See also: اصلح
أَصْلَحَ • (ʔaṣlaḥa) IV, non-past يُصْلِحُ (yuṣliḥu)
- (transitive) to make (something bad) better; to mend
- Synonym: حَسَّنَ (ḥassana, “to make (something) better; to refine”)
- Antonym: أَفْسَدَ (ʔafsada, “to make (something good) bad; to vitiate; to spoil; to corrupt; to pervert”)
- to repair (something malfunctioning, such as a machine or a device); to fix
- Antonyms: أَفْسَدَ (ʔafsada), أَتْلَفَ (ʔatlafa, “to damage; to mar”), خَرَّبَ (ḵarraba, “to ruin; to vandalize; to sabotage”), كَسَرَ (kasara, “to break; to break up”), حَطَّمَ (ḥaṭṭama, “to crash; to wreck”), عَطَّلَ (ʕaṭṭala, “to render nonfunctional; to corrupt”)
- هٰذَا الرَّجُلُ يُجِيدُ إِصْلَاحَ الْأَجْهِزَةِ الْمُتَعَطِّلَة.
- hāḏā r-rajulu yujīdu ʔiṣlāḥa al-ʔajhizati l-mutaʕaṭṭila.
- This man excels at repairing nonfunctional machines and devices.
- to reform (something); to improve
- اَلْإِصْلَاحُ الْبُرُوتِسْتَانْتِيّ
- al-ʔiṣlāḥu al-burūtistāntiyy
- The Protestant Reformation
- حِزْبُ الْإِصْلَاح
- ḥizbu l-ʔiṣlāḥ
- The Reform Party
- جَمَاعَةُ إِصْلَاحِ مَالِيزِيَا
- jamāʕatu ʔiṣlāḥi mālīziyā
- The Reform of Malaysia Organization
- 609–632 CE, Qur'an, 2:11-12:
- وَإِذَا قِيلَ لَهُمْ لَا تُفْسِدُوا فِي الْأَرْضِ قَالُوا إِنَّمَا نَحْنُ مُصْلِحُونَ أَلَا إِنَّهُمْ هُمُ الْمُفْسِدُونَ وَلَٰكِن لَّا يَشْعُرُونَ.
- waʔiḏā qīla lahum lā tufsidū fī l-ʔarḍi qālū ʔinnamā naḥnu muṣliḥūna ʔalā ʔinnahum humu l-mufsidūna walākin llā yašʕurūna.
- And when it is said to them, "Do not spread corruption on the earth!" they say, "We are but reformers!" They are the corrupters, but they are senseless!
- to better (something or someone) morally; to moralize; to uplift; to correct
- Synonym: أَدَّبَ (ʔaddaba, “to better (someone) morally especially by beating or reproach; to castigate; to discipline”)
- (Can we date this quote?), al-Qurṭubī, الجامع لأحكام القرآن [The Collection of the Ordainments of the Qur'an]:
- وَمِنْ مَنَافِعِ الْعَصَا ضَرْبُ الرَّجُلِ نِسَاءَهُ بِهَا فِيمَا يُصْلِحُهُمْ وَيُصْلِحُ حَالَهُ وَحَالَهُمْ مَعَهُ
- wamin manāfiʕi l-ʕaṣā ḍarbu r-rajuli nisāʔahu bihā fīmā yuṣliḥuhum wayuṣliḥu ḥālahu waḥālahum maʕahu
- Among the benefits of the stick is beating one's women with it to improve them and to improve [with it] one's life and theirs too.
- (intransitive) to fix relations [+ بَيْنَ (between)], to make peace, to reconcile; to harmonize
- Synonym: وَفَّقَ (waffaqa, “to make agree or compatible; to match; to harmonize”)
- Antonyms: أَلَّبَ (ʔallaba, “to incite; to stir up”), هَيَّجَ (hayyaja, “to rouse; to inflame; to provoke”), نَفَّرَ (naffara, “to drive away as from hate or disgust; to repel”), أَفْسَدَ (ʔafsada, “to spread corruption and falsehood so as to agitate and fuel sedition”)
- أَصْلَحَ بَيْنَ الْمُتَخَاصِمَيْنِ
- ʔaṣlaḥa bayna l-mutaḵāṣimayni
- He reconciled between the two squabblers.
- 609–632 CE, Qur'an, 4:128:
- وَإِنِ ٱمْرَأَةٌ خَافَتْ مِن بَعْلِهَا نُشُوزًا أَوْ إِعْرَاضًا فَلَا جُنَاحَ عَلَيْهِمَا أَن يُصْلِحَا بَيْنَهُمَا صُلْحًا وَٱلصُّلْحُ خَيْرٌ
- waʔini mraʔatun ḵāfat min baʕlihā nušūzan ʔaw ʔiʕrāḍan falā junāḥa ʕalayhimā ʔan yuṣliḥā baynahumā ṣulḥan waṣ-ṣulḥu ḵayrun
- And if a woman fears from her husbans any inharmony or rebuffing, there is no blame on them if they reconcile. Indeed, reconciliation is good!
Conjugation of
(form-IV sound)verbal noun الْمَصْدَر |
ʔiṣlāḥ | |||||||||||
active participle اِسْم الْفَاعِل |
مُصْلِح muṣliḥ | |||||||||||
passive participle اِسْم الْمَفْعُول |
مُصْلَح muṣlaḥ | |||||||||||
active voice الْفِعْل الْمَعْلُوم | ||||||||||||
singular الْمُفْرَد |
dual الْمُثَنَّى |
plural الْجَمْع | ||||||||||
1st person الْمُتَكَلِّم |
2nd person الْمُخَاطَب |
3rd person الْغَائِب |
2nd person الْمُخَاطَب |
3rd person الْغَائِب |
1st person الْمُتَكَلِّم |
2nd person الْمُخَاطَب |
3rd person الْغَائِب | |||||
past (perfect) indicative الْمَاضِي |
m | ʔaṣlaḥtu |
ʔaṣlaḥta |
ʔaṣlaḥa |
أَصْلَحْتُمَا ʔaṣlaḥtumā |
أَصْلَحَا ʔaṣlaḥā |
ʔaṣlaḥnā |
ʔaṣlaḥtum |
ʔaṣlaḥū | |||
f | ʔaṣlaḥti |
ʔaṣlaḥat |
أَصْلَحَتَا ʔaṣlaḥatā |
ʔaṣlaḥtunna |
ʔaṣlaḥna | |||||||
non-past (imperfect) indicative الْمُضَارِع الْمَرْفُوع |
m | ʔuṣliḥu |
tuṣliḥu |
yuṣliḥu |
تُصْلِحَانِ tuṣliḥāni |
يُصْلِحَانِ yuṣliḥāni |
nuṣliḥu |
tuṣliḥūna |
yuṣliḥūna | |||
f | tuṣliḥīna |
tuṣliḥu |
تُصْلِحَانِ tuṣliḥāni |
tuṣliḥna |
yuṣliḥna | |||||||
subjunctive الْمُضَارِع الْمَنْصُوب |
m | ʔuṣliḥa |
tuṣliḥa |
yuṣliḥa |
تُصْلِحَا tuṣliḥā |
يُصْلِحَا yuṣliḥā |
nuṣliḥa |
tuṣliḥū |
yuṣliḥū | |||
f | tuṣliḥī |
tuṣliḥa |
تُصْلِحَا tuṣliḥā |
tuṣliḥna |
yuṣliḥna | |||||||
jussive الْمُضَارِع الْمَجْزُوم |
m | ʔuṣliḥ |
tuṣliḥ |
yuṣliḥ |
تُصْلِحَا tuṣliḥā |
يُصْلِحَا yuṣliḥā |
nuṣliḥ |
tuṣliḥū |
yuṣliḥū | |||
f | tuṣliḥī |
tuṣliḥ |
تُصْلِحَا tuṣliḥā |
tuṣliḥna |
yuṣliḥna | |||||||
imperative الْأَمْر |
m | ʔaṣliḥ |
أَصْلِحَا ʔaṣliḥā |
ʔaṣliḥū |
f | ʔaṣliḥī |
ʔaṣliḥna | ||||||||||
passive voice الْفِعْل الْمَجْهُول | ||||||||||||
singular الْمُفْرَد |
dual الْمُثَنَّى |
plural الْجَمْع | ||||||||||
1st person الْمُتَكَلِّم |
2nd person الْمُخَاطَب |
3rd person الْغَائِب |
2nd person الْمُخَاطَب |
3rd person الْغَائِب |
1st person الْمُتَكَلِّم |
2nd person الْمُخَاطَب |
3rd person الْغَائِب | |||||
past (perfect) indicative الْمَاضِي |
m | ʔuṣliḥtu |
ʔuṣliḥta |
ʔuṣliḥa |
أُصْلِحْتُمَا ʔuṣliḥtumā |
أُصْلِحَا ʔuṣliḥā |
ʔuṣliḥnā |
ʔuṣliḥtum |
ʔuṣliḥū | |||
f | ʔuṣliḥti |
ʔuṣliḥat |
أُصْلِحَتَا ʔuṣliḥatā |
ʔuṣliḥtunna |
ʔuṣliḥna | |||||||
non-past (imperfect) indicative الْمُضَارِع الْمَرْفُوع |
m | ʔuṣlaḥu |
tuṣlaḥu |
yuṣlaḥu |
تُصْلَحَانِ tuṣlaḥāni |
يُصْلَحَانِ yuṣlaḥāni |
nuṣlaḥu |
tuṣlaḥūna |
yuṣlaḥūna | |||
f | tuṣlaḥīna |
tuṣlaḥu |
تُصْلَحَانِ tuṣlaḥāni |
tuṣlaḥna |
yuṣlaḥna | |||||||
subjunctive الْمُضَارِع الْمَنْصُوب |
m | ʔuṣlaḥa |
tuṣlaḥa |
yuṣlaḥa |
تُصْلَحَا tuṣlaḥā |
يُصْلَحَا yuṣlaḥā |
nuṣlaḥa |
tuṣlaḥū |
yuṣlaḥū | |||
f | tuṣlaḥī |
tuṣlaḥa |
تُصْلَحَا tuṣlaḥā |
tuṣlaḥna |
yuṣlaḥna | |||||||
jussive الْمُضَارِع الْمَجْزُوم |
m | ʔuṣlaḥ |
tuṣlaḥ |
yuṣlaḥ |
تُصْلَحَا tuṣlaḥā |
يُصْلَحَا yuṣlaḥā |
nuṣlaḥ |
tuṣlaḥū |
yuṣlaḥū | |||
f | tuṣlaḥī |
tuṣlaḥ |
تُصْلَحَا tuṣlaḥā |
tuṣlaḥna |
yuṣlaḥna |
Etymology 2
Root |
ص ل ح (ṣ-l-ḥ) |
Elative of صَالِح (ṣāliḥ, “correct; honest, upright; sound, whole; pious; suitable”).
أَصْلَح • (ʔaṣlaḥ)
Declension of adjective أَصْلَح (ʔaṣlaḥ)
Singular | Masculine | Feminine | ||
basic singular diptote | singular unknown | |||
Indefinite | Definite | Indefinite | Definite | |
Informal | أَصْلَح ʔaṣlaḥ |
الْأَصْلَح al-ʔaṣlaḥ |
? ? |
? ? |
Nominative | أَصْلَحُ ʔaṣlaḥu |
الْأَصْلَحُ al-ʔaṣlaḥu |
? ? |
? ? |
Accusative | أَصْلَحَ ʔaṣlaḥa |
الْأَصْلَحَ al-ʔaṣlaḥa |
? ? |
? ? |
Genitive | أَصْلَحَ ʔaṣlaḥa |
الْأَصْلَحِ al-ʔaṣlaḥi |
? ? |
? ? |
Dual | Masculine | Feminine | ||
Indefinite | Definite | Indefinite | Definite | |
Informal | أَصْلَحَيْن ʔaṣlaḥayn |
الْأَصْلَحَيْن al-ʔaṣlaḥayn |
? ? |
? ? |
Nominative | أَصْلَحَانِ ʔaṣlaḥāni |
الْأَصْلَحَانِ al-ʔaṣlaḥāni |
? ? |
? ? |
Accusative | أَصْلَحَيْنِ ʔaṣlaḥayni |
الْأَصْلَحَيْنِ al-ʔaṣlaḥayni |
? ? |
? ? |
Genitive | أَصْلَحَيْنِ ʔaṣlaḥayni |
الْأَصْلَحَيْنِ al-ʔaṣlaḥayni |
? ? |
? ? |
Plural | Masculine | Feminine | ||
plural unknown | plural unknown | |||
Indefinite | Definite | Indefinite | Definite | |
Informal | ? ? |
? ? |
? ? |
? ? |
Nominative | ? ? |
? ? |
? ? |
? ? |
Accusative | ? ? |
? ? |
? ? |
? ? |
Genitive | ? ? |
? ? |
? ? |
? ? |
- أَفْسَد (ʔafsad)
- Wehr, Hans (1979) “صلح”, in J. Milton Cowan, editor, A Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic, 4th edition, Ithaca, NY: Spoken Language Services, →ISBN
أَصْلَحُ • (ʔaṣlaḥu) (form I)
- first-person singular non-past active indicative of صَلَحَ (ṣalaḥa)
أَصْلَحَ • (ʔaṣlaḥa) (form I)
- first-person singular non-past active subjunctive of صَلَحَ (ṣalaḥa)
أَصْلُحُ • (ʔaṣluḥu) (form I)
أَصْلُحَ • (ʔaṣluḥa) (form I)
أَصْلُحْ • (ʔaṣluḥ) (form I)
أُصَلِّحُ • (ʔuṣalliḥu) (form II)
- first-person singular non-past active indicative of صَلَّحَ (ṣallaḥa)
أُصَلِّحَ • (ʔuṣalliḥa) (form II)
- first-person singular non-past active subjunctive of صَلَّحَ (ṣallaḥa)
أُصَلِّحْ • (ʔuṣalliḥ) (form II)
- first-person singular non-past active jussive of صَلَّحَ (ṣallaḥa)
أُصَلَّحُ • (ʔuṣallaḥu) (form II)
- first-person singular non-past passive indicative of صَلَّحَ (ṣallaḥa)
أُصَلَّحَ • (ʔuṣallaḥa) (form II)
- first-person singular non-past passive subjunctive of صَلَّحَ (ṣallaḥa)
أُصَلَّحْ • (ʔuṣallaḥ) (form II)
- first-person singular non-past passive jussive of صَلَّحَ (ṣallaḥa)
South Levantine Arabic
Root |
ص ل ح |
3 terms |
- IPA(key): /ʔasˤ.laħ/, [ˈʔɑsˤ.lˤɑħ]
Audio (al-Lidd) (file)
Conjugation of أصلح (ʔaṣlaḥ) | ||||||||
singular | plural | |||||||
1st person | 2nd person | 3rd person | 1st person | 2nd person | 3rd person | |||
past | m | أصلحت (ʔaṣlaḥt) | أصلحت (ʔaṣlaḥt) | أصلح (ʔaṣlaḥ) | أصلحنا (ʔaṣlaḥna) | أصلحتو (ʔaṣlaḥtu) | أصلحو (ʔaṣlaḥu) | |
f | اصلحتي (ʔaṣlaḥti) | أصلحت (ʔaṣlaḥat) | ||||||
present | m | بصلح (baṣliḥ) | بتصلح (btiṣliḥ) | بصلح (biṣliḥ) | منصلح (mniṣliḥ) | بتصلحو (btiṣliḥu) | بصلحو (biṣliḥu) | |
f | بتصلحي (btiṣliḥi) | بتصلح (btiṣliḥ) | ||||||
subjunctive | m | اصلح (aṣliḥ) | تصلح (tiṣliḥ) | يصلح (yiṣliḥ) | نصلح (niṣliḥ) | تصلحو (tiṣliḥu) | يصلحو (yiṣliḥu) | |
f | تصلحي (tiṣliḥi) | تصلح (tiṣliḥ) | ||||||
imperative | m | اصلح (iṣliḥ) | اصلحو (iṣliḥu) | |||||
f | اصلحي (iṣliḥi) |
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