan 21 March (Nawroz, Kurdish New Year celebrated on the Northern Hemisphere's spring equinox)
- Kuwait 25 February (Kuwait National Day) (26 February is Liberation Day, from Iraq 1991)
- Kyrgyzstan 31 August (Independence Day, declaration of independence from the USSR in 1991)
- Kosovo 17 February (see 2008 Kosovo declaration of independence)
- Laos 2 December (Lao National Day, people's republic declared 1975)
- Latvia 18 November (Declaration of independence from Russia 1918)
- Lebanon 22 November (Independence from France 1943), 25 May (Resistance and Liberation Day from Israel 2000)
- Lesotho 4 October (Independence from the United Kingdom 1966)
- Liberia 26 July (Proclamation of the Republic: independence from the United States 1847)
- Libya 17 February (The revolution against El-Gazafi)
- Liechtenstein 15 August (The Hereditary Prince becomes Regent 2004)
- Lithuania 16 February (Lithuanian State Reestablishment Day, declaration of independence from Russia and Germany 1918); 6 July (Statehood Day, establishment of the medieval Lithuanian kingdom by Mindaugas in 1253.)
- Luxembourg 23 June (the Monarch's birthday)
- Macau 20 December (Transfer of sovereignty to the PRC 1999) 1 October (National Day of the People's Republic of China)
- Macedonia 8 September (Den na nezavisnosta or Ден на независноста, declaration of independence from Yugoslavia 1991)
- Madagascar 26 June (Independence from France 1960)
- Madeira Day 1 July (Autonomy from Portugal)
- Malawi 6 July (Independence Day, from the United Kingdom 1964; and Republic Day 1966)
- Malaysia 31 August (Hari Merdeka, independence (within the Commonwealth) from the United Kingdom 1957) and 16 September (Malaysia Day, the formation of Malaysia)
- Maldives 1st of Rabi' al-awwal, the third month in the Islamic calendar
- Mali 22 September (Independence from the Mali Federation 1960)
- Malta 31 March (Freedom Day, withdrawal of British troops from Malta 1979), 7 June (Sette Giugno, bread riot of 1919 where 4 Maltese men died), 8 September (Victory Day, victory over the Ottoman Empire in the Great Siege of Malta 1565; Italian government publicly announced agreement to an armistice with the WWII Allies, therefore ending the attacks on Malta by the Italians 1943) 21 September (Independence Day, independence from the United Kingdom 1964), 13 December (Republic Day, republican constitution of 1974, therefore becoming a republic).
- Marshall Islands 1 May (Constitution Day, 1979)
- Martinique, France 14 July (Bastille Day), 22 May Abolition of slavery day (regional only)[3]
- Mauritania 28 November (Independence Day, from France 1960)
- Mauritius 12 March (Independence Day, independence from the United Kingdom 1968, republic 1992)
- Mayotte France 14 July (Bastille Day), 27 April Abolition of slavery day (regional only)[3]
- Mexico 16 September (Grito de Dolores, declaration of independence from Spain 1810)
- Micronesia, Federated States of 3 November (Independence Day, from the US-administered UN Trusteeship 1979)
- Minorca, Spain 17 January (Alfonso III of Aragon took the island from Muslims, 1287)
- Moldova 27 August (Independence Day, declaration of independence from the Soviet Union 1991)
- Monaco 19 November (the levée of Prince Albert II 2005)
- Mongolia 11 July (Naadam Holiday, declaration of independence from China 1921; however, Naadam is also celebrated in China by both Han Chinese and Mongols without political attachments)
- Montenegro 13 July (recognised as independent at the Congress of Berlin 1878), 21 May (independence on the referendum in 2006)
- Montserrat, United Kingdom 2nd Saturday in June
- Morocco 2 March (Independence from France 1956)
- Mozambique 25 June (Independence from Portugal 1975)
- Myanmar 10th day following the full moon of the month of Tazaungmone (beginning of Student led protests against British colonial government in 1920), in late November or December
- Namibia 21 March (Independence Day, from South African mandate 1990)
- Nauru 31 January (Independence from the Australia, NZ, and UK-administered UN trusteeship 1968)
- Nepal 18 February (Martyr's Day), 28 May (Nepal a federal republic 2008, earlier the king's birthday)
- Netherlands Antilles (Kingdom of the Netherlands) 30 April (Queensday, Queen Juliana's birthday)
- Netherlands (country) 30 April (Queensday, Queen Juliana's birthday), 5 May (Liberation Day, from Nazi Germany in 1945)
- Kingdom of the Netherlands 15 December (Kingdom day, signing of the Charter for the Kingdom of the Netherlands 1954)
- New Caledonia (France) 14 July (Bastille Day)
- New Zealand 6 February (Waitangi Day, signing of the Treaty of Waitangi 1840)
- Nicaragua 15 September (Independence from Spain 1821)
