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COPIES OF BIRD-LORE WANTED! We will give $1 each for the first 25 copies of BIRD-LORE for April, 1900, No. 2 Vol. II, returned to us at Harrisburg, Pa., in good condition.


November — December, 1903


{| width="80%" style="margin:0 auto 0 auto;"

|- | colspan="2" style="text-align:left;"| GENERAL ARTICLES |style="text-align:right;"| PAGE |- |

Frontispiece—American Redstart; Painted Redstart

|style="text-align:right;"| Bruce Horsfall |style="text-align:right;"| |- |

An Island Eden. Illustrated by the author

|style="text-align:right;"| Frank M. Chapman |style="text-align:right;"| 175 |- |

Galapagos Mockingbird and Yellow-crowned Night Heron. Illustration

|style="text-align:right;"| R. H. Beck |style="text-align:right;"| 183 |- |

The Turkey Vulture and Its Young. Illustrated by the author

|style="text-align:right;"| Thomas H. Jackson |style="text-align:right;"| 184 |- |colspan="2"|

Questions for Bird Students

|style="text-align:right;"| 187 |- |colspan="3" style="text-align:left;"| TEACHERS AND STUDENTS |- |

The Migration of Warblers. First Paper. Illustrated by Bruce Horsfall

|style="text-align:right;"| W. W. Cooke |style="text-align:right;"| 188 |- |colspan="2"|

What Bird is This? Illustration

|style="text-align:right;"| 193 |- |colspan="2"|

Bird-Lore’s Fourth Christmas Bird Census

|style="text-align:right;"| 194 |- |colspan="2"|

A Book Exchange

|style="text-align:right;"| 194 |- |colspan="2"|

Bird-Lore’s Advisory Councilors. Seventh Series
Portraits of Wm. Brewster, Ernest Thompson Seton, Montague Chamberlain, W. H. Bergtold

|style="text-align:right;"| 195 |- |colspan="3" style="text-align:left;"| FOR YOUNG OBSERVERS |- |

A Nuthatch’s Nest

|style="text-align:right;"| Frank I. Antes |style="text-align:right;"| 196 |- |colspan="2"|

A Prize Offered

|style="text-align:right;"| 196 |- |

A Winter Cardinal. Illustrated by the authors.

|style="text-align:right;"| Rowland Evans, Jr. and Allen Evans, Jr. |style="text-align:right;"| 197 |- |

The Brown Creeper. Verse

|style="text-align:right;"| Earle Stafford |style="text-align:right;"| 197 |- |colspan="2" style="text-align:left;"| NOTES FROM FIELD AND STUDY |style="text-align:right;"| 198 |- |colspan="2"|

A Phoœbe With Three Nests. illustrated, A. C. Dike: Swallow’s Nest on Board Boat,
Burton W. Gates: A Large Phoœbe’s Nest, illustrated, C. F. Stone: The Palm Warbler in New Jersey, W. De W. Miller: The Pine Grosbeak at Englewood, N. J., Frank M. Chapman: Twenty-first Congress of the A. O. U., A Piazza Bird List, Bertha B. Watson.

|style="text-align:right;"| |- |colspan="2" style="text-align:left;"| EDITORIAL |style="text-align:right;"| 204 |- |colspan="2" style="text-align:left;"| AUDUBON DEPARTMENT

Editorial: Reports of the District of Columbia and Vermont Audubon Societies; The Annual Audubon Conference.

|style="text-align:right;"| 205 |- |style="text-align:left;"| EDUCATIONAL LEAFLET NO. 6 The Wild Pigeon |style="text-align:right;"| William Dutcher |style="text-align:right;"| 209 |}

∴ Manuscripts intended for publication, books, etc., for review, and exchanges should be sent to the Editor at Englewood, New Jersey.


Bird-Lore’s Christmas Card will be sent to all subscribers renewing their subscriptions, and its receipt should be considered a notice that due entry of renewal has been made. Subscribers whose subscription does not expire with this issue may have the Card at once by renewing now, when their subscription will be extended one year from the date of its expiration.


BIRD-LORE is published on the first of every other month by the Macmillan Co., at Crescent and Mulberry streets, Harrisburg, Pa., where all notices of change of address, etc., should be sent.

'Subscribers whose subscriptions expires with the present issue will find a properly dated renewal blank in their magazine. In the event of a desire not to renew, the publishers would greatly appreciate a postal to that effect.

To subscribers whose subscription expired with the issue for October, 1903, and who have as yet neither renewed their subscription nor, in response to our request, sent us a notice to discontinue their magazine, the present number is sent in the belief that the matter of renewal has been overlooked. We trust it will now receive prompt attention.

Complete sets of Volumes I, II, III and IV of ‘Bird-Lore’ can still be supplied.

Volume I contains 206 pages, with 79 illustrations; Volume II, 204 pages, with 80 illustrations; Volume III, 228 pages, with 92 illustrations, or a total of 638 pages (euivalent to about 1,200 pages of the average 12mo book), and 251 illustrations.

Every number of ‘Bird-Lore’ is as readable and valuable today as when it was issued, and no bird-lover who is not already supplied can find a better investment than back volumes of this magazine. Vols. I and III are offered at the subscription price of $1 each, postpaid; the price of Vol. II is $3.

Entered as second-class mail matter in the Post Office at Harrisburg, Pa.

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