Work of the Ordnance Bureau of the War Department of the Confederate States, 1861-5, by J. W. Mallet, ex-Lieut. Colonel of Artillery and Superintendent of Confederate States Ordnance Laboratories.
General Armistead's Portrait Presented. Address before R. E. Lee Camp No. 1, C. V., January 29, 1909, by Rev. James E. Poindexter, late Captain in the 38th Virginia Regiment, Armistead's Brigade.
Gen. J. E. B. Stuart in the Gettysburg Campaign. A Reply to Col. John S. Mosby, by Rev. Randolph Harrison McKim, late A. D. C. 3rd Brigade, Gen. Edward Johnson's Division, A. N. V.
Jefferson Davis—A Statement Concerning the Imputed Special Causes of His Long Imprisonment by the Government of the United States, and of his Tardy Release by Due Process of Law, by Hon. George Shea