< Popular Science Monthly < Volume 24

I N D E X.

Acids, Effect of Watering Plants with 570
Africa, The Stone Age in 717
Alcohol regarded as a Beneficial Agent 858
Allen, Professor Grant 387
Allen, Professor Grant 606
Alloys, New Serviceable Metallic 143
Alps, The, in Roman Times 134
America, Prehistoric Art in 818
Animal Friendships 264
Animals, Defenses of the Lesser 484
Anthropological Studies, Scope and Value of 282
Anthropology and Philanthropy 283
Anthropology in Italy 718
Asthma and its Treatment 262
Astley, A. F. 542
Athletics, College 446
Athletics, College 587
At Lee, Samuel Yorke 357
Aurora Borealis, The 474

Backsheesh in Arcadia 861
Baldwin, A. S., M.D. 554
Big Trees, The, of Turkistan 283
Birds, The Ancestry of 606
Birds with Teeth? Are there 857
Birth-Rate in a New Hampshire Town 555
Bixby, Professor J. T. 6
Black, Dr., Dr. Oswald again replies to 112
Bleunard, M. A. 574
Boardman, A. G. 410
Bodies, why some feel colder than others 857
Bodin, Dr. Th. 234
Book Notices:
"French and German Socialism in Modern Times" (Ely) 122
"The Vertebrates of the Adirondack Region" (Merriam) 123
"Dynamo-Electric Machinery" (Thompson) 125
"Local Government in Illinois" (Shaw) 125
"Local Government in Pennsylvania" (Gould) 125
"Local Government in Michigan and the Northwest" (Bemis) 125
"The Sciences among the Jews before and during the Middle Ages" (Schleiden) 125
"Lake Agassiz" (Upham) 126
"The Iroquois Book of Rites" (Hale) 126
"The Homœopathic Leader" (Cowl) 126
"A Practical Arithmetic" (Wentworth and Hill) 126
"The Yellowstone National Park" (Winser) 127
"How can we escape Insanity?" (Page) 127
"Chemistry, Inorganic and Organic" (Bloxam) 127
"Manual of Taxidermy" (Maynard) 127
"Revista de Agricultura" (De Adan) 127
"Brain-Rest" (Corning) 128
"On the Conservation of Solar Energy" (Siemens) 128
"A New Theory of the Origin of Species" (Ferris) 128
"The American Citizen's Manual" (Ford) 128
"Faust's Laws of Health" (Kopp) 128
"Cobbett's How to get on in the World" (Waters) 129
"French Forest Ordinance of 1669" (Brown) 129
"The Pine Moth of Nantucket" (Scudder) 129
"A Book about Roses" (Hale) 129
"Authors and Publishers" 130
"Record for the Sick-Room" 130
"Contributions to the History of Lake Bonneville" (Gilbert) 130
"Libraries and Readers" (Foster) 130
"Libraries and Schools" (Green) 130
"Handsaws, their Use, Care, and Abuse" (Hodgson) 131
"Studies in Logic" 131
"Deep Breathing" (Ciccolina) 131
"Books for the Young" (Hewins) 131
"The Modern Sphinx" (Savage) 131
"On the Relations of Micro-organisms to Disease" (Belfield) 132
"Hand-Book of Vertebrate Dissection" (Martin and Moale) 132
"Die Kupferlegirungen," etc. (Reyer) 132
"Die Korperliche Eigenschaften der Japaner" (Baelz) 132
"What Social Classes owe to each other" (Sumner) 271
"Report, New York State Experiment Station," 1882 272
"Report, Connecticut State Board of Health" 272
"Report, Smithsonian Institution," 1881 273
"God and Creation" (Howison) 273
"Worcester's New School Dictionary" 273
"Historical Studies" (Coan) 274
"The Factors of Civilization" 274
"History of the New York State Teachers' Association" (Kirk) 274
"Verbal Pitfalls" (Bardeen) 274
"Astronomy" (Newcomb and Holden) 274
"Finland; its Forests and Forest Management" (Brown) 274
"God out and Man in" (Piatt) 275
A Correction (Spencer's "Descriptive Sociology") 275
"The Law of Heredity" (Brooks) 416
"Cobbett's English Grammar" (Ayres) 417
"Das Studium der Staatswissenschaften in Amerika" (James) 418
"Twelfth Report Geological and Geographical Survey of Territories" (Hayden) 418
"Sea-Sickness" (Hudson) 418
"Cumulative Method for learning German" (Dreyspring) 418
