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into tanks, and letting it out periodically into the sea, had many objections, and was only partially successful. Another must be devised. . . . The result is so triumphantly satisfactory that Dr. E. M. Hunt, the Secretary of the New Jersey State Board of Health, after a very careful examination of its work, pronounced it not only satisfactory but the most complete that could be made." It embraces 15,050 feet of twelve-inch mains, and 8,500 feet of connecting lines, or in all 23,550 feet, or four and one half miles of sewer, connecting with all the large and with many of the smaller houses. Of the work of the year, the president is glad to state that "an offensive condition of things which has for several years caused much complaint, in the rear of the tents near the Trenton House, has been effectually removed, and the water-closet arrangements have been so adjusted as to give perfect satisfaction to those immediately concerned, greatly to the relief of the management of the Grove." An artesian well was opened in August, having a depth of 420 feet, and delivering about a barrel of water a minute. There are also at least 800 tube-wells which draw water from a depth of from twenty to thirty feet. Dr. Hunt says, in his report of the State Board of Health, that the sanitary prospects of the Grove have been greatly improved "the last year." The township Board of Health examined the sewer arrangements and report them satisfactory in every respect. Physicians at Ocean Grove and Asbury Park declare that the sanitary conditions of Ocean Grove were never so good; and some of them that the sanitary conditions there are superior to those of any other of the watering places of New Jersey. "The Popular Science Monthly" is as glad as the officers of the Association or its best friends can be that it has been so successful in improving the condition of things, present and prospective, and is able to make so good a showing.

The Evolutionary Significance of Human Character. By Professor E. D. Cope, Philadelphia. Pp. 12.

In this paper Professor Cope essays a sketch of the order of development of the different faculties of the mind, and summarizes his conclusions by saying that the order of the appearance of the intelligence is nearly dependent on the development of the powers of observation. The character of most civilizations tends to diminish the power of perception, while the higher departments of reason and imagination are enlarged. The imagination reached a high development before reason had attained much strength. With the exception of a few families, the intelligence of mankind has, up to within two or three centuries, expressed itself in works of imagination. "With the modern cultivation of the natural and physical sciences, the perceptive faculties will be restored, it is to be hoped, to their true place, and thus many avenues opened up for the higher thought-power of a developed race. Thus it is that in the order of human development there is to be a return to the primitive powers of observation, without loss of the later-acquired and more noble capacities of the intellect."

Horses: Their Feed and their Feet. By C. E. Page, M. D. New York: Fowler & Wells. Pp. 149. 75 cts.

A book of plain, practical maxims on the proper keeping of horses, involving some views that are novel, but the value of which has been tested in the author's experience. A leading object is to recommend a reformed system of feeding, that we might characterize as the "two-meal" system, which is fully expounded and earnestly maintained. Accounts are given of the way Mr. Bonner and other famous fanciers treat their horses. The causes of various diseases are pointed out, and suggestions are given respecting their treatment. The question of shoeing is fully considered, and it is shown how, under many conditions, horses will do better service without shoes; and Colonel C. M. Weld contributes an account of his experience with barefoot horses.

Photo-Micrographs, and how to make them. By George M. Sternberg, M. D., United States Army. Boston: James R. Osgood & Co. Pp. 204, with Twenty Colored Heliotype Plates. $3.

This work, which is really an elegant, although the author modestly styles it a "little" volume, is practical, and is intended for beginners in the art to which it relates. That art, photo-micrography, is the art of taking sun-pictures of microscopic objects

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