The Physician's Visiting List for 1884. Philadelphia: P. Blakiston & Co. Price, $1.
This, as the title implies, is a sort of annual hand-book or note-book for doctors, which now reappears in the thirty-third year of its publication. It is in a compact and convenient form, and is arranged for twenty-five patients weekly. Its dose-table has been revised to accord with the late changes in the Pharmacopœia, and has a list appended with suggestions for their exhibition. There are several other tables for ready reference, and aids for calculation, and the leaves for addresses, memoranda, etc., are arranged upon a plan at once simple and comprehensive. There are more advertisements included than it seems necessary for a physician to carry round in his pocket.
The Handy Book of Object-Lessons. From a Teacher's Note-Book. By J. Walker. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co. Pp. 129. $1.25.
This work is intended as an aid to teachers, in furnishing them with material for their lessons, and suggestions as to the way it may be used. The matter is ruled into two columns one, headed "Matter," containing the information to be imparted, while the other, headed "Method," is intended, not to be dogmatically adhered to, but to furnish what may serve as specimens of the various expedients to which teachers may resort. Two series of lessons are furnished. In the first series are given lessons on the animal, vegetable, and mineral kingdoms, and, in the second series, lessons on physiology, physical geography, and manufactures; besides which, each series contains a department of "Miscellaneous" lessons.
King's Hand-Book of Boston. Cambridge, Mass.: Moses King. Pp. 360. $1.
This work is designed to describe every noteworthy feature and institution of Boston. The subjects are systematically arranged, beginning with a sketch of the history of the city, after which are described the "Arteries," the "Arms" (railroads, steamers, etc.), the "Hotels and Restaurants," the "Public Buildings," and so on, through the list. The matter is periodically revised, so as to bring the successive editions of the book up to the time of their issue. The whole furnishes a comprehensive and useful account of a very interesting city, presented in the best typographical style, with illustrations worthy of their subject.
Johns Hopkins University. Studies from the Biological Laboratory. Professors H. Newell Martin and W. K. Brooks, editors. Vol. II, No. 3. Baltimore: N. Murray. Pp. 96.
The Geology and Topography of Iowa in a Sanitary Point of View. By P. J. Farnsworth, M. D. Pp. 12. Typhoid Fever of America: Its Nature, Causes, and Prevention. By E. J. Farquharson, M. D. Pp. 12. Hospitals for Contagious Diseases, and their Proper Location. By E. J. Farquharson, M.D. Pp. 12. Ventilation. By Justin M. Hull, M. D. Pp. 48. All published at Des Moines, Iowa, by the Iowa State Board of Health.
The Oyster Epicure. New York: White, Stokes & Allen. Pp. 61. 80 cents.
English as She is Spoke. "Her Seconds Part." New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. 56. 20 cents.
The Antipyretic Treatment of Typhoid Fever. By G. C. Smythe, M. D., Indianapolis, Ind. Pp. 24.
Annual Report of the Kansas City Public Schools, 1882-'83. Kansas City, Mo.: Ramsey, Millett & Hudson. Pp. 157.
The Despotism of Words in Relation to Science. By Orpheus Everts, M. D., College Hill, Ohio. Pp. 8.
An Examination of Some Controverted Points on the Physiology of the Voice. By T. Wesley Mills, London. Pp. 28.
Description of a Revolving Astigmatic Disk. By Charles A. Oliver, M. D., Philadelphia. Pp. 7.
Ocean Grove Camp-Meeting Association. Fourteenth Annual Report. Ocean Grove, N. J. Pp. 76.
Experimental and Inductive Chemistry. Prospectus and Proof-sheets. By Charles R. Dreyer, Fort Wayne, Ind. Pp. 32.
Chicago Astronomical Society and Dearborn Observatory Reports, 1883. Chicago: Knight & Leonard. Pp. 15.
University of Georgia, Medical College, Closing Exercises. Pp. 4.
The Treatment of Wounds, as based on Evolutionary Laws. By C. Pitfield Mitchel. New York: J. H. Vail & Co. Pp. 29. 50 cents.
"Scandinavia: A Monthly Journal," 29 N. Clark Street, Chicago. Pp. 24. 20 cents; $3 a year.
Diccionario Tecnológico: Inglés-Español y Español-Inglés. (Technological Dictionary: English-Spanish and Spanish-English.) By Nestor Ponce de Leon. In Twelve Parts. New York: N. Ponce de Leon. Pp. 48 each part. 50 cents each.
Historical Essay on the Art of Bookbinding. By H. P. DuBois. New York: Brad street Press. Pp. 42.
The Evolutionary Significance of Human Character. By Professor E. D. Cope. Pp. 12.
State Asylum for Insane Criminals. Twenty-third Annual Report. Auburn, N. Y.: W. J. Moses. Pp. 40.
Calendar of American History, 1884. By Delia W. Lyman. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. 865 Leaflets and Index. $1.
Directory to the Charitable and Beneficent Societies and Institutions of the City of New York. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. 169.