hidden; latent; secret hidden; latent; secret; to hide; to conceal; to submerge |
storehouse; depository; Buddhist or Taoist scripture storehouse; depository; Buddhist or Taoist scripture; Zang; Tibet; to hide away; to conceal; to harbor; store; accumulate | ||
trad. (潛藏) | 潛 | 藏 | |
simp. (潜藏) | 潜 | 藏 |
- 伏
- 匿藏 (nìcáng)
- 埋
- 埋藏 (máicáng) (figuratively)
- 暗囥 (Hokkien, Teochew)
- 暗藏 (àncáng)
- 竄/窜 (cuàn) (literary, or in compounds)
- 竄匿/窜匿 (cuànnì)
- 藏蹤/藏踪 (cángzōng)
- 藏身 (cángshēn)
- 藏躲 (cángduǒ)
- 覕囥/𰴕囥 (Hokkien)
- 走覕/走𰴕 (Xiamen Hokkien, Zhangzhou Hokkien, Taiwanese Hokkien)
- 走閃/走闪 (Min Nan)
- 躲藏 (duǒcáng)
- 躲避 (duǒbì)
- 逃 (táo)
- 逃匿 (táonì)
- 迴避/回避 (huíbì)
- 逃避 (táobì)
- 避諱/避讳 (bìhuì) (colloquial)
- 閃覕/闪𰴕 (Min Nan)
- 隱秘/隐秘 (yǐnmì)
- 隱蔽/隐蔽 (yǐnbì)
- 隱藏/隐藏 (yǐncáng)
- 隱覕/隐𰴕 (ín-bih, ún-bih) (Min Nan)
- 隱避/隐避 (yǐnbì)
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