

Etymology 1

(まゐ)らす (mairasu)まらす (marasu)まっす (massu)ます (masu)

The -ます ending is generally believed to have come from the Old Japanese auxiliary verb (まゐ)らす (mairasu, to humbly do something for a superior), with idiomatic use arising from the causative conjugation of 参る (mairu, to come or go to the place of a social superior, humble verb; ancient reading mawiru).[1][2]

The intermediate forms まらす (marasu) and まっす (massu) were valid as both (しも)()(だん)(かつ)(よう) (shimo nidan katsuyō) conjugations and (ぎょう)(へん)(かく)(かつ)(よう) (sa-gyō henkaku katsuyō) conjugations, even though they originally came from a purely (しも)()(だん)(かつ)(よう) (shimo nidan katsuyō) conjugation, leading to constructions off the (れん)(よう)(けい) (ren'yōkei) in the modern paradigm for -ます using the -まし stem.


  • (Tokyo) [máꜜsù] (Atamadaka – [1])
  • IPA(key): [ma̠sɨ̥ᵝ]
  • In Tokyo speech, the accent falls somewhere in the suffix, regardless of the accent type of the suffixed verb:[3]
    • If the suffix is in the form ます (-masu) or ました (-mashita, past/perfective form), the accent of the verb construction falls on the first mora of the suffix.
    • If the suffix is in the form ましょう (-mashō, volitional/conjectural form) or ません (-masen, negative form), the accent of the verb construction falls on the second mora of the suffix.
  • There are a few exceptions like 恐れ入る: れいる [òsóꜜrèìrù] (Nakadaka)れいります [òsóꜜrèìrìmàsù] (Nakadaka).


ます • (-masu) 

Alternative spellings
坐す (rare, dated)
  1. expresses politeness toward and distance from the listener: vaguely similar to the social context indicated by the usted verb conjugation in Spanish, the vous conjugation in French, or the Sie conjugation in German
  2. (rare, humble) to do; expresses humbleness
Usage notes
  • Attaches to the 連用形 (ren'yōkei, continuative or stem form) of a verb and inflects partially like godan verbs.
    • The imperative forms are only used with honorific verbs, e.g. いらっしゃいませ (irasshaimase), なさいませ (nasaimase), 下さいませ (kudasaimase).
    • The perfective has an irregular negative form ませんでした (masen deshita); the hypothetical conditional is rare. The old dictionary form まする (masuru) is still sometimes used.
    • Attaches last: e.g. polite passive is 話されます (hanasaremasu), not 話しまされる (*hanashimasareru).
  • This word is morphologically an inflectional suffix. It is classified as 助動詞 (jodōshi, auxiliary verb) in traditional Japanese grammar.

Classical forms:

Alternative form (to do):

Derived terms
See also

Etymology 2

The kana spelling of several native words.


For pronunciation and definitions of ます – see the following entries.
[noun] trout, sea trout: more specifically, fish belonging to genera of the family Salmonidae: Salmo, Oncorhynchus, Coregonus, or Salvelinus
Alternative spelling
[noun] masu (square wooden box)
[noun] cell of a grid
Alternative spellings
, , , マス
[verb] to increase
[verb] (of water) to rise
Alternative spelling
(This term, ます, is the hiragana spelling of the above terms.)
For a list of all kanji read as ます, see Category:Japanese kanji read as ます.)

(The following entry is uncreated: .)


  1. Shōgaku Tosho (1988) 国語大辞典(新装版) [Unabridged Dictionary of Japanese (Revised Edition)] (in Japanese), Tōkyō: Shogakukan, →ISBN
  2. Matsumura, Akira, editor (2006), 大辞林 [Daijirin] (in Japanese), Third edition, Tōkyō: Sanseidō, →ISBN
  3. Online Japanese Accent Dictionary (OJAD)
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