- Niger 18 December (Republic Day, autonomous state within the French Community 1958)
- Nigeria 1 October (Independence Day, from the United Kingdom 1960 (and republic 1963)), 29 May (Democracy Day, return of democracy 1999)
- Niue 19 October
- Norfolk Island, Australia 8 June ((second) settlement established (everybody from the Pitcairn Islands))
- Northern Ireland, United Kingdom 17 March (Saint Patrick's Day), 12 July (Battle of the Boyne Day)
- Northern Mariana Islands, United States 8 January (Commonwealth Day, the constitutional government takes office 1978)
- Norway 17 May (Constitution Day, the signing of the first Norwegian Constitution in Eidsvoll 1814)
- Oman 18 November (birthday of Sultan Qaboos bin Said al Said of Oman)
- Pakistan 23 March (Pakistan Day, the Pakistan resolution passed in Lahore in 1940), 14 August (Independence Day (Pakistan), independence from the British Indian Empire in 1947)
- Palau 9 July (Constitution Day, the world's first nuclear-free constitution 1981; "nuclear-free" dropped in 1994 in order to become an associated state to the United States in the Compact of Free Association)
- Palestine 15 November[4]
- Panama 3 November (Separation Day, declaration of independence from Colombia 1903)
- Papua New Guinea 16 September (Independence from Australia in 1975)
- Paraguay 14 May (Independence Day (Día de Independencia), declaration of independence from Spain in 1811)
- Peru 28 July (Declaration of independence from Spain in 1821)
- Philippines 12 June (Araw ng Kalayaan), Philippine Declaration of Independence, from Spain in 1898
- Pitcairn Islands, United Kingdom 2nd Saturday in June
- Poland 3 May (Święto Konstytucji 3 Maja, Constitution Day, 1791), 11 November, (Święto Niepodległości, Independence Day, restoration of independence from Austro-Hungary, Prussia, and Russia in 1918)
- Portugal 10 June (Portugal Day, "Day of Camões, Portugal, and the Portuguese Communities", National Poet Luís de Camões dies in 1580)
- Puerto Rico 25 July (Constitution Day, establishment of Commonwealth of Puerto Rico 1952. Formerly Invasion Day (1898))
- Qatar, 18 December (Official national day Qatar National Day; the assumption of power of Sheikh Jassem bin Mohamed al-Thani in 1878)
- Québec, Canada 24 June (National Holiday, since 1977; also celebration of John the Baptist, patron saint of French Canadians, since 1834)
- Republic of China 10 October (Anniversary of the Wuchang Uprising)
- Republic of the Congo 15 August (Independence from France in 1960)
- Réunion, France 14 July Bastille Day, 20 December Abolition of slavery day (regional only)[3]
- Romania 1 December (Union Day, unification with Transylvania 1918)
- Russian Federation 12 June - Russia Day, declaration of sovereignty in 1990, (law priority over Soviet Union laws)
- Rwanda 1 July (Independence from Belgium in 1962)
- Saba (Kingdom of the Netherlands) 3 December
- Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha, United Kingdom 2nd Saturday in June
- Saint Kitts and Nevis 19 September (Independence from the United Kingdom 1983)
- Saint Lucia 13 December (National Day, independence from the United Kingdom 1979; the saint's day)
- Sint Maarten (Kingdom of the Netherlands) 11 November
- Saint Pierre and Miquelon (France) 14 July (Bastille Day))
- Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 27 October (Independence Day, from the United Kingdom 1979)
- Samoa 1 June
- San Marino 3 September (Independence from the Roman Empire in year 301 (traditional date))
- São Tomé and Príncipe 12 July (Independence from Portugal 1975)
- Sardinia, Italy 28 April (Sa die de sa Sardinia - Sardinia's Day - celebrating the uprising of April 28, 1794)
- Sark, Guernsey, British Islands 9 May (Liberation Day on 10 May, the end of the German Occupation of the Channel Islands during World War II 1945)
- Saudi Arabia 23 September (unification of the kingdoms Nejd and Hejaz 1932)
- Scotland, United Kingdom 30 November (Saint Andrew's Day, patron saint of Scotland, now a bank holiday)
- Senegal 4 April (Independence from France 1960)
- Serbia 15 February (The beginning of the Serbian revolution against Ottoman rule 1804, first constitution 1835)
- Seychelles 18 June (National Day)
- Sierra Leone 27 April (Republic Day, independence from the United Kingdom 1961)
- Singapore 9 August (National Day), Gained independence from Malaysia 1965)
- Slovakia 29 August (Slovak National Uprising Day, start of a Slovak uprising against Nazi Germany 1944), 1 September (Constitution Day, independence from Czechoslovakia 1993)
- Slovenia 25 June ((Statehood Day), declaration of independence from Yugoslavia 1991)
