Diary of Captain James M. Garnett, Ordnance Officer of Rodes' Division, 2d Corps, Army of Northern Virginia, from August 5th to November 30th, 1864, covering part of General J. A. Early's campaign in the Shenandoah Valley
It was Obedience Even Unto Death. The devotion of James H. Beers, of Connecticut, who left home to serve the Southern Confederacy, and fell at Chancellorsville. By Major Robert Stiles
How General A. P. Hill Met His Fate, comprehending the statements of Sergeants Geo. W. Tucker, C. S. Army, and John H. Mauk, U. S. Army. Also an account of the death of General John Sedgwick, U. S. Army, by James P. Matthews and Winfield Peters, Baltimore, Md.
Ceremonies attending the Unveiling of the Monument to the Confederate dead at Jacksonville, Florida, June 16, 1898. With the addresses by Ex-Gov. F. P. Fleming, Col. R. H. M. Davidson and Gov. W. D. Bloxham, and a sketch of C. C. Hemming
Raid of General David Hunter, U. S. Army. Burning of the Virginia Military Institute and other buildings, and the murder of two citizens by his orders. How General McCausland held immense odds in check. By J. Scott Moore
Gettysburg. The courageous part taken in the desperate conflict, June 2-3, 1863, by the Florida brigade (General E. A. Perry), there commanded by Colonel David Lang, with the serious casualties sustained
The Sick and Wounded Confederate Soldiers in the Hospitals at Hagerstown and Williamsport, Md., in 1863. A list of, by Surgeon J. M. Gaines, C. S. Army
Ceremonies of the Unveiling at Front Royal, Va., September 23, 1899, of the Monument to Mosby's Men, who, whilst prisoners of war, were executed September 23, 1864. With addresses by Major A. E. Richards and Hon. R. H. Downing, and further statements by Colonel John S. Mosby, as to who was responsible for the murders
Address of Benjamin Blake Minor, LL. D., on the presentation of the Portrait of Judge William Brockenbrough to the Circuit Court of Essex county, July 7, 1899