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The Migration of Warblers 191


I have no notes whatever on the migration of this species and can add to the information given in Mrs. Bailey’s ‘Handbook‘ only the statement that it extends its range to Guatemala and Honduras, and is found from 3.000 to 9,000 feet, while the lower districts and the coasts are occupied in the winter by the American Redstart.


zit/unfit Cami—Our only spring record from Florida is April 10. 1902. We have no spring records, outside of the plateau region. from Georgia, South Carolina and North Carolina. The species arrives near Atlanta, Ga., average, ADril 17: near Asheville, N. C., average, April 14; earliest, April 10. 1893. These are undoubtedly breeding birds. and. consequently, earlier. relatively. than those from the lower grounds east or west.

Additional average records are: White Sulphur Springs, W. Va., April 22. earliest April 17; French Creek. W. Va., April 28, earliest April 23: Lynchburg. Va., May 2; Washington, D. C.. May 5: Eastern Pennsyla Vania. May 5: Sing Sing. N. Y.. May 10; Cambridge, Mass” May 12: Southern Maine, May 19, earliest May 8. 1900: New Brunswick, May 21, earliest May 20, 1902: Pictou, 8., May 30, 1894: Montreal, May 19; Quebec. May 18, 1901.

[Vlisrixri/xpi Fallon-New Orleans. La.. rare in spring. April 8. 1900. April 8, 1902; Southern Texas, rare. average April 15. earliest April 1. 1890; Central Mississippi. average April 14: Central Kentucky, April 29. 1893. April 29, 1899; St, Louis. Mo.. average May 13, earliest May 6: Brookville, 1nd,. earliest April 15, average early in May; Southwestern Ontario, average Nlay 6, earliest May 3, 1890: Parry Sound District, Ont.. average May 11, earliest May 6, 1889; Ottawa. Ont., average May 13, earliest Nlay 8, 1885 and 1896; Lanesboro, Minn., average NIay 15, earliest May 3. 1888 (this is probably accidental, the next earliest record being May 12. 1891): Carberry, Mani, June 3, 1883. The most northern records are Trout Lake and Severn House, Keewatin.


Atlantic CramiEarly records are Chester county. S. C.. August 8: Bay St. Louis, Miss. August 11. 1898; San Jose. Costa Rica, August 17. 1890. Northern breeding birds reach Sing Sing, N. Y., August 15. The bulk is passing the southern end of the Alleghanies September 25 t0 Octo- ber 5, is present in Costa Rica the first two weeks of October, and early in November is settled in its Peruvian winter home.

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