Etymology 1
From an earlier *aus-ti, from Proto-Baltic *aus-, from Proto-Indo-European *h₂ews- (“to shine”).
Cognates include Lithuanian aũšti (< *austi), Old Church Slavonic за устра (za ustra, “early in the morning”), Hittite au(š)- (“to see, to watch”), Sanskrit उच्छति (uccháti, “to dawn”), उषस् (uṣás), उसृ (usṛ́, “dawn, morning”), Ancient Greek ἠώς (ēṓs) (< *h₂éwsōs), Latin aurōra (< *ausōsā).[1]
- IPA(key): [àwst]
(file) |
- third-person singular/plural present indicative of aust
- (with the particle lai) third-person singular imperative of aust
- (with the particle lai) third-person plural imperative of aust
aust (intransitive, 1st conjugation, only 3rd person, present aust, past ausa)
- to dawn (to become light at the beginning of the day) (of time period)
- rīts ausa lēni ― the morning dawned slowly
- lieliskā spožumā aust jaunā diena ― in great splendor dawns the new day
- to dawn, to appear slowly (in the sky) (of light, light sources)
- austrumos ausa gaisma ― the light dawned in the east
- austošā saule ― the dawning sun
- zvaigznes aust ― the stars are dawning (= appearing)
- tur ausa vēlīns pavasara mēness ― there dawned (= appeared) the belated spring moon
- (figuratively) to appear, to begin
- no padomēm mums brīve ausa! ― from the councils liberty dawned to us!
- acīs meitenēm aust mīlas smaids ― a lovely smile dawned in the girls' eyes
- (rare, of memories) to come back, to reach awareness
- atmiņā aust bijušās dienas ― the past days are dawning in (one's) memory
INDICATIVE (īstenības izteiksme) | IMPERATIVE (pavēles izteiksme) | ||||
Present (tagadne) |
Past (pagātne) |
Future (nākotne) | |||
1st pers. sg. | es | — | — | — | — |
2nd pers. sg. | tu | — | — | — | — |
3rd pers. sg. | viņš, viņa | aust | ausa | ausīs | lai aust |
1st pers. pl. | mēs | — | — | — | — |
2nd pers. pl. | jūs | — | — | — | — |
3rd pers. pl. | viņi, viņas | aust | ausa | ausīs | lai aust |
RENARRATIVE (atstāstījuma izteiksme) | PARTICIPLES (divdabji) | ||||
Present | austot | Present Active 1 (Adj.) | austošs | ||
Past | esot ausis | Present Active 2 (Adv.) | ausdams | ||
Future | ausīšot | Present Active 3 (Adv.) | austot | ||
Imperative | lai austot | Present Active 4 (Obj.) | austam | ||
CONDITIONAL (vēlējuma izteiksme) | Past Active | ausis | |||
Present | austu | Present Passive | — | ||
Past | būtu ausis | Past Passive | — | ||
DEBITIVE (vajadzības izteiksme) | NOMINAL FORMS | ||||
Indicative | (būt) jāaust | Infinitive (nenoteiksme) | aust | ||
Conjunctive 1 | esot jāaust | Negative Infinitive | neaust | ||
Conjunctive 2 | jāaustot | Verbal noun | aušana |
Derived terms
- prefixed verbs:
- aizaust
- ataust
- izaust
- paaust
- uzaust
Related terms
- ausma, rītausma
- (poetic) austra
- austrumi
Etymology 2
From earlier *aus-ti, from Proto-Baltic *aud-, from Proto-Indo-European *h₂ew-dʰ-, from *h₂ew- (“to braid, to weave”) (earlier “to tie, to bind”), with an extension in *-dʰ-. The present form comes from *aud-yō > *aužuo > aužu. Cognates include Lithuanian áusti, Proto-Slavic *usti (Russian dialectal усло (uslo, “a started fabric, canvas”)), Sanskrit ओतुः (ótuḥ, “tissue; web”).[1]
- IPA(key): [âwst]
(file) |
aust (transitive, 1st conjugation, present aužu, aud, auž, past aužu)
- to weave (to produce fabric from thread in a loom)
- aust linu audeklu ― to weave linen cloth
- aust kokvilnas audumus ― to weave cotton fabric
- aužamās stelles ― (weaving) loom
- fabrikas audējas auž jaunu vilnas kleitu drānu ― the factory weaves weave a new dress cloth/fabric
- aust šitās meitas vairs neprata, vērpt negribēja ― these girls can't weave anymore, and they don't want to spin (either)
- to weave (to produce fabric, cloth for a certain object; to produce fabric, cloth with certain patterns)
- aust dvieļus, maisus ― to weave towels, sacks
- aust linus, vilnu ― to weave linen (flax), wool
- es aužu linu kreklu ― I am weaving a linen shirt
- tie senos rakstus auž, ko tēvi auduši ― there they weave the old symbols/patterns that (our) fathers (= ancestors) (used to) weave
- to weave (to make a mesh, a net, a web; also of spiders)
- zvejnieks laivā tīklus auž ― the fisherman is in (his) boat weaving his net
- zirneklis auž tīklu ― the spider is weaving (its) web
INDICATIVE (īstenības izteiksme) | IMPERATIVE (pavēles izteiksme) | ||||
Present (tagadne) |
Past (pagātne) |
Future (nākotne) | |||
1st pers. sg. | es | aužu | audu | audīšu | — |
2nd pers. sg. | tu | aud | audi | audīsi | aud |
3rd pers. sg. | viņš, viņa | auž | auda | audīs | lai auž |
1st pers. pl. | mēs | aužam | audām | audīsim | audīsim |
2nd pers. pl. | jūs | aužat | audāt | audīsiet, audīsit |
audiet |
3rd pers. pl. | viņi, viņas | auž | auda | audīs | lai auž |
RENARRATIVE (atstāstījuma izteiksme) | PARTICIPLES (divdabji) | ||||
Present | aužot | Present Active 1 (Adj.) | audošs | ||
Past | esot audis | Present Active 2 (Adv.) | auzdams | ||
Future | audīšot | Present Active 3 (Adv.) | aužot | ||
Imperative | lai aužot | Present Active 4 (Obj.) | aužam | ||
CONDITIONAL (vēlējuma izteiksme) | Past Active | audis | |||
Present | austu | Present Passive | aužams | ||
Past | būtu audis | Past Passive | austs | ||
DEBITIVE (vajadzības izteiksme) | NOMINAL FORMS | ||||
Indicative | (būt) jāauž | Infinitive (nenoteiksme) | aust | ||
Conjunctive 1 | esot jāauž | Negative Infinitive | neaust | ||
Conjunctive 2 | jāaužot | Verbal noun | aušana |
- pīt
- vīt
Derived terms
- prefixed verbs:
- aizaust
- apaust
- ieaust
- izaust
- noaust
- paaust
- pāraust
- pieaust
- saaust
- uzaust
- other derived terms:
- audējs, audēja
- audums
- Karulis, Konstantīns (1992) “aust”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, →ISBN
Norwegian Bokmål
- “aust” in The Bokmål Dictionary.
Norwegian Nynorsk
- IPA(key): /œʊ̯st/, /œʊ̯ːst/
Etymology 1
From Old Norse austr, from Proto-Germanic *austrą.
aust (indeclinable) (uncountable)
- east
- Ved soloppgang står sola i aust.
- The Sun is in the east at sunrise.
Derived terms
- “aust” in The Nynorsk Dictionary.