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Bird-Lore’s Fourth Christmas Bird Census

There is every prospect that BtRD-LORE'S Fourth Christmas Bird Cen— sus will exceed in interest any of the three that have preceded it. The more northern birds have appeared in unusual numbers. and the cause or causes accountable for their presence may induce the rarest of winter birds to visit us. Already we have had reports of the occurrence of Evening Grosbeaks, and we await their confirmation by other observers.

Reference to the February, 1901, 1902,01’1903. numbers of BlRD-LORE will acquaint one with the nature of the report of the day’s hunt which we desire; but to those to whom none of these issues are available we may explain that such reports should be headed by a brief statement of the character of the weather. whether clear, cloudy. raining, etc,. whether the ground is bare or snow-covered, the direction and force of the wind, the temperature at the time of starting, the hour of starting and of returning. Then should be xgiven, in the order of the A, O. U. ‘Check-List,‘ a list of the species seen, with exactly. or approximately, the number of individual: of each species recorded, A record should read. therefore. as follows:

Yonkers. N. Y., Time 54 .-\. M. to r2 M. Clear; ground hare; wind west.

light; temperature 387 Herring Gull, 75: etc. Total,«species,— intlivitluals.—J.-\)IES GATES.

These records will be published in the February issue of BIRD»LORE, and it is particularly requested that they be sent the editor (at Englewood, N. J.) not later than December 28.

A Book Exchange

For the convenience of our readers we open BIRD»LORE'S pages, when space permits. to announcements of nature books desired or offered for exchange or sale, It is requested that all such announcements be type— written and expressed in form similar to that given below


Bendire, 'Lite-Histories of North American Birds.‘ Part II. Langille, ‘ Birds in their Haunts.’ Goss, ‘ Birds of Kansas.‘


Bendire, ‘Life-Histories of North American Birds.’ Part I, Newton, Dictionary of Birds (unabridged edition). Wilson. American Ornitholgy. Jardine edition, 1839. Cones, ‘ Key to North American Birds,’ 1884. edition.

RALPH HOFFMANN. Belmont. Mass.


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