tribute; gifts | taxes; duties | ||
trad. (貢稅) | 貢 | 稅 | |
simp. (贡税) | 贡 | 税 |
- tribute and taxes
- 不但地主、貴族和皇室依靠剝削農民的地租過活,而且地主階級的國家又強迫農民繳納貢稅,並強迫農民從事無償的勞役,去養活一大群的國家官吏和主要地是為了鎮壓農民之用的軍隊。 [MSC, trad.]
- From: 1939, 毛澤東 (Mao Zedong), 《中國革命和中國共產黨》 (The Chinese Revolution and the Chinese Communist Party), 《毛澤東選集》. English translation based on the Foreign Languages Press edition
- Bùdàn dìzhǔ, guìzú hé huángshì yīkào bōxuē nóngmín de dìzū guòhuó, érqiě dìzhǔ jiējí de guójiā yòu qiángpò nóngmín jiǎonà gòngshuì, bìng qiángpò nóngmín cóngshì wúcháng de láoyì, qù yǎnghuó yī dà qún de guójiā guānlì hé zhǔyào de shì wèile zhènyā nóngmín zhī yòng de jūnduì. [Pinyin]
- Not only did the landlords, the nobility and the royal family live on rent extorted from the peasants, but the landlord state also exacted tribute, taxes and corvee services from them to support a horde of government officials and an army which was used mainly for their repression.
不但地主、贵族和皇室依靠剥削农民的地租过活,而且地主阶级的国家又强迫农民缴纳贡税,并强迫农民从事无偿的劳役,去养活一大群的国家官吏和主要地是为了镇压农民之用的军队。 [MSC, simp.]
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