From Old French Alemaigne, from Latin Alemannia.
- (North Wales) IPA(key): /ˈalmaɨ̯n/
- (with definite article) IPA(key): /əˈralmaɨ̯n/
- (South Wales) IPA(key): /ˈalmai̯n/
- (with definite article) IPA(key): /əˈralmai̯n/
Proper noun
- Germany (a country in Central Europe, formed in 1949 as West Germany, with its provisional capital Bonn until 1990, when it incorporated East Germany)
Usage notes
- This country name is always preceded by the definite article yr.
Coordinate terms
- (countries of Europe) gwledydd Ewrop; Albania, yr Almaen, Andorra, Armenia, Awstria, Aserbaijan, Belarws, Bosnia a Hertsegofina, Bwlgaria, Casachstan, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmarc, y Deyrnas Unedig, Dinas y Fatican, Estonia, y Ffindir, Ffrainc, yr Eidal, Georgia, Gogledd Macedonia, Gwlad Belg, Gwlad Groeg, Gwlad Pwyl, Gwlad yr Iâ, Hwngari, yr Iseldiroedd, Iwerddon, Latfia, Liechtenstein, Lithwania, Lwcsembwrg, Malta, Moldofa, Monaco, Montenegro, Norwy, Portiwgal, Rwmania, Rwsia, San Marino, Sbaen, Serbia, Slofacia, Slofenia, Sweden, y Swistir, Tsiecia (Y Weriniaeth Tsiec), Twrci, Wcráin (Category: cy:Countries in Europe)
Derived terms
- Almaenaidd (“German”)
- Almaeneg (“German language”)
- Almaenes (“German woman”)
- Almaenwr (“German (person)”)
- Gweriniaeth Ffederal yr Almaen (“Federal Republic of Germany”)
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