- (North Wales) IPA(key): /ˌɪsɛlˈdɪrɔɨ̯ð/
- (with definite article) IPA(key): /əˌrɪsɛlˈdɪrɔɨ̯ð/
- (South Wales) IPA(key): /ˌɪsɛlˈdɪrɔi̯ð/
- (with definite article) IPA(key): /əˌrɪsɛlˈdɪrɔi̯ð/
Proper noun
yr Iseldiroedd f
- Netherlands (The main constituent country of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, located primarily in Western Europe bordering Germany and Belgium)
- Netherlands, Kingdom of the Netherlands (a country in Western Europe, consisting of four constituent countries: the Netherlands per se, Aruba, Curaçao and Sint Maarten)
Usage notes
- This country name is always preceded by the definite article yr.
Coordinate terms
- (countries of Europe) gwledydd Ewrop; Albania, yr Almaen, Andorra, Armenia, Awstria, Aserbaijan, Belarws, Bosnia a Hertsegofina, Bwlgaria, Casachstan, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmarc, y Deyrnas Unedig, Dinas y Fatican, Estonia, y Ffindir, Ffrainc, yr Eidal, Georgia, Gogledd Macedonia, Gwlad Belg, Gwlad Groeg, Gwlad Pwyl, Gwlad yr Iâ, Hwngari, yr Iseldiroedd, Iwerddon, Latfia, Liechtenstein, Lithwania, Lwcsembwrg, Malta, Moldofa, Monaco, Montenegro, Norwy, Portiwgal, Rwmania, Rwsia, San Marino, Sbaen, Serbia, Slofacia, Slofenia, Sweden, y Swistir, Tsiecia (Y Weriniaeth Tsiec), Twrci, Wcráin (Category: cy:Countries in Europe)
Derived terms
- Iseldiraidd (“Dutch”)
- Iseldirol (“Dutch”)
- Iseldireg (“Dutch (language)”)
- Iseldirwr (“Dutch man”)
- Iseldirwraig (“Dutch woman”)
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