"Quest)es Hygienicas" (Farinha) 418
"Dangers to Health" (Teale) 419
"Limestones and Marbles" (Burnham) 419
"Muster Altitalienischer Leinenstickerei" (Lipperheide) 420
"Report on Division of Philosophical Faculty" (University of Berlin) 420
"Bulletin of the United States Fish Commission" 421
"Animal Life" (Wright) 421
"Mineral Resources of the United States" (Williams) 421
"Ueber das Galvanische Verhalten der Amalgame des Zinkes und des Cadmiums" (Robb) 421
"Physician's Visiting List for 1884" 422
"Handy Book of Object-Lessons" (Walker) 422
"King's Hand-Book of Boston" 422
"World-Life" (Winchell) 561
"Man a Creative First Cause" (Hazard) 564
"The Organs of Speech" (Von Meyer) 565
"Ocean Grove Camp-Meeting Association" (Report) 566
"The Evolutionary Significance of Human Character" (Cope) 567
"Horses, their Feed and their Feet" (Page) 567
"Photo-Micrographs" (Sternberg) 567
"Pamphlets on Sewer-Gas and Typhoid Fever" (Hamilton and Ayer) 568
"The Influence of Athletic Games upon Greek Art" (Waldstein) 568
"Index to Articles on History, Biography, Literature, Society, and Travel" (Griswold) 568
"A Physician's Sermon to Young Men" (Pratt) 568
"Hydraulic Tables" (Flynn) 569
"The Oyster Epicure" 569
"Excursions of an Evolutionist" (Fiske) 706
"Fallacies" (Sidgwick) 707
"A Natural History Reader" (Johonnot) 708
"Lectures on Painting" (Armitage) 709
"Archivos do Museu National do Rio de Janeiro" (Netto) 709
"Tertiary History of the Grand Cañon District" (Dutton) 710
"Electricity in Theory and Practice" (Fiske) 710
"Mounds of the Mississippi Valley" (Carr) 711
"Materia Medica and Therapeutics" (Bartholow) 711
"Human Proportion and Anthropometry" (Fletcher) 711
"Motions of Fluids and Solids" (Ferrel) 712
"Meteorological and Physical Observations" (Sherman) 712
"Report of United States Life-saving Service," 1882 712
"Distribution of Rainfall in United States" (Dunwoody) 712
"North Atlantic Cyclones of August, 1883" (Southerland) 712
"Horological and Thermometrical Bureau of Yale College Observatory" (Waldo) 712
"Chemical Problems" (Foye) 713
"Steam-Heating" (Briggs) 713
"Hand-Book of Sanitary Information" (Tracy) 844
"Concepts and Theories of Modern Physics" (Stallo) 845
"Aboriginal American Authors" (Brinton) 846
"Cassell's Family Magazine" 847
"Natural Philosophy" (Sharpless and Philips) 847
"Transactions of the American Dermatological Association" (Van Harlingen) 847
"Winter Resorts of Florida," etc. (Graves) 847
"God and the State" (Bakunin) 848
"Movements of the Atmosphere" (Ferrel) 848
"Elementary Botany" (Macloskie) 848
"The Sun not at Rest" (Tischner) 848
"Dictionary of Music and Musicians" (Grove) 848
"Evolution" (Adams) 849
"Qualitative Chemical Analysis" (Beilstein) 849
"Manual of Chemistry" (Watts) 849
"Geology of the Eureka District" (Hague) 850
"United States Geological Survey, Second Report" (Powell) 850
"The Natural Genesis" (Massey) 850
"Contents of a Bone-Cave" (Cope) 851
"Cruise of the Revenue Steamer Corwin" 851
"Report on Oyster-Beds" (Winslow) 851
"Explosive Materials" (Berthelot) 852
"Ores of Leadville" (Ricketts) 852
"Berly's Electoral Directory" 852
"Recherches sur des DiatomTes" (Prinz and Van Ermengen) 853
"Geological Survey of Alabama" (Smith) 853
"Report on Injurious Insects of New York" (Lintner) 853
"Drainage and Sewerage of Dwellings" (Gerhard) 853
"The Trichiniasis Question" 853
Boys and Girls, Growth of 571
Brazil, Science in 428
British Association, The 278
Brush, E. F., M. D. 793
Bulbs, The Poisonous Principle of 282
Building-Stones, Durability of 855
Burnett, Swan M., M. D. 813
Buzzards, How, find their Prey 425