- Solomon Islands 7 July (Independence Day, from the United Kingdom 1978)
- Somalia 1 July (Foundation of the Republic, from Italy and the formation of Somali Republic 1960)
- Sovereign Military Order of Malta 24 June (feast day of John the Baptist, patron saint) Archived 2012-04-01 at the Wayback Machine Archived 2012-04-07 at the Wayback Machine
- South Africa 27 April (first democratic general election 1994)
- South Sudan 9 July (Independence Day, from Sudan 2011)
- South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands, United Kingdom 2nd Saturday in June
- Spain 12 October (Fiesta Nacional de España, Columbus discovery of America 1492)
- Sri Lanka 4 February (Independence Day, from the United Kingdom 1948, still under name of Ceylon)
- Sudan 1 January (Independence Day, from the United Kingdom and the Egyptian Republic 1956)
- Suriname 25 November (Independence Day, from the Netherlands 1975)
- Swaziland 6 September (Independence Day, from the United Kingdom 1968)
- Sweden 6 June (Gustav Vasa is elected King of Sweden 1523, the constitutions of 1809 and 1974)
- Switzerland 1 August (National Day, alliance against the Holy Roman Empire 1291, between Uri, Schwyz and Unterwalden)
- Syria 17 April (Evacuation Day, from France 1946), 8 March (Independence Day from The Ottoman Empire and declaration of The Arab Kingdom of Syria, the first modern Arab state in 1920)
- Tajikistan 9 September (Independence Day, declaration of independence from the Soviet Union 1991)
- Tanzania 9 December (Independence Day 1961)
- Tatarstan 30 August (Declaration of independence from the RSFSR 1990)
- Thailand 5 December (birthday of King Bhumibol Adulyadej)
- Togo 27 April (Independence from the French-administered UN trusteeship 1960)
- Tonga 4 June (Emancipation Day abolition of serfdom 1862, independence from the United Kingdom 1970)
- Transnistria 2 September (Independence Day, declaration of independence from the Moldova 1990)
- Trinidad and Tobago 31 August (Independence Day, from the United Kingdom 1962)
- Tunisia 20 March (Declaration of independence from France 1956)
- Turkey 29 October (Republic Day (Cumhuriyet Bayramı), republican constitution 1923)
- Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus 15 November (Declaration of independence from the Cyprus 1983)
- Turkmenistan 27 October (Independence Day, declaration of independence from the Soviet Union 1991)
- Turks and Caicos Islands, United Kingdom 30 August (Constitution Day, 1976)
- Tuvalu 1 October (Independence Day, independence from the Gilbert Islands (Kiribati) 1975 and the United Kingdom 1978)
- Uganda 9 October (Independence Day, from the United Kingdom 1962, also a republic)
- Ukraine 24 August (Independence from the Soviet Union 1991)
- United Arab Emirates 2 December (National Day, formation of federation of seven emirates and independence from the United Kingdom 1971)
- United Kingdom does not have a recognized national day (see proposed British national day), although the Queen's Official Birthday (which is declared annually, usually falling on a Saturday in the first half of June) is sometimes considered as such, for example, in British diplomatic institutions overseas. However, the four constituent nations of the UK (England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland) all have patron saints and each patron saint has a feast day in the calendar of saints of Christianity.
- United States 4 July (Independence Day, declaration of independence from the United Kingdom of Great Britain 1776)
- United States Virgin Islands (US) 31 March (Transfer Day, transfer of the islands from Denmark to the United States 1917)
- Uruguay 25 August (Día de la Independencia, declaration of independence from Portugal 1825)
- Uzbekistan 1 September (Independence Day, declaration of independence from the Soviet Union 1991)
- Vanuatu 30 July (Independence Day, from the United Kingdom and France 1980)
- Vatican City 24 April (Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger is inaugurated as the 265th Pope 2005)
- Venezuela 5 July (Independence Day, declaration of independence from Spain 1811)
- Vietnam 2 September (National Day, declaration of independence from France and Japan 1945)
- Wales, United Kingdom 1 March (Saint David's Day, patron saint)
Related pages
- "Baluchistan Independence Day". Archived from the original on 2012-08-13. Retrieved 2012-06-25.
- "Loi n° 83-550 du 30 juin 1983 relative à la commémoration de l'abolition de l'esclavage - Legifrance". Archived from the original on 2020-08-09. Retrieved 2019-02-13.
- "Embassy of the State of Palestine to Paraguay" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2011-07-16. Retrieved 2012-06-25.