The Motions of Fluids and Solids on the Earth's Surface. By Professor William Ferrel. Reprinted, with Notes, by Frank Waldo. Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp. 51.
This essay, the first and most important of the valuable mathematical essays of Professor Ferrel on the motions of the atmosphere, is reprinted as the first part of a paper, the object of which is to place in the hands of the investigator and student the important writings on the subject, elucidated with notes. It is to be followed by a second part, including the writings of several European mathematicians, who have engaged in the study.
Meteorological and Physical Observations on the East Coast of British North America. By Orray Taft Sherman. Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp. 202.
This volume contains the observations and deductions made by the meteorologist of the scientific party of the schooner Florence, which spent the winter of 1877—'78 in Cumberland Sound, latitude from 64·50° to 67°, and completes the scientific record of the expedition. The observations relate to tidal phenomena, temperature, hygrometry, the winds, atmospheric pressure, the weather, and the color of the sky, cloudiness, precipitation, and auroral phenomena.
Annual Report of the Operations of the United States Life-saving Service, for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 1882. Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp. 504.
The report well illustrates the efficiency and usefulness of the service to which it relates. The department has 189 stations, of which 144 are on the Atlantic, 37 on the lakes, seven on the Pacific, and one at the Falls of the Ohio, Louisville, Kentucky. It had cognizance, during the year covered by the present report, of 345 disasters to vessels of different classes, directly involving 2,398 persons. Of these persons, 2,386 were saved, and only twelve were lost. Of $4,766,227 of property involved, $3,106,457 were saved. Interesting statements are made respecting the success that has attended the use of the surf-boat, the self-righting and self-bailing life-boat, the breeches-buoy, the wreck-gun, the heaving-stick, the India-rubber dress, and other life-saving apparatus. Circumstantial accounts are given of each of the cases of shipwreck and rescue; statistics are shown of wrecks and casualties in American waters and disasters to American vessels in other waters, since 1879; and the instructions of the service to mariners in case of shipwreck are furnished.
Charts and Tables showing Geographical Distribution of Rainfall in the United States. By H. H. C. Dunwoody. Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp. 51, with 13 Charts.
The charts exhibit the geographical distribution of the average monthly and average yearly rainfall in the United States, as determined by observers of the Signal Service. The tables give the actual rainfall occurring during each month at the regular Signal-Service stations and army posts, with the average rainfall for each month, season, and year, and serve to show the fluctuations of rainfall in different sections of the country during the last ten years.
The North Atlantic Cyclones of August, 1883. By Lieutenant W. H. H. Southerland, U. S. Navy. Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp. 22.
This report includes the records of the cyclones of August 19th to August 27th, and of August 27th to September 1st, with maps of their course, compiled from the logs of vessels which came under their influence. Nautical directions are appended for manœuvring in, and avoiding the center of, cyclones in the North Atlantic.
Horological and Thermometry Bureau of Yale College Observatory. Third Annual Report. By Leonard Waldo. New Haven: Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor. Pp. 26.
Watches continue to be received for testing from a variety of makers, and show a decided improvement in quality of performance. The establishment of a school of horology is suggested, but endowments are wanting. Time-signals are regularly transmitted from the observatory to the railroads of the State. Certificates have been issued of 5,295 thermometers, against 4,552 in 1881-'82 and 1,957 in 1880-'81.