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192 Bird-Lore

Some late records in eastern United States are: Eastern Massachu- setts, September 30: Sing Sing, N. Y., October 15 (abnormally late); Washington, D. C., October 5: Raleigh, N. C., October 8, 1887, October 4, 1888, October 13, 1891: Asheville, N, C., September 15, 1890, Sep- tember 20, 189.1,: Chester county, S. C., October 22; Tarpon Springs, Fla, October 15, 1886; Key West, Fla., October 21, 1887.

Zl’Iiisirxi/xpi Fallen—The last Blackburnian Warblers leave the region of Lake Michigan about the first of October. Late records are: St. Louis, l\/Io., October 2. 1896; New Orleans, La., October 9, 1896, October 18, 1897 and 1901,

A few birds winter as far north as Yucatan and Orizaba, Mexico, but the bulk winter in Ecuador and Peru, or from central Colombia to cen- tral Peru. This species. therefore, spends five months in its winter home in South America, three months in its summer home in Canada, and averages over fifty miles a day travel for the rest of the year.



lit/mini Comm—The earliest record in the United States for this species is Sombrero Key Light, Florida, March 11, 1888: the average in northern Florida is the first week in April, the earliest being Suwanee river, March 22, 1890, and PCrLllLlO Lighthouse, March 22, 1885. At Charleston, S. C., eight struck the light April 8, 1902, At Cumberland, (3a., the earliest record is April 10, 1902; on April 15, 1902, this was the most common among the birds that swarmed about the light: it was again abundant the next night The average at Raleigh, N. C1, is April 181

Il'lissinippi Val/ryiAt New Orleans, La,, the earliest record is March 13, 1888, the average being March 18, Additional records are: Central NIississippi, average April 6, earliest April 3, 1889; Lomita. Texas, l\/Iarch 26, 1880; Matagorda Island, Texas. March 31, 1900; Dallas, Texas, April 8, 1898, April 6, 1899; Manhattan, Kans. April 25. 1891, April 26, 1894, April 26, 1895; St. Louis, Mo., April 18, 1884, April 20, 1885; Wabash county, Illinois, April 19, 1878: Knox county, Indiana, April 18, 1881; Vigo county, Indiana, April 10, 1896: Elkhart county, Indiana, April 27, 1891, and Sbiocton, Wis, May 4, 1882.


The earliest records of fall migration are at Raleigh, N, C., July 14, 1893 and 1894,, and at Key West, Fla,, July 28. 1888, and August 8, 1889. The earliest records south of the United States are on the coast of south- eastern Nicaraugua, September 2, 1892, and in Northern Colombia, South America, September 25. The latest date at Raleigh, N. C., is August 26.

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