The Lost Sword of Gen. R. B. Garnett (who fell at Gettysbury) returned to his neice, Mrs. John B. Purcell. By Col. Winfield Peters, U. C. V., with account of how Gen. Garnett met his death.
Address at Newton, N. C., before the Annual Re-Union of Confederate Veterans. By Col. R. T. Bennett, late of 14th N. C. Troops; with Appendix as to the Last Charge at Appomattox, etc
My Personal Experiences in Taking up Arms and in the Battle of Malvern Hill, Gettysburg, Pickett's Charge. Addresses by Hon. James F. Crocker before Stonewall Camp, C. V., Portsmouth, Va., on February 6, 1889, and November 7, 1894.
General Lee at Gettysburg; A Paper read before the Military Historical Society of Massachusetts, April 4th, 1905. By James Power Smith, Capt. and A. D. C. to Gen. Ewell.
Some of the Drug Conditions During the War Between the States, 1861-5; A Paper read before the American Pharmaceutical Association in Baltimore, Md., in August, 1897. By Joseph Jacobs, pharmacist, Atlanta, Ga
Roster of the Battalion of the Georgia Military Institute Cadets in the Confederate Army; Service from May 16th, 1864, to May 20th, 1865. By Robert L. Rodgers.