
See also: حمار


خ م ر (ḵ-m-r)


خِمَار • (ḵimār) m (plural أَخْمِرَة (ʔaḵmira) or خُمُر (ḵumur))

  1. (of women) veil, a covering, a headcloth
    Synonyms: نَصِيف (naṣīf), حِجَاب (ḥijāb), قِنَاع (qināʕ)
    • 609–632 CE, Qur'an, 24:31:
      وَلْيَضْرِبْنَ بِخُمُرِهِنَّ عَلَى جُيُوبِهِنَّ
      wa-l-yaḍribna bi-ḵumurihinna ʕalā juyūbihinna
      And to draw their clothes(cover) over their bosoms
  2. (obsolete, of men) a covering, a conceal,
    Synonyms: نَصِيف (naṣīf), عِمَامَة (ʕimāma)

Usage notes

Although both خِمَار (ḵimār) and حِجَاب (ḥijāb) are very common words that refer to religiously and/or socially prescribed veil or headgear worn by women, the former, which could originally be used in texts written in the Classical idiom to refer to any veil, is now often associated with looser and longer, and hence more proper, clothes and garments (such as a جِلْبَاب (jilbāb, a robe) or a مِلْحَفَة (milḥafa, a typically thick and very long outer garment)), while the latter word, which originally meant "barrier", has become a more general term referring to a cloth draped about the head of a woman and is thus often translated as "scarf" or "headscarf". For the face coverings, see بُرْقُع (burquʕ) and نِقَاب (niqāb).



خُمَار • (ḵumār) m

  1. the effect of drinking an intoxicant (especially wine)
    1. drunkenness
      Synonym: سُكْر (sukr)
    2. hangover



  • Classical Persian: خُمَار (xumār)


خَمَّار • (ḵammār) m (plural خَمَّارُونَ (ḵammārūna), feminine خَمَّارَة (ḵammāra))

  1. a producer of wine or other alcoholic drinks, a winemaker
  2. a seller of such drinks, a wine merchant
  3. a server of such drinks, a tavern owner


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