

to contain; to harbor; to conceal evil intent
trad. (包藏禍心) 包藏 禍心
simp. (包藏祸心) 包藏 祸心



小國無罪大國安靖無乃包藏禍心 [Classical Chinese, trad.]
小国无罪大国安靖无乃包藏祸心 [Classical Chinese, simp.]
From: Commentary of Zuo, c. 4th century BCE
Xiǎoguó wúzuì, shì shí qí zuì. Jiāng shì dàguó zhī ānjìng jǐ, ér wúnǎi bāocánghuòxīn yǐ tú zhī. [Pinyin]
Our small country has not done wrong; the only real fault of ours, if any, is that we have had no choice but to rely on others. If only our trust on your mighty country were enough to keep ourselves at peace! But are you not, with concealed malice, conspiring to take us over?




  1. to harbor evil intentions; to conceal malice
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