Caribs, The, and the Greeks 716
Caro, M. E. 191
Carter, Joseph 90
Chad, Lake, Trees of 137
Chance, The Illusion of 209
Changes, Recent Geological, in Western Michigan 826
Check-Reins, Use and Abuse of 281
Child, A. L., M. D. 259
China, Deforestization and Floods in 142
Choate, J. B. 248
Cholera, Bacteria and 429
Circumstances, The Control of 335
City, Magnetism of a Great 429
Classical Question, The, in Germany 289
Classical Schools, Science in 409
Classics, Queer Defenses of the 269
Classics, Science versus the 674
Classics, The Current Study of, a Failure 117
Clouston, T. S., M.D. 214
Clouston, T. S., M.D. 319
Cold, Catching 368
"Colds" 714
College Athletics 446
College Athletics 587
Collegiate Influence upon the Lower Education 702
Combustion-Products from Different Lights 575
Comet, The, of 1812 and 1883 488
Cooke, Professor Josiah P. 1
Cookery, The Chemistry of 98
Cookery, The Chemistry of 228
Cookery, The Chemistry of 361
Cookery, The Chemistry of 496
Cookery, The Chemistry of 686
Cookery, The Chemistry of 773
Copper, Antiseptic Qualities of 135
Correspondence 112
Correspondence 262
Correspondence 409
Correspondence 554
Correspondence 700
Correspondence 836
Craighead, James B. 836
Crannogs, Scotch and Irish 860
Crystals, The Natural Setting of 248

Date-Palm, the, Cultivation of 281
Daubrée, M. 515
Dawson, Dr. J. W. 61
Dead Languages, "Church-and-State" Function of 412
Dead Languages, Education without 558
Dead-Language Studies necessarily a Failure 265
Decay, Sub-aërial, of Rocks 714
De Saporta, M. Antoine 474
Disease, Communicability of, by Food 138
Dogs, Can, be taught to read? 715
Du Bois-Reymond, Emil 145
Dyspepsia, Infantile 115

Earthquakes, The Causes of 515
East-African Tribes, Two 719
Eclipse, The Recent, of the Sun 573
Eddy, William A. 209
Eddy, William A. 335
Editor's Table 117
Editor's Table 265
Editor's Table 412
Editor's Table 556
Editor's Table 702
Editor's Table 839
Education, Collegiate Influence upon the Lower 702
Education, Female, from a Medical Point of View 214
Education, Female, from a Medical Point of View 319
Education without Dead Languages 558
Eggert, Professor C. A. 674
Egyptian, Ancient and Modern, Schools and Libraries 141
Electricity from Gas 286
Electric Railway, The 742
Elephants' Tricks 411
Energy, Muscular, The Source of 377
Engineering, Mechanical, Fifty Years of 530
Erie, Lake, Origin of the Eastern End of 423
Evolution, The Physician's Part in 141
Eye-sight, Defective 357
Eyes, Why the, of Animals, shine in the Dark 813

Farming in Japan 284
Farrer, J. A. 53
Feet, the, Fashion and Deformity in 645
Female Education from a Medical Point of View 214
Female Education from a Medical Point of View 319
Fernald, F. A. 491
Fever and Ague, The March of 425
Fingal's Cave, Fact and Fancy regarding 856
Fires, Origin of, in London 862
Fishes, Food-, of Lake Erie 426
Fiske, Lieutenant Bradley A. 742
Fluid Currents, Carrying Power of 555
Fodders, Artificial Drying of 285
Food, Communicability of Disease by 138
Food-Fishes of Lake Erie 426
Foot-prints, Human, in Stratified Rock 262
Forbes, George J. 409
Force, Vital, Physiological Significance of 760
Forel, F. A. 306
Forests, The Geographical Distribution of 115
Fossils, Ideas about 279
Foster, Thomas 187
Foster, Thomas 311
Foster, Thomas 808
Fox, George Henry, M. 797
France, The Check in the Growth of 718
Function and Structure 573
Funeral-Weddings, Karen 427

Gas, Electricity from 286
Gases, Effect of, on Insects 860
Genius and Heredity 191
Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, Etienne, Sketch of 403
Geology, Some Unsolved Problems in 61
Germany, The Classical Question in 289
Glacial Period, the, Temperature of 571
Glacial Theories at the American Association 276
Glaser, Professor L. 484
Greek in the Colleges 424
"Greek Question," The 1
Greeks, The Caribs and the 716
Greer, Henry 254
Grim, George W. 207
Grim, George W. 411
Growth of Boys and Girls 571

Habitation, The, and the Atmosphere 169
Hallock, Edward J., Ph.D. 831
Happiness, The Morality of 187
Happiness, The Morality of 311
Happiness, The Morality of 469
Happiness, The Morality of 808
Harding, A. C. 530
Hasheesh, An Overdose of 509
Hearing, Defective, in School-Children 280
Hedgehogs and their History 428
Heredity, Genius and 191
Higgins, Dr. P. J. 639
Hofmann, August Wilhelm, Sketch of 831
Holt, William T. 837
Honey, Ancient Love of 137
Horses, Work of Shod and Unshod 837
Horses, Working Capacity of Unshod 542
House-Building in the East 544
Hubbell, Herbert P. 262
Human Foot-prints in Stratified Rock 262
Humboldt, Alexander von 145
Humboldt, Professor Virchow on 140
Hungerford, Mary C. 509
Hydrogen, Peroxide of 856
Hygiene in Schools 425

Ice Age, The 570
Idiosyncrasy 387
Iguanodon, The 351
Infants, Superstitions about 429
Infection, Inlets for 73
Insects, Effects of Gases on 860
Ischia and its Earthquakes 24

Jackal, The, Fox Fables, and the Dog-Star 142
Jacques, Dr. William W. 503
James, Davis L. 411
James, E. J., Ph.D. 289
Jury System, The 676

Kamchatka, The Sunny Skies of 863
Karen Funeral-Weddings 427
Kepley, Ada H. 645
Kerosene, Dangerous 461
Kirkwood, Professor D. 488

Lacquers, Japanese 858
Lakes, Early Colonists of the Swiss 306
Larrabee, W. H. 598
Lamarck, Sketch of 105
Land-Birds in Mid-Ocean 207
Language, Learning one, by studying others 414
Leaves, Transparent Points in 286
Le Conte, Joseph 555
Leprosy, Biblical and Modern 797
Le Sueur, William D 780
Lightning, Photographing a Streak of 752
Lightning without Audible Thunder 575
Lights, Combustion Products from Different 575
Limbs, Centripetal and Centrifugal Movements of the 136
Literary Notices 122
Literary Notices 271
Literary Notices 416
Literary Notices 561
Literary Notices 706
Literary Notices 844
Loess-Deposits, American 837
Loess, The, Deposits of Northern China 243
Lüders, M. A. 539

Malaria and the Progress of Medicine 238
Malaria, How and where it thrives 715
Malaria, Mosquitoes and 700
Malaysian Ideas, Fogginess of 286
Mars, Surface Characters of the Planet 249
Massage and Mental Hygiene as Curative Agents 139
McFarland, R. W. 555
McGee, W. J. 115
Mechanical Engineering, Fifty Years of 530
Mexico and its Antiquities 618
Michigan, Western, Recent Geological Changes in 826
Microphone, A Home-made 574
Mineralogy, Methods of Instruction in 754
Mitchel, Ormsby Macknight, Sketch of 695
Modern Thought, A Defense of 780
Moner, From, to Man 577
Mounds, The Aboriginal Significance of 280
Muscular Energy, The Source of 377

Nadaillac, The Marquis de 818
Nature, The Remedies of 45
Nature, The Remedies of 196
Nature, The Remedies of 454
Nature, The Remedies of 628
Nature, The Remedies of 800
Notes 143
Notes 287
Notes 431
Notes 575
Notes 719
Notes 863

Omahas, Parental Rights and the Gens among the 277
Oswald, Dr., again replies to Dr. Black 112
Oswald, Felix L., M.D. 45
Oswald, Felix L., M.D. 112
Oswald, Felix L., M.D. 196
Oswald, Felix L., M.D. 454
Oswald, Felix L., M.D. 628
Oswald, Felix L., M.D. 800

Pacific Slope, The Extinct Volcanoes of the 572
Page, C. E., M.D. 115
Page, C. E., M.D. 368
Pear, the, Pathology of 571
Philanthropy, Anthropology and 283
Physician's, The, Part in Evolution 141
Pigs as Wine-Bibbers 426
Plagues, Animal 284
Plants, Phosphorescence in 140
Politics, Science as a Hope in 556
Pond-Mud as a Diarrhœa-Breeder 426
Popular Miscellany 133
Popular Miscellany 276
Popular Miscellany 423
Popular Miscellany 570
Popular Miscellany 714
Popular Miscellany 855
Proctor, Richard A. 692
Profession, The New 254
Pyburn, George 85
Pygmies, The 862

Queues, Severed, The Chinese Superstition of 861

Race Divisions, Indistinctness of 717
Radau, M. R. 169
Rainbows, On 659
Raisins, How, are dried 135
Randall, O. E 555
Religion, Influence of the Environment on 6
Religious Retrospect and Prospect 340
Remedies, The, of Nature 45
Remedies, The, of Nature 196
Remedies, The, of Nature 454
Remedies, The, of Nature 628
Remedies, The, of Nature 800
Reply, A, to Editorial Statements 701
Richards, Professor E. L. 446
Richards, Professor E. L. 587
River, A Subterranean, in Austria 859
Rocks, Sub-aërial Decay of 714
Rowland, Professor H. A. 30

Salt, Use of 430
Salts in Rivers and in the Sea 716
Sands, The Singing, of Manchester, Massachusetts 280
School-Children, Defective Hearing in 280
School Examinations 133
School-Recesses, The Utility of 90
Schools and Libraries, Egyptian, Ancient and Modern 141
Schools, Hygiene in 425
Science and Jack-Puddings 572
Science and Safety at Sea 692
Science in Classical Schools 409
Science, Pure, A Plea for 30
Science, Remarks on the Influence of 82
Science versus the Classics 674
Sea, Science and Safety at 692
Serviss, Garrett P. 180
Sewage, Disposition of 138
Sidereal System, The Study of our 279
Siemens, Sir Charles William, Sketch of 549
Slavery, The Coming 721
Smith, Theodore 837
Snakes, The Venom of 134
Sneeze, How we, laugh, stammer, and sigh 491
Social Subjects, Suggestions on 160
Speech, The Faculty of 793
Spencer, Herbert 340
Spencer, Herbert 433
Spencer, Herbert 721
Spencerian Philosophy, The Edinburgh Review on the 839
Spider, Turret-, Intelligence of a 430
Stebbins, F. R. 700
Steel-Iron 427
Stephen, Leslie 82
Stevenson, William G., M.D. 760
Stillman, J. M., Ph.B. 377
Stoddard, Professor John T. 461
Stone Age, The, in Africa 717
Stone Implements, Superstitions about 859
Structure, Function and 573
Study, Physiologically considered 639
Stump-Wells, Old, in the Mississippi Bottom 836
Sumner, Professor W. G. 160
Suns, Green, and Red Sunsets 598
Sun-Spots, A Belt of 180
Sun, The Recent Eclipse of the 573
Superstitions, Vinous 234
Sutphen, Joseph W. 520

Tarantula-Bites and the Dancing-Cure 277
Telescope, A Home-made 85
Telescope, The Home-made 410
Thorne, R. T. 73
Thought, A Defense of Modern 780
Tidal Anomalies 411
Time, The New Standard of 423
Tissandier, Gaston 752
Toryism, The New 433
Trees, Concentric Rings of 259
Trees, The Age of 53
Trees, The Age of 554
Trees, The Big, of Turkistan 283
Tyndall, John, F. R. S. 659

Under-ground Wires 503

Velain, M. Ch. 24
Vinous Superstitions 234
Vital Force, Physiological Significance of 760
Volcanoes, The Extinct, of the Pacific Slope 572

Wadsworth, M. E. 754
Water-System, A Prehistoric 539
White, Frances Emily, M.D. 577
Williams, F. W. 243
Williams, W. Mattieu 98
Williams, W. Mattieu 228
Williams, W. Mattieu 361
Williams, W. Mattieu 496
Williams, W. Mattieu 686
Williams, W. Mattieu 773
Wills, Last, and Testaments 520
Wilson, Henry H. 676
Wind-Sounds in the Desert 285
Wires, Under-ground 503
Wooldridge, C. W., M. D. 